Skins/Saints game tread...


They're out to get us
I guess I'm the only one that is asking WTF was Zorn thinking by not trying for a TD instead of playing "not to lose" and running on 3rd and goal when there was no way to run the clock out? Yea, he should have made the field goal but why play not to lose instead of trying to win?

Wow man. You throw for the end zone, Saints get an INT, and then they can tie the game. You go with the safe play and set up the "guaranteed" FG and there's basically no way they can come back and beat you. It also forces them to take a timeout, or waste a bunch of time, should the Skins not score. Anyone who would throw there would be a braindead moron. Zorn played it correctly. There's no difference between 10 pts and 14 pts with the amount of time that was left on the clock.


Danny boy needs to throw a few extra bucks at the uniforms and get some gold thread
and gold looking paint so the team won't have to don the burgundy and SHA yellow anymore !
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A Salute to all on Watch
Wow man. You throw for the end zone, Saints get an INT, and then they can tie the game. You go with the safe play and set up the "guaranteed" FG and there's basically no way they can come back and beat you. It also forces them to take a timeout, or waste a bunch of time, should the Skins not score. Anyone who would throw there would be a braindead moron. Zorn played it correctly. There's no difference between 10 pts and 14 pts with the amount of time that was left on the clock.

I see that and understand that point of view but they hadn't played conservative all day and the game shouldn't have been as close as it was. We seen what Suisham did in Dallas when there was pressure, the field goal would have iced it and was probably the right call but when the plays have worked all day, why change then? JC had played great and I would have felt comfortable putting the ball in his hands on 2nd & goal and 3rd & goal; then kick the field goal if you don't get in.


PREMO Member
Wow man. You throw for the end zone, Saints get an INT, and then they can tie the game. You go with the safe play and set up the "guaranteed" FG and there's basically no way they can come back and beat you. It also forces them to take a timeout, or waste a bunch of time, should the Skins not score. Anyone who would throw there would be a braindead moron. Zorn played it correctly. There's no difference between 10 pts and 14 pts with the amount of time that was left on the clock.

Are you the Andy of Football?


A Salute to all on Watch
Sure did watch the game all the way to OT ...and they lost AGAIN....
They cant throw, catch or run worth a lick and they still get paid!!!

Next time put down the pom-poms and maybe you can see the TV better

I was actually very impressed on how the Redskins played.

As was I, hate losing and when you play well enough to win and don't, makes me even more bitter :lmao:


All Up In Your Grill
I see that and understand that point of view but they hadn't played conservative all day and the game shouldn't have been as close as it was. We seen what Suisham did in Dallas when there was pressure, the field goal would have iced it and was probably the right call but when the plays have worked all day, why change then? JC had played great and I would have felt comfortable putting the ball in his hands on 2nd & goal and 3rd & goal; then kick the field goal if you don't get in.

At this point, I think we should make a trade with Washington - Folk for Suisham. :rolleyes:


one day the dark will end
Next time put down the pom-poms and maybe you can see the TV better


I see it just fine....
Skins cant play as a team, so they cant win as a team.
What is your excuse for their delightful 3-9 record?
The uniforms?
The coaches?
The owners?
The fans?
The payroll?

The fact is that they dont play as a team and as a result, they cant win...even when they are ahead,,,they blow it..week after week.


What? On offense, sure and special kudo's for the patchwork O line but, there are two more parts to the game; D, which gave up over 400 passing yards and a bazillion points and special teams which was poor.

Greg Blache has evaded criticism all season long.

You gotta be kidding me! :rolleyes: The whole season I’ve done nothing but criticize this team and you go on rants to tell me all the bright spots of the Skins. Then I, for once, see some light on this team – a real spark - and what do you do? Find something to disagree with me on. Sometimes I think you argue just to hear yourself argue.

They just played an 11 - 0 team; undoubtedly the best; led the entire game up until the end. Two game breakers that make the only difference in a win for the Saints: The Suisham miss and the botch call by the refs on the Sellers fumble in OT. In any event if Suisham hdn’t missed this would have been a win. The Skin's secondary has been the bane of this team, so it doesn’t surprise me they gave up a “bazillion” yards on this very successful passing team. Did you happen to notice the Saints gave up a “bazillion” yards and points as well? Special teams was a non-factor on both sides.

After watching what the Saint did to NE last week, I was expecting this to be a complete waste of a football day. The Redskins came out and played today.
I see it just fine....
Skins cant play as a team, so they cant win as a team.
What is your excuse for their delightful 3-9 record?
The uniforms?
The coaches?
The owners?
The fans?
The payroll?

The fact is that they dont play as a team and as a result, they cant win...even when they are ahead,,,they blow it..week after week.
My guess would be O-line problems and play calling.


Sure did watch the game all the way to OT ...and they lost AGAIN....
They cant throw, catch or run worth a lick and they still get paid!!!

And yet they did so much better today against the Saints than your team's embarassment on Monday Night. :yay: I must say - nothing spells "class" more than a kick in the teeth post by someone who's team stunk up the joint on national tv by the same team and lost yet again today :yay: :lol:


All Up In Your Grill
And yet they did so much better today against the Saints than your team's embarassment on Monday Night. :yay: I must say - nothing spells "class" more than a kick in the teeth post by someone who's team stunk up the joint on national tv by the same team and lost yet again today :yay: :lol:

:roflmao: YOU GO DEMS!!!! :jerry:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I THINK the chargers are playing the skins on Jan 2....If anyone knows of any tickets for sale (2 or 4), please let me know. They should be relatively cheap. :lol:

Really, I'm serious.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
And yet they did so much better today against the Saints than your team's embarassment on Monday Night. :yay: I must say - nothing spells "class" more than a kick in the teeth post by someone who's team stunk up the joint on national tv by the same team and lost yet again today :yay: :lol:

I was cheering them on and I don't even like them a lot. :huggy: to Dems!