

New Member
Kerad said:
Got alot worse for them when Mularky quit...too.

I think it may be better...he didn't fit in anymore. After they fired TD and hired ML...he was brought there buy TD. I see why the Steelers let them go! LOL. We should have kept Mike Williams...who is now the Skins DC.


New Member
tomchamp said:
I think it may be better...he didn't fit in anymore. After they fired TD and hired ML...he was brought there buy TD. I see why the Steelers let them go! LOL. We should have kept Mike Williams...who is now the Skins DC.

Wellllll...tell ya. Some guys are much better coordinators than head coaches. Norv Turner, Bill Belichek, and dick LaBeau are good examples. Mike Mularky hasn't had enough time in to judge.

Mike Mularky will certainly be welcomed back it PIT if he wants to come home.

Buffalo is a team without direction. And going "geezer" isn't going to get it done.



New Member
I didn't mean Bill Bellichek...I meant the coach for the Ravens..Brian Billick. Beers are flowing as the Steelers continue to spank the donkeys!!!!

:cheers: :lmao:


New Member
Kerad said:
I didn't mean Bill Bellichek...I meant the coach for the Ravens..Brian Billick. Beers are flowing as the Steelers continue to spank the donkeys!!!!

:cheers: :lmao:

I knew who you meant..LOL...the beers seem to be calming you down a little too...The Colts just can't get anything going. Steelers win this one. I think they will beat the Bronco's. And who ever the NFC can put in the Superbowl! Good luck! BTW..I know alot of Steeler fans in the area.

PS: You drinking Iron City? LOL


Football addict
Kerad said:
Just a bit surprised at how cowardly the Skins fans are..regarding karma. Including you, StickBoy. You didn't sign, last night.
Likewise Kertard.

Like you said, you talk smack we talk smack, it's all a part of the game.


New Member
tomchamp said:
I knew who you meant..LOL...the beers seem to be calming you down a little too...The Colts just can't get anything going. Steelers win this one. I think they will beat the Bronco's. And who ever the NFC can put in the Superbowl! Good luck! BTW..I know alot of Steeler fans in the area.

PS: You drinking Iron City? LOL

Beers have nothing to do with it./ I can be equally spun down or spun up by 'em...depending on circumsatances.

The game isn't over yet. The Dolts can score quick amd often. the steelers are just playing outta their heads right now!!!

If the Steelers win...I'm predicting a Panthers-Steelers SuperBowl...with a 'Lers win. If the Colts win...it's Colts-Panthers..with a Colts win.

No...not Iron city. I like Pittsburgh...but that beer sucks!

Heineken is the beer o' the moment.
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New Member
BuddyLee said:
Likewise Kertard.

Like you said, you talk smack we talk smack, it's all a part of the game.


Wow...that was REALLY funny. No...it really was.


You don't talk smack..you hide behind karma. If you talked smack.,,you would post it on the boards.

Of course...just going thru puberty might have you all confused.


New Member
tomchamp said:
You sure about that?

Well...I was before that BS call on Polamalu's INT. That was horrendous.

the whole world knows that was BS..and the NFL will apologize for that call.

does nothing for today, though.


New Member

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
Oooooh Noooooooo