Skins/Saints game tread...


one day the dark will end
And yet they did so much better today against the Saints than your team's embarassment on Monday Night. :yay: I must say - nothing spells "class" more than a kick in the teeth post by someone who's team stunk up the joint on national tv by the same team and lost yet again today :yay: :lol:

Dems, I dont "have" a I am not sure "who" you are referring to in your post...

Though I do root for the "Home Team" and anyone who is playing against the Cowboys....


Dems, I dont "have" a I am not sure "who" you are referring to in your post...

Though I do root for the "Home Team" and anyone who is playing against the Cowboys....

Yeah, it seems you were really rooting hard for the home team skins today :yay: :lol: I don't feel feel like looking up your posts but for the past few years all I've heard from you in here is Boston Redsox :blahblah: New England Patirots :blahblah: I think you are full of chit and quick to dump your team when called out. I should have expected nothing less :lol::huggy:


one day the dark will end
Yeah, it seems you were really rooting hard for the home team skins today :yay: :lol: I don't feel feel like looking up your posts but for the past few years all I've heard from you in here is Boston Redsox :blahblah: New England Patirots :blahblah: I think you are full of chit and quick to dump your team when called out. I should have expected nothing less :lol::huggy:

You drunk again Dems?
I thought you were doing better than this kind of mean spirited behavior.

I was born in the Fens during ball season and spent 20+ years in that I guess I AM a Boston Red Sox Fan!!!

You think I am rooting for the Orioles? hahahaha:killingme

Patriots are NEW ENGLAND...Not Boston.
I dont root for the Celtics or the Bruins..though both play in BOSTON.

No matter how hard I root for a team while watching means nothing.

Perhaps you believe they can hear you when you yell at the TV, and you believe you can make a differance by doing so.

Redskins are not playing as a team, they cant seem to think outside the box, despite a playbook full of plays.
They cant catch, despite fancy gloves, they cant hold the pocket nor protect the QB.
They dont deserve to win....and it shows...a 3-9 season.

But like a Red Sox fan, I believe that perhaps next year they will do better!!!!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
You drunk again Dems?
I thought you were doing better than this kind of mean spirited behavior.

I was born in the Fens during ball season and spent 20+ years in that I guess I AM a Boston Red Sox Fan!!!

You think I am rooting for the Orioles? hahahaha:killingme

Patriots are NEW ENGLAND...Not Boston.
I dont root for the Celtics or the Bruins..though both play in BOSTON.

No matter how hard I root for a team while watching means nothing.

Perhaps you believe they can hear you when you yell at the TV, and you believe you can make a differance by doing so.

Redskins are not playing as a team, they cant seem to think outside the box, despite a playbook full of plays.
They cant catch, despite fancy gloves, they cant hold the pocket nor protect the QB.
They dont deserve to win....and it shows...a 3-9 season.

But like a Red Sox fan, I believe that perhaps next year they will do better!!!!

I don't think you are very nice.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
That's ok...Makes no matter to me...
Skins lost...Period.
It is only football...and a game at that.

Football means a lot and is fun for a lot of us, but ya kind of spoiled that for Dems with your post. Glad you feel better about yourself. :yay:

I hope you are nicer to your rehab flying squirrels than you are to people. JMHO.

Have a nice life.


You drunk again Dems?
I thought you were doing better than this kind of mean spirited behavior.

I was born in the Fens during ball season and spent 20+ years in that I guess I AM a Boston Red Sox Fan!!!

You think I am rooting for the Orioles? hahahaha:killingme

Patriots are NEW ENGLAND...Not Boston.
I dont root for the Celtics or the Bruins..though both play in BOSTON.

No matter how hard I root for a team while watching means nothing.

Perhaps you believe they can hear you when you yell at the TV, and you believe you can make a differance by doing so.

Redskins are not playing as a team, they cant seem to think outside the box, despite a playbook full of plays.
They cant catch, despite fancy gloves, they cant hold the pocket nor protect the QB.
They dont deserve to win....and it shows...a 3-9 season.

But like a Red Sox fan, I believe that perhaps next year they will do better!!!!

My Gawd :lol: and I was JUST going to post... and here come the drunk comments... 3.... 2.... 1.... so... shall we go into fat lady comments???? I can go there.... But, no, I don't go there or any attacks, unlike you I'm not bitter and meanspirited at all. We were talking about sports and your kick in the teeth posts ironically against a team y'all couldn't even come close to beating...and then your :bs: post of rooting for home teams...but I guess not when its the Skins playing at home...:crazy: all your twists and turns on being called out is so dizzying you can't even admit to standing behind ANY football team now :rolleyes:. Its typical of such a blowhard as yourself...oh and yet you are ever so eager to dole out the insults to everyone else's team. :ohwell: Perhaps you should just root for the Goodyear Blimp over the games you ever so much resemble :yay:

Oh and Happy Holidays! :huggy: :smile:


All Up In Your Grill
You're better than that, pal. :huggy:

:yeahthat: Don't stoop that low dems.

My Gawd :lol: and I was JUST going to post... and here come the drunk comments... 3.... 2.... 1.... so... shall we go into fat lady comments???? I can go there.... But, no, I don't go there or any attacks, unlike you I'm not bitter and meanspirited at all. We were talking about sports and your kick in the teeth posts ironically against a team y'all couldn't even come close to beating...and then your :bs: post of rooting for home teams...but I guess not when its the Skins playing at home...:crazy: all your twists and turns on being called out is so dizzying you can't even admit to standing behind ANY football team now :rolleyes:. Its typical of such a blowhard as yourself...oh and yet you are ever so eager to dole out the insults to everyone else's team. :ohwell: Perhaps you should just root for the Goodyear Blimp over the games you ever so much resemble :yay:

Oh and Happy Holidays! :huggy: :smile:



New Member
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!:crazy: A Fan since 1971. They are KILLLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will ALWAYS root for the Burgundy and Gold but I am a tortured soul this season. I do see promising horizons if some of the year 2 guys keep their heads on straight and remain "no I in TEAM" kind of guys to be the building blocks for a major CHANGE in store for our glorious SKINS!!!


one day the dark will end
Football means a lot and is fun for a lot of us, but ya kind of spoiled that for Dems with your post. Glad you feel better about yourself. :yay:

I hope you are nicer to your rehab flying squirrels than you are to people. JMHO.

Have a nice life.

Get real....
My post was fine until Dems came around and messed it all up...

I adore football..been a fan since Jr. High, and I still root for my team....
Love college ball, bf and I would go to many games in Boston...still go to games when I am up there...Go BC Eagles!!!
So dont give me a bunch of bs because Dems is all in a huff because I dont dress my cats in Red Skins uniforms and sit and yell at the TV. and claim the Skins to be MY team!!

And after working with drunks and druggies for 28+ better believe I like working with animals better!!!

It is still a game and what we do does not mean squat to the outcome of the game.:popcorn:


They're out to get us
I see that and understand that point of view but they hadn't played conservative all day and the game shouldn't have been as close as it was. We seen what Suisham did in Dallas when there was pressure, the field goal would have iced it and was probably the right call but when the plays have worked all day, why change then? JC had played great and I would have felt comfortable putting the ball in his hands on 2nd & goal and 3rd & goal; then kick the field goal if you don't get in.
yeah i understand what you mean, but the coaches all go based on odds and they don't take too many risks because if things go wrong they can say they did what everyone else would have. you're up against the Saints, who have rallied countless times this season. I know they could still have possibly come back for 10 points, but you need to be sure you make it a 2 score game. If you throw an INT, what then? Maybe a very safe pass could have been worked out (rollout where if it's not there, throw it away), but I think they also wanted to run time so the Saints had as little time as possible.

Are you the Andy of Football?


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Get real....
My post was fine until Dems came around and messed it all up...

I adore football..been a fan since Jr. High, and I still root for my team....
Love college ball, bf and I would go to many games in Boston...still go to games when I am up there...Go BC Eagles!!!
So dont give me a bunch of bs because Dems is all in a huff because I dont dress my cats in Red Skins uniforms and sit and yell at the TV. and claim the Skins to be MY team!!

And after working with drunks and druggies for 28+ better believe I like working with animals better!!!

It is still a game and what we do does not mean squat to the outcome of the game.:popcorn:

Do you still have that boyfriend from college?

I really don't get you. I am very puzzled by your anger at a football thread. Maybe I'm just tired. :shrug:


Get real....
My post was fine until Dems came around and messed it all up...

I adore football..been a fan since Jr. High, and I still root for my team....
Love college ball, bf and I would go to many games in Boston...still go to games when I am up there...Go BC Eagles!!!
So dont give me a bunch of bs because Dems is all in a huff because I dont dress my cats in Red Skins uniforms and sit and yell at the TV. and claim the Skins to be MY team!!

And after working with drunks and druggies for 28+ better believe I like working with animals better!!!

It is still a game and what we do does not mean squat to the outcome of the game.:popcorn:

Where do I begin? :lol: That is NOT my cat in my avitar, its something I drew on a cat off the internet. :lol: As for you working with drunks and druggies and perferring animals... I'm sure its mutual. Give it time your animals might just hit the bottle too! I'm not in a huff... I'm still perplexed on which NFL team you root for and when or does that just depend on whichever way the windblows? It was NE until your team's ineptitude was thrown back at you. Perhaps you should just stick with your screen name inkpen... obviously an inkpen could have drawn a clearer line delineating more clearly which team they liked and probably has a higher IQ. Instead you just sit there without a favorite team (now) and just taking pot shots on a team and its fans that is having a bad season. Please do tell me again who is meanspirited? :confused: