sleep apnea


New Member
kwillia said:
You can't put a price on your health and a chance at having a good night's sleep every night... :huggy:

Believe me, if I had the money it would not be a problem. Actually being able to afford the machine.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I woke up this morning around 4, rested, refreshed as usual and then, as I reached to turn my machine off, I noticed it wasn't on. Then, I noticed that it wasn't on because I wasn't even wearing my mask.

I slept great last night for the first time since I got my CPAP, years ago, without the machine. The few times I've tried or had to sleep without it, it was exactly like pre CPAP; horrible sleep.

This ever happen to you? I'm getting all excited that my Apnea is going away.



This ever happen to you? I'm getting all excited that my Apnea is going away.


I've discovered that if I sleep on my belly I have no apnea. And if I fall asleep before I put my mask on, I invariably roll that way during the night and stay there.

Unfortunately, I hate sleeping on my belly.


New Member
Has anyone had experiences with the surgery? I have SA and CANNOT do the masks... I am extremely claustrophobic, especially with things around my face (even the nasal masks freaks me out!). I've tried 4 different masks and none work for me. I can't keep going with out some relief... I work full time, go to school full time, and I'm a mom to a very active 4 year old! I NEED MY SLEEP!!! If anyone has any info, it would be so appericated! TIA


Pitty Party
Has anyone had experiences with the surgery? I have SA and CANNOT do the masks... I am extremely claustrophobic, especially with things around my face (even the nasal masks freaks me out!). I've tried 4 different masks and none work for me. I can't keep going with out some relief... I work full time, go to school full time, and I'm a mom to a very active 4 year old! I NEED MY SLEEP!!! If anyone has any info, it would be so appericated! TIA

Seroquel from your doctor. It rocks :yay:


New Member
Has anyone had experiences with the surgery? I have SA and CANNOT do the masks... I am extremely claustrophobic, especially with things around my face (even the nasal masks freaks me out!). I've tried 4 different masks and none work for me. I can't keep going with out some relief... I work full time, go to school full time, and I'm a mom to a very active 4 year old! I NEED MY SLEEP!!! If anyone has any info, it would be so appericated! TIA

Forget the machines, forget the surgery! Welcome to PureSleep Web Site
Hubby got one after being told he has severe sleep apnea. I didn't want to order it. Reluctantly, I did. It TRULY works. Money back guarantee so you can't lose and it works!


New Member
Yes but obviously doctor prescribed. Very good and no hang over feeling in the morning.

I sound like a damn commercial. Very good and no hang over feeling in the morning.


I'll ask my Dr. about it.... I went to bed at 11 last nite, up this morning at 10, felt like I hadn't slept at all, napping at noon... hubby said I tossed and turned all nite, he woke up several times because of my snoring... this is normal for me. And he wonders why im dragging ass in the morning & chugging diet coke til noon.


New Member
There are several sleep disorders beyond sleep apnea. If you are not sleeping well and/or feel refreshed, it is only fair to you to go have a sleep study. It could be a number of things.
Consult with a board certified sleep doc, then have a study. If you are nervous, ask for a sleep aid. Ambien and Lunesta (not medical suggestions), do not interfere with respiratory drive, just sleep centers of the brain. Check out the lab before you go. Talk to the tech that will monitor you. It is so important that anyone who does not sleep well or snores be tested to RULE out a sleep disorder.