Skins coach tread...


Let's see...
If I'm Dan and you are the head coach, how do you tell the two "assistant coaches inchargeofplayingfootball": "You guys ****ed up, do what I say or take a walk?

To quote "Remember the Titans",
"When was the last time you heard of an assistant coach getting blamed for losing a game?"

What exactly am I supposed to do as a head coach if the offense and defense are taken care of?
Is there a special teams coach or punting coach who wants to be our head coach?

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Let's see...
If I'm Dan and you are the head coach, how do you tell the two "assistant coaches inchargeofplayingfootball": "You guys ****ed up, do what I say or take a walk?

To quote "Remember the Titans",
"When was the last time you heard of an assistant coach getting blamed for losing a game?"

What exactly am I supposed to do as a head coach if the offense and defense are taken care of?
Is there a special teams coach or punting coach who wants to be our head coach?


You take your millions, work your year, get fired, and move on.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
We could have a seance and then hire George Allen, Miss Cleo could be the offensive coordinator. I wonder if that John Edward guy likes football?


New Member
WARNING: This is a crosspost from the SB thread.

* Crosspost from the SB thread *

Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet...but we could very well be watching the next head coach of the Redskins. The Giants' D Co-ord...Spagnuolo.

If I were a Skins fan...I would very much hope he is the next coach.


Football addict you like him?
He has been around the block coaching many positions for many teams; a good track record. This includes being very involved in scouting.

He's not Fassel.


...the recent playoff's and Super Bowl.

Of course, with the D-line we have now it will be a few years before he can achieve what he has in N.Y.


Active Member
I think they'll pick Marinucci (sp?). They are moving toward a "west coast" offense. I guess they feel the need for a west coast coach too.


Football addict
Interesting that Spagnuolo's first NFL job was with the Skins as an intern in 1983.
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