Skins/Saints game tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You gotta be kidding me! :rolleyes: The whole season I’ve done nothing but criticize this team and you go on rants to tell me all the bright spots of the Skins. Then I, for once, see some light on this team – a real spark - and what do you do? Find something to disagree with me on. Sometimes I think you argue just to hear yourself argue.

WHO wants to argue for argument's sake? :lol: I agreed the O played well, very well and they did! However, there is no universe where the d gives up over 400 yards passing and it's a good thing. There is no universe where the safety gets suckered on the same play, twice, giving away 14 points, and it's a good thing. There is no universe where missing a chippie, nail in the coffin fg is a good thing. There is no universe where Barnes gets hit by a HORRIFIC punt is a good thing.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
The Skin's secondary has been the bane of this team, so it doesn’t surprise me they gave up a “bazillion” yards on this very successful passing team.

It's a surprise to you that a top five pass defense messes up, bad? Top five is 'bane'? Hell, I think they were #1 before this game. :tap:


Well-Known Member
Its surprising to me that they have remained a top 5 defense with the way Rogers has gotten burned all season, and now today Landry, I get so tired of seeing him running around shaking his head thinking he is this almightly football player when he makes any kind of tackle or stop, if there is a time to do all this cocky stuff its when the game is over and there is W in the win column. Yesterday's lost came down to 2 people Landry and Suisham.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Its surprising to me that they have remained a top 5 defense with the way Rogers has gotten burned all season, and now today Landry, I get so tired of seeing him running around shaking his head thinking he is this almightly football player when he makes any kind of tackle or stop, if there is a time to do all this cocky stuff its when the game is over and there is W in the win column. Yesterday's lost came down to 2 people Landry and Suisham.

I hear you. However, he made a bunch of great plays as well. Emotion and attitude are huge parts of football and guys kinda gotta be who they are to let it fly.

That said, I could do without all the peacock stuff.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
That was a GREAT game, up until the missed FG. I was in that end zone and as they were coming out of the 2 minute warning, you could see an attitude change on the field. The Skins went from hard fighting spoilers to "oh man we got this in the bag". The drunkest guy in our section noticed it first and then the rest of us picked up on it.

The Post has a quote in there from Brees saying that it's about time the Saints started catching some breaks. W---T---F?:confused: How many craptacular punts bounced off one of their coverage guys? How times has a Saints defender been stripped of a ball after an INT then return it for a score? How about missed 23 yd FGs?

The team that was on the field yesterday (other than a handful of DEF snaps) was the best team that the Skins has fielded in over two years.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That was a GREAT game, up until the missed FG. I was in that end zone and as they were coming out of the 2 minute warning, you could see an attitude change on the field. The Skins went from hard fighting spoilers to "oh man we got this in the bag". The drunkest guy in our section noticed it first and then the rest of us picked up on it.

You and your section should be on a show tonight!!! :buddies:


Nothing to see here
That was a GREAT game,

Yes, it was...Now, lil Danny and Vinny will think they are vindicated and the only thing they need now is a head coach....and we'll get more of the same next year..and the year after..and year after that..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yes, it was...Now, lil Danny and Vinny will think they are vindicated and the only thing they need now is a head coach....and we'll get more of the same next year..and the year after..and year after that..

Which is why Kom needs to be on the TV. There is no way in hell any Redskin should be thinking 'we got it!' until they are in the locker room.


Major Nelson is my hero
It was awsome. there was a guy dressed up like the Master chief from halo at the game. his suite was so cool.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
It was awsome. there was a guy dressed up like the Master chief from halo at the game. his suite was so cool.
I saw alot of strange stuff at the game. A..... B.... B....Bl....Black Santa.. I so wanted to throw a snowball at him Philly style. I saw a drunk that thought it would be a good idea to jump on a snow pile near the mens bathroom until he slide down the backside of the snow pile and slammed his head into a concrete wall. Weeeee Ouch that hurt.... :killingme
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WHO wants to argue for argument's sake? :lol: I agreed the O played well, very well and they did! However, there is no universe where the d gives up over 400 yards passing and it's a good thing. There is no universe where the safety gets suckered on the same play, twice, giving away 14 points, and it's a good thing. There is no universe where missing a chippie, nail in the coffin fg is a good thing. There is no universe where Barnes gets hit by a HORRIFIC punt is a good thing.


The O played great when you compare it to the rest of the season. Only one other team scored over 30 points against the Saints. All things considered, we got slightly better than expected from the D. 7 of the Saints 12 wins they scored over 35 points. So, all-in-all, the D did pretty good compared to the rest of the Saints’ season. I’ve admitted the chip shot lost the game. The bad call on Sellers in OT also lost them the game. But considering Suisie’s slice put them into OT, the Skins probably didn’t deserve the win anyway. Generally speaking this was by far the Skin’s best game.


A Salute to all on Watch
If you throw an INT, what then? Maybe a very safe pass could have been worked out (rollout where if it's not there, throw it away), but I think they also wanted to run time so the Saints had as little time as possible.

The F.G. attempt was totally the right call. I was so F'n mad yesterday, I apologized to my girl for yelling while watching it, she told me it shows I am still a true fan. I so wanted to kick the TV screen in. :killingme