

Set Trippin
Kerad said:
Next year's schedule????

That's a very impressive bit of information...especially as the NFL doesn't release the schedules until spring. April, usually. Don't tell me you looked at your Madden schedule and thought it was the REAL one. :rolleyes:
Are you always such a dick? Ooooooooooooopsie :rolleyes:


New Member
mainman said:
Are you always such a dick? Ooooooooooooopsie :rolleyes:

Yeah...I just saw that. I AM the idiot, in this case!

i knew the NFL didn't release the schedule until April..did NOT know they released the list of oppenents before the season was even over.


Oh well...my fumble.


My Sweetest Boy
Too Funny

Kerad said:
Next year's schedule????

That's a very impressive bit of information...especially as the NFL doesn't release the schedules until spring. April, usually. Don't tell me you looked at your Madden schedule and thought it was the REAL one.


Kerad said:
Fr shus hus glt sdsfda swdvc asdggg asddd gttsafgg ddd:lol:fasdas trskwof ffj ff a dkskfj ffjds :rolleyes:
Take your foot out of your mouth, I can't understand WTF you are saying.


New Member
BuddyLee said:
I love it when people talk too much.:lol:

You would know about talking too much.

I admitted I was a 'tard with that post. I was wrong...you were right.

So now why don't you man up and tell everyone why you're too afraid to sign your karma bombs.



New Member
Buddy's latest unsigned karma bomb:

"eff you dork!"

You're very witty.

And you're a chikensh!t little boy.



Football addict
Kerad said:
You would know about talking too much.

I admitted I was a 'tard with that post. I was wrong...you were right.

So now why don't you man up and tell everyone why you're too afraid to sign your karma bombs.

I gave you karma last night slick.:razz:


New Member
BuddyLee said:
You appear to have more friends than you suspect.:biggrin:

Yeah...true. The red karma givers that are Skins fans are generally too scared to sign 'em...so it's hard to tell. (Alot like the Repubs....hmmmm...) A couple have had the dignity to sign....which I'm all fine with. Obviously, when I have the nuts to start an anti-Redskins thread for thier playoff game, I expect the bad karma...which is a bit silly, anyways. Being a sports fan is half about the smack that goes with it.

Just a bit surprised at how cowardly the Skins fans are..regarding karma. Including you, StickBoy. You didn't sign, last night.

So...honestly...you're also pissed that the Steelers are looking GOOD at the half....aren't ya?

Here we go Steelers...here we go!!!!


New Member
Kerad said:
Yeah...true. The red karma givers that are Skins fans are generally too scared to sign 'em...so it's hard to tell. (Alot like the Repubs....hmmmm...) A couple have had the dignity to sign....which I'm all fine with. Obviously, when I have the nuts to start an anti-Redskins thread for thier playoff game, I expect the bad karma...which is a bit silly, anyways. Being a sports fan is half about the smack that goes with it.

Just a bit surprised at how cowardly the Skins fans are..regarding karma. Including you, StickBoy. You didn't sign, last night.

So...honestly...you're also pissed that the Steelers are looking GOOD at the half....aren't ya?

Here we go Steelers...here we go!!!!

You from Pittsburgh?


New Member
tomchamp said:
You from Pittsburgh?

From State College, PA...Penn State.
as far as pro sports..we are aligned with Pittsburgh..so they are my "home town" pro teams.
