Smokers to pay for public health insurance in Maryland?


New Member
vraiblonde said:

I'm not going to debate you about this because the CDC facts are right there. But I'm curious about 400,000 people annually who die from smoking, yet there are still smokers in the US. You'd think they'd be extinct by now, especially since up until recently, practically everyone smoked.

And that leads me to the second-hand smoke deaths: those should be almost non-existent these days simply because nobody can smoke in public buildings anymore. I'd be interested in comparing those statistics to, say, figures from the 70s when people smoked in grocery stores, on airplanes, in places of business, etc. when people were REALLY exposed to second-hadn smoke.

Regardless, the government should encourage smoking, not discourage it.

I don't want to lecture anyone, but a lot of smokers live in denial about their risks. Hearing that 400k people die every year is pretty depressing but it doesn't equate to the potential for one death, your own. I think the reduced rate of new smokers, the numbers of people who have quit, etc are encouraging news to the people who were for spending billions of dollars on educational campaigns/suing the crap out of Altria.

I guess there are still some people out there that are regularly exposed to 2nd hand smoke like long time bartenders, people who smoke a lot around spouses, etc. I don't really know how you quantify a 2nd hand smoker illness, it seems rather arbitrary to attribute a particular illness/death to a very variable, difficult to measure, cause (level of 2nd hand smoke exposure).

It is very interesting to learn that if everyone quit smoking right now, there would only be a temporary (15 year) decrease in health care costs, and then they would go up as people began living longer and acquired difficult to treat diseases that occur when people get elderly.


Cleopatra Jones
The skinny mean girl reporting for duty :yay: . The "claim" that people are genetically predisposed to being overweight is complete and total bullcrap in 99.9% of the population. We'll take the latest study from the School of Pixiesms.

Exhibit A - Here we have a family photo (my family and you'll have to use your imagination). My mom, her siblings which include 3 sisters (we'll call the girls GA, GB, GC, and GD) and the brother, her parents (GM and GP) and grandparents (GGMGM, GGPGM, GGMGP and GGPGP) on both sides.

Just by looking at said pictures you'll notice that the older relatives are all very lean with the exception of GGMGM who was maybe 15-20 pounds heavy. GM and GP are also of average weight if not on the leaner side. Yet of their 5 offspring GA is morbidly obese, GB and GC are at least 30-40 pounds overweight (and mind you this is a very short family, none of the women being over 5'5"), GD could lose 10-15. The brother is of average weight.

So what does this tell us? People today are fat because of what they put in their faces not because they're genetically predisposed to it. I've seen pictures that go back further then just my great grandparents and there weren't any FAT people in the family; nothing more then what I'd consider a little big boned. So why do I have an aunt that could stand to lose probably 80 pounds? Why does my mom need to shed about 40 along with another one of her sisters? It's because they feed their faces and don't get up off their big fat asses and exercise.

Who gives a crapola anyway, really? Why doesn't everyone just leave everyone else the effe alone. I'll let you eat yourself to death and let me die of lung cancer in peace. We're all adults we've had the risks shoved down our freaking throats. I think we're informed by now.

Now as my disclaimer I do understand that there are truely some people out there that have medical issues and have valid reasons for being overweight. I'm by no means damning those people. I am however saying that those people are not the majority.


PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
The skinny mean girl reporting for duty :yay: .
Would you like to meet me at McDonald's and buy me a couple Big Macs?

Oh, and a diet coke of course.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dck4shrt said:
Hearing that 400k people die every year is pretty depressing but it doesn't equate to the potential for one death, your own.
But, again, my death isn't anyone's business but my own. I know all the risks of smoking. I do it anyway. Tubbos know the risks of obesity - they pig out anyway. Drug addicts know the risks - they shoot/snort/smoke up anyway.

If someone wants to kill themselves with food, booze or drugs, be my guest. But don't harp on me about smoking.


:Jeepin' in NC:
vraiblonde said:
But, again, my death isn't anyone's business but my own. I know all the risks of smoking. I do it anyway. Tubbos know the risks of obesity - they pig out anyway. Drug addicts know the risks - they shoot/snort/smoke up anyway.

If someone wants to kill themselves with food, booze or drugs, be my guest. But don't harp on me about smoking.

Yes, thank you!!!


New Member
vraiblonde said:
But, again, my death isn't anyone's business but my own. I know all the risks of smoking. I do it anyway. Tubbos know the risks of obesity - they pig out anyway. Drug addicts know the risks - they shoot/snort/smoke up anyway.

If someone wants to kill themselves with food, booze or drugs, be my guest. But don't harp on me about smoking.

:buddies: Really smoking is like a vitamin. It is nice and good for you :angel:


:Jeepin' in NC:
I think they really should put Warnings on food......

My pack of smokes says: Quitting now greatly reduces serious risks to your health!

Why cant junk food say the same thing?


New Member
Somdmommy said:
I think they really should put Warnings on food......

My pack of smokes says: Quitting now greatly reduces serious risks to your health!

Why cant junk food say the same thing?

Does the warning stop you from lighting up? My ass is my warning. If it doesn't fit in my pants, I'm warning you to move away from the doughnuts so you don't get hurt.


:Jeepin' in NC:
Geek said:
Does the warning stop you from lighting up? My ass is my warning. If it doesn't fit in my pants, I'm warning you to move away from the doughnuts so you don't get hurt.
No it doesnt, but It does for some people!!!