Skins coach tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I told my buddy from day one that williams wouldnt get the head coaching position... I still feel that way... the one thing on offense we have lacked is a big wide out that can go across the middle and take a hit....

...why wait? At some point, someone is gonna look at Al and Gregg and say "Hey, you wanna job?"


But, hey, they still sell Kool Aid.

Thank God for that! It's about the only thing that makes sense.
You want consistency everywhere in a team. Instead, now the Redskins will be the Deadskins for two to four years until the team figures out the new scheme and the players needed to implement it. Revolving door again.
Campbell said he has learned 7 schemes in the last eight years.
I don't understand it either.
Obviously Dan is uncomfortable with either Sanders or Williams as head coach or as assistants under a new head coach. Maybe they don't want any part of a Gibbless team?
I guess I'll be cheering for the Skins anyway you look at it. Which might the problem with Snyder - fans, who cares? he still has the most profitable team in the NFL.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
The bright side...

Thank God for that! It's about the only thing that makes sense.
You want consistency everywhere in a team. Instead, now the Redskins will be the Deadskins for two to four years until the team figures out the new scheme and the players needed to implement it. Revolving door again.
Campbell said he has learned 7 schemes in the last eight years.
I don't understand it either.
Obviously Dan is uncomfortable with either Sanders or Williams as head coach or as assistants under a new head coach. Maybe they don't want any part of a Gibbless team?
I guess I'll be cheering for the Skins anyway you look at it. Which might the problem with Snyder - fans, who cares? he still has the most profitable team in the NFL.

:coffee: I might be able to affford take the family to a game again next season, oh, about week 12 or so.



Nothing to see here
Snyder/Cerrato have burnt the Gregg Williams bridge, doesn't matter who they hire at this point, next year is another starting all over again year. The stability that they supposedly brought Gibbs here for will be washed away as if it never was the plan to begin with.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
From the...

...latest release;

“The process of selecting a new head coach continues, although no hire is planned until after the Super Bowl so as not to distract from the Championship game as well as to keep open all our options,” Snyder added. “We are on track with our interviews, but in the interim we also are filling our coaching positions and re-signing several existing staff members. During our interviews with prospective head coaches we heard time and again how highly respected some of our 2007 assistant coaches were and who they would select to fill out their staffs. That intelligence is helping guide our hiring decisions.”



...latest release;

“The process of selecting a new head coach continues, although no hire is planned until after the Super Bowl so as not to distract from the Championship game as well as to keep open all our options,” Snyder added. “We are on track with our interviews, but in the interim we also are filling our coaching positions and re-signing several existing staff members. During our interviews with prospective head coaches we heard time and again how highly respected some of our 2007 assistant coaches were and who they would select to fill out their staffs. That intelligence is helping guide our hiring decisions.


He said intelligence... :doh:
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Well - Greg Williams is no longer there - guess he will not be a head coach - so much for continuity!

A thought;
Egos are volatile, especially when you have the boy wonder and the hard as nails defensive coach.
I just read somewhere that they had a shouting match. With egos like that, do you think Danny boy would hire somebody he couldn't control? Not likely.
What you have is a mega millionaire telling one of the best defensive coaches:
It's my or the highway.
What do you think Greg said? (Hint: it had nothing to do with Christmas or Hanuka).

Peter Forsberg

New Member
I don't get it. They are still looking for a head coach but already have Off and Def coaches. What if the head coach doesn't agree with their coaching styles or their system? This is very odd, normally you pick a head coach who then picks his Off and Def coaches or atleast has a hand in picking them. Good Luck Redskins fans.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I don't get it. They are still looking for a head coach but already have Off and Def coaches. What if the head coach doesn't agree with their coaching styles or their system? This is very odd, normally you pick a head coach who then picks his Off and Def coaches or atleast has a hand in picking them. Good Luck Redskins fans.

...trying to say that we are going about this in a
