sleep apnea


Set Trippin
HillBillyChick said:
I heard that is what they think killed Reggie White. Has anyone else heard this? I swear, I am getting a complex about going to bed. I am so scared that I am not going to wake up. It is getting so bad that within the past 2 weeks, I have literally not been able to sleep at all like 4 or 5 times. As a matter of fact, I slept ok on Wednesday night. And not a minute since Wednesday night.
As far as I know, RW did in fact die from apnea related events. I have not researched his death, but I do know that every time you stop breathing it puts incredible strain on your heart and over time can cause you to develop arrhythmia. I don't think RW took it seriously, he did not heed the warning signs....


It's Great to be American
mainman said:
As far as I know, RW did in fact die from apnea related events. I have not researched his death, but I do know that every time you stop breathing it puts incredible strain on your heart and over time can cause you to develop arrhythmia. I don't think RW took it seriously, he did not heed the warning signs....

Typically, a person with sleep apnea wakes up multiple times during the night because breathing stops. Once breathing stops, the brain will jerk the person into a conscience state causing them to wake up and breathing resumes. When this doesn't happen, death occurs.

My first wife passed away in 1998 and although her death was not directly caused by the disease, she did have sleep apnea.

I've also read stories attributing crib death in infants to sleep apnea.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's correct...

buddy999 said:
Typically, a person with sleep apnea wakes up multiple times during the night because breathing stops. Once breathing stops, the brain will jerk the person into a conscience state causing them to wake up and breathing resumes. When this doesn't happen, death occurs.

My first wife passed away in 1998 and although her death was not directly caused by the disease, she did have sleep apnea.

I've also read stories attributing crib death in infants to sleep apnea.

...I used to tell Vrail I don't sleep sound because I gotta pee several times a night. She said the only reason I'd go to the bathroom was because I was waking up due to the apnea, which, at the time, was restless sleep as we didn't know the name of the condition.

First night of CPAP, I was OUT. Slept like the proverbial baby.

Also, White did die of apnea. He was 43.

A doctor friend told me that the bottom line on apnea is that every night your blood oxygen level is decreasing due to the stopping of breathing and it's accumulative because your body can NOT make it up during the day. Every single cell in your body is suffering from low oxygen levels.

Apnea will kill you prematurely. That's all there is to it.

I do mean to be alarmist about it because of my experience. Vrail says I've had as long as we've been together, about 9 years, and I was only 205 pounds at the time, so it ain't just about being fat. I'm in pretty good shape now. Can run 3+ miles, work out 3-4 times a week.

I'd reached the point where I was sleeping 10 hours a night and napping during the day. Lethargic all the time. Able to fall asleep in a few seconds on the coach, nodding off behind the wheel, at my desk...and never really getting any sleep. I'd immediately start gasping and weezing...apnea events, 100's of them a night.

Anyway, be motivated, bug the crap out of your medical people. Tell them you're available for testing if someone cancels. That's how I got take care of quicker; people cancel ALL the time. There is a phobia about it. They don't wanna do the tests which are pretty annoying; be all wired up, observed and recorded all night and then the prospect of wearing a mask for sleep the rest of your life. They'd rather die.

And the payoff? My first moment of CPAP. Re-effing born. I sleep great. Can get by on 4-6 hours if necessary. Energized all day. It is awesome, air.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BrassieChic said:
What's this...CPAP?
"constant positive air pressure" (I think) - basically it forces you to breathe. You wear it at night when you sleep to keep your breathing regular.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's right...

vraiblonde said:
"constant positive air pressure" (I think) - basically it forces you to breathe. You wear it at night when you sleep to keep your breathing regular.

...except it does not force you to breathe.

Apnea is the collapse of tissue in your throat as you lay down and relax to sleep. It is excess fleshy tissue including the tissue of your throat wall and/or tonsils, blocking your airway. Excess external weight around your neck also puts pressure on the pathway.

Constant Positive Air Pressure simply takes room air into a little compressor and blows it up your nose with enough force, case by case, to keep this collapse from happening, leaving the pathway open.

It doesn't keep your breathing regular, it allows you to breathe regular. It also ELIMINATES, not reduces, eliminates snoring.


I am so very blessed
BrassieChic said:
What's this...CPAP? :howdy:
A Darth Vader-type mask that you wear while sleeping. It looks hideous, but apparently it works wonders on people who use it for their sleep apnea.

I need to investigate getting a CPAP machine for me. Every single one of Larry's complains are the same ones that I complain about, too.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yes but...

BadGirl said:
A Darth Vader-type mask that you wear while sleeping. It looks hideous, but apparently it works wonders on people who use it for their sleep apnea.

I need to investigate getting a CPAP machine for me. Every single one of Larry's complains are the same ones that I complain about, too.

...I have NO complaints...anymore. I's a bird! it's a plane! It's a little tiny compressor able to make the fat man breathe like a new born baby thus allowing his woman to catch a few zzz's thus ensuring enough rest for....RODEO NIGHT!!!!!

It's C P A P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :larry: :larry: :larry:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...there are a few different types of maks;

The aformentioned Full Darth which covers your whole nose with a triangle looking thing. The higher end ones come with a light saber.

Mine is just the hose they all have, like what pilots wear, with a headgear which they all have, which makes me look short buss bound, that simply holds the hose just under my shnozz and two little tits, 'soft pillows' that stick up my nose about 1/4" inch.

My mouth is uncovered though it's a hoot to talk because as soon as you open your maw, air comes rushing out. Sound like the early computer generated voices.

Stick your head out the window at 50 mph (with someone else driving) and that's what CPAP feels like.

Dogs are noted CPAP fans.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...there are a few different types of maks;

The aformentioned Full Darth which covers your whole nose with a triangle looking thing. The higher end ones come with a light saber.

Mine is just the hose they all have, like what pilots wear, with a headgear which they all have, which makes me look short buss bound, that simply holds the hose just under my shnozz and two little tits, 'soft pillows' that stick up my nose about 1/4" inch.

My mouth is uncovered though it's a hoot to talk because as soon as you open your maw, air comes rushing out. Sound like the early computer generated voices.

Stick your head out the window at 50 mph (with someone else driving) and that's what CPAP feels like.

Dogs are noted CPAP fans.
That is what I have now, much better than nasal mask. The Shah group several times a year has a sleep week where the vendors show off the latest and greatest. Anyone stuck with old nasal CPAP should check it out. That is where I found new style.
The new machines are much smaller, waiting for mine to break. On second machine as of now.
My wife complains I sleep too soundly, can't win.


New Member
Bavarian said:
That is what I have now, much better than nasal mask. The Shah group several times a year has a sleep week where the vendors show off the latest and greatest. Anyone stuck with old nasal CPAP should check it out. That is where I found new style.
The new machines are much smaller, waiting for mine to break. On second machine as of now.
My wife complains I sleep too soundly, can't win.

Well, I was supposed to go back to work this week but Dr. Mehta said no way. Not until I am on the CPAP, and I go for my CPAP test this anyone have any advice on what brand of machine, what type of headgear, a good website to use, etc...? Keep in mind that my insurance won't cover it so I am gonna have to do it all myself....and I am poor......TIA!


Rough night last night. Got to get in to do my sleep tests. I know I have apnea because I have to fight myself awake and to breath. Really sucks. :banghead:


Vince said:
Rough night last night. Got to get in to do my sleep tests. I know I have apnea because I have to fight myself awake and to breath. Really sucks. :banghead:

Get the test, it's not that bad.

I got my results in...........

I have slight apnea on my back but nothing when I sleep on my side. (I guess that's why I only sleep on my side :lmao:)

I do have Restless Leg legs moved an average of 76.6 times an hour during the test.....nothing like dancing in your sleep. :ohwell:

Mehta put me on some drugs that seemed to have helped/fixed the issue.


New Member
Don't fight it!
There is help...think of those around you who suffer, and believe me they do.
100% instant relief, awwwwwwwwwwwww :yay:


New Member
Vince said:
Rough night last night. Got to get in to do my sleep tests. I know I have apnea because I have to fight myself awake and to breath. Really sucks. :banghead:

I feel for you. I am having those rough nights myself. I think last night I got about an hour - maybe 2 - worth of sleep. Do your test!!! I have gotten a lot of inspiration (?) from Larry's posts. He is so positive about it. :coffee:


New Member
Well, I am still fighting the upper respitory thing, my doctor called in a script this evening and told me to be sure and start it asap. If I am still not feeling better by Friday, he wants me in the office - again. So, I throw on shoes, comb my hair and run on up to the park. (I live in Dameron). Practically as soon as I walked out, Dr. Mehta's office called - I got a garbled message about getting a cpap machine ordered ASAP - like it is a real emergency. That has me really worried. I had the cpap sleep test just last Sunday night and thought I did ok. So here I am again, pulling another all-nighter, because I am too scared to go to sleep. For the past few months, I have developed the strange habit of sleeping in my bed, sitting 'indian-style' in the middle of the night. I have actually fallen out of bed from this position as well - never even conscious enough to know I was falling until BOOM!....Last night, I woke up gasping, could not catch my breath,and for once, was awake and aware that I was not breathing and before I knew it, my body was in the 'indian-style' position while I was heaving for air. I guess it is a defence mechanism, since I breathe much easier sitting rather than laying down. When my boyfriend got up for work, I was hunched over on the couch dozing off. Tonight every time I laid down, I started having a panic attack. Thank goodness, I see Dr. Mehta tomorrow....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You know what...

HillBillyChick said:
Well, I am still fighting the upper respitory thing, my doctor called in a script this evening and told me to be sure and start it asap. If I am still not feeling better by Friday, he wants me in the office - again. So, I throw on shoes, comb my hair and run on up to the park. (I live in Dameron). Practically as soon as I walked out, Dr. Mehta's office called - I got a garbled message about getting a cpap machine ordered ASAP - like it is a real emergency. That has me really worried. I had the cpap sleep test just last Sunday night and thought I did ok. So here I am again, pulling another all-nighter, because I am too scared to go to sleep. For the past few months, I have developed the strange habit of sleeping in my bed, sitting 'indian-style' in the middle of the night. I have actually fallen out of bed from this position as well - never even conscious enough to know I was falling until BOOM!....Last night, I woke up gasping, could not catch my breath,and for once, was awake and aware that I was not breathing and before I knew it, my body was in the 'indian-style' position while I was heaving for air. I guess it is a defence mechanism, since I breathe much easier sitting rather than laying down. When my boyfriend got up for work, I was hunched over on the couch dozing off. Tonight every time I laid down, I started having a panic attack. Thank goodness, I see Dr. Mehta tomorrow....

...I never caught myself having an apnea episode. Never woke up gasping. I always felt I was sleeping fine, just thought I was getting old. I knew I snored reall bad but, I was clueless. No wonder you can't sleep.

It'll all be better soon!


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...I never caught myself having an apnea episode. Never woke up gasping. I always felt I was sleeping fine, just thought I was getting old. I knew I snored reall bad but, I was clueless. No wonder you can't sleep.

It'll all be better soon!

The medical place that supplies the machines just called. Dr. Mehta wants me on a bi-pap machine...much more expensive. Great.
HillBillyChick said:
The medical place that supplies the machines just called. Dr. Mehta wants me on a bi-pap machine...much more expensive. Great.
You can't put a price on your health and a chance at having a good night's sleep every night... :huggy: