Skins coach tread...


Football addict
Posted at 1:03 AM ET, 02/ 7/2008
Late Nite Update

Here's what we got for now ... Still waiting to hear back from some people so will post thru the nite if need be.

New York Giants defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo remained deep in talks with the Redskins regarding the team's head vacancy last night, his second day of meetings with owner Daniel Snyder. Spagnuolo spent Tuesday night and all of Wednesday with Snyder and executive vice president Vinny Cerrato.

Jim Fassel, who was nearly given the job two weeks ago, was also a finalist and was awaiting word from the team on a decision. League sources said that Fassel, former San Francisco Coach Steve Mariucci and Indianapolis defensive coordinator Ron Meeks anticipated that Snyder could contact them late last night with his decision as well, with the process winding down a month after Joe Gibbs resigned. (As of 1 a.m. those candidates had not heard from the team, league sources said).

Fassel remained hopeful and believed that he and Spagnuolo were the leading candidates, league sources said, while sources close to Spagnuolo said the coach, who led New York's defense in its stunning Super Bowl defeat of New England, was very enthused about his sessions with the team. League sources said Meeks and Mariucci were less optimistic about their chances and they sensed the decision would likely come down to Fassel or Spagnuolo.

Click link for entire article

Channel 9 and others on ExtremeSkins believe that Spagnuolo is spending another night (tonight) at Snyder's mansion.:twitch:
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Nothing to see here
Sally Jenkins has a great column in todays WP..Not a fan of hers, but this column is one of her better efforts.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Sally Jenkins has a great column in todays WP..Not a fan of hers, but this column is one of her better efforts.

...much to argue about with that piece.

Thing is, what does Spags want? Money? To be a true head coach? To win?

Money he can get from us, more than anyone else will pay.

If he wants to be a true head coach, that's not here. It hasn't worked out so great with head coaches playing GM, but the arranged marriage to our new assistants is just plain silly. You can't even call someone 'head coach' if he doesn't even have people of his choosing sinking or swimming with his star. This is why Fassel must be the guy. It's a bit much to expect anyone to not be able to choose their own assistants. Fossil was either on board with Snyder's new choices or wants work bad enough to not care. Spag has clout.

Winning means stay in New York. The Giants defensive talent has been great and just got better with all the rookies they have blossoming. Plus, Eli just stepped into the role, in his fourth year, as the best QB in the NFC along with plenty of other offensive talent.

The Skins have a 13 year guy as D leader, moderate talent throughout the D and certainly nothing like the players NY has on D line. On offense, Jason Campbell may as well be a rookie all over again. The line is full of questions. There are questions at receiver and running back never mind that everybody gets to learn a new system.

Spagnoula can get that kind of job next year or the year after.

So, that means, if Spags has a brain in his head, he comes here for an outrageous contract. Like everybody else. Or stays another year and has fun in NY and a nice raise.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else here feel that the skins are going to end up hiring the lowest bidder? What's Dick Vermeil doing these days?