

New Member
bresamil said:
It's easier for him to invite me. He knows I'll just sit in my friends yard and look through his windows anyhow. :shrug:
Please remember & honor the nondisclosure agreement you signed..... TIA :popcorn:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Christy said:
I have to watch the whole season to it's end, which is the superbowl. I can miss a playoff game here and there, but superbowl is a must see. It's just plain un-American to miss the superbowl. :lol:
Heck. If the 'skins aren't in it, I can go to Wal*Mart. It won't be crowded.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Heck of a game, lots of hard hits, and drama. Sounds a lot like the forums. :biggrin:

You’ve got to give it to Gibbs for turning a dying team around. They were on a down hill slide when he came back and after they only went 6-10 last year who would have thought that they would have a post-season this year. To finish like they did with that 6 game run (5 regular and one post season) was nothing short of a miracle. To even be in the game today was an astounding accomplishment.

With that said,

Hell, it’s the Redskins
Hell, misery
Braves are a door mat
Wipe your feet on DC



I must wash my Skins jersey now.... I am devastated....

Guess I'll have to root for the Pats now......


b*tch rocket
bresamil said:
:shocked: Did you call 2A un-American? :faint:

Think I'll have to exit this stage left.
No, it's just a tradition. Old habits die hard. :shrug: :lol: I've watched the superbowl since I was a kid, no matter who's playing. :shrug:


Football addict
mainman said:
They made it farther than most thought they would this season, hats off to em! :yay:
:yeahthat: How about them Redskins! How long has it been? Way to overcome all the adversity this season.

Beating 11 teams with winning records.

Beating Dallas twice, when was the last time that happened!! Woo Hoo!

Beating the Super Bowl and NFC threat Philly team twice!

Beating a very good NY team once!

Going 5-0 down the stretch!

Beating a very good Tampa Bay team on the road for a playoff win!

They played their hearts out this year, goodbye Ray Brown.

Yes, how about them Redskins, who could expect more.:smile:


New Member
BuddyLee said:
:yeahthat: How about them Redskins! How long has it been? Way to overcome all the adversity this season.

Beating 11 teams with winning records.

Beating Dallas twice, when was the last time that happened!! Woo Hoo!

Beating the Super Bowl and NFC threat Philly team twice!

Beating a very good NY team once!

Going 5-0 down the stretch!

Beating a very good Tampa Bay team on the road for a playoff win!

They played their hearts out this year, goodbye Ray Brown.

Yes, how about them Redskins, who could expect more.:smile:
I knew you was a fart smella!! :high5:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Not too shabby for a 4-12 team. This has been a great season from this fan's point of view. Now we only have to have to look to the future and I can't wait.


Nothing to see here
So the streak ends at six, two games into the playoffs -- two weeks after anybody thought it would end back when the Redskins were 5-6. And for the first time in many years, there's reason to smile and say: Wait till next year.

This is the end of Kornheisers column in the WP tomorrow..and he's right. Give us another threat at wide receiver and a new starting QB, we can really compete. Its been a good ride this year.

Before you laugh about the QB comment above, I firmly believe we have 2 guys behind Brunell that coulda done as well, if not better. Brunell did absolutely nothing special except not make huge mistakes. He will be 2nd string next year.


Football addict
Tough schedule next year...


Dallas, N.Y. Giants, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Carolina, Jacksonville, Tennessee, Minnesota


Dallas, N.Y. Giants, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Tampa Bay, Houston, Indianapolis, St. Louis


"Typical White Person"
Well it was a hell of a run. Skins made it further than anyone thought. Again our offense failed us, too conservative in the first half. We couldn't establish a running game which we all know was the game plan. Gibbs called the same game as last week, only difference is the defense put us up by 14 last week. Once he fell behind and started playing like we should of been all along we moved the ball.

Their defense was better than I expected. Brunell didn't lose this game, I think he actually played a smarter game than Hasselbeck. Skins had a couple of dropped first down passes and one lucky tipped TD catch. Hasselbeck got away throwing atleast 2 wildly thrown passes he got very lucky on, they both could of easily been int's.

D. Jackson made a heck of a play on a ball thrown behind him for there first TD. And our defense was very good overall but a few big plays we gave up cost us.

I am disapointed, but glad we were able to come back at the end of the season and make a run that no one expected.


"Typical White Person"
forgot to mention

......but as I watched the game that Jon Hall missed FG seemed to be a real back breaker for us, we had just got things going and it seemed we had a good vibe then it was like the air was taken right out of us.


New Member
AK-74me said:
......but as I watched the game that Jon Hall missed FG seemed to be a real back breaker for us, we had just got things going and it seemed we had a good vibe then it was like the air was taken right out of us.