Smokers to pay for public health insurance in Maryland?


New Member
elaine said:
Just as soon as you get your nose out of my business.

This whole thread seems like a diversionary tactic. "So, I smoke -quick look at the fat behind"


curiouser and curiouser
pixiegirl said:
So what does this tell us? People today are fat because of what they put in their faces not because they're genetically predisposed to it. I've seen pictures that go back further then just my great grandparents and there weren't any FAT people in the family; nothing more then what I'd consider a little big boned. So why do I have an aunt that could stand to lose probably 80 pounds? Why does my mom need to shed about 40 along with another one of her sisters? It's because they feed their faces and don't get up off their big fat asses and exercise.
On the same note, my mother has 6 sisters. Every one of them (including my grandmother) are overweight except for my mother (and that includes her twin sister) because she is the only one who watches what she eats and exercises on a regular basis. You can fight genetics when it comes to obesity.


:Jeepin' in NC:
Geek said:
This whole thread seems like a diversionary tactic. "So, I smoke -quick look at the fat behind"
No this thread was about smokers tax and health care. Someone said something about fat people and health care.

So now...If smokers get taxed why not fat people. Put a damn tax on junk food.

The smokers that dont wanna pay the tax will quit, the ones who dont care wont.
The fat people that dont wanna pay the tax will quit eatin the ####, the ones who dont care wont!!

Your not fat, or a smoker so why are you in here?!?!


:Jeepin' in NC:
Nickel said:
On the same note, my mother has 6 sisters. Every one of them (including my grandmother) are overweight except for my mother (and that includes her twin sister) because she is the only one who watches what she eats and exercises on a regular basis. You can fight genetics when it comes to obesity.

Yes you can, it just gettin up off your ass and doing something!!


Cleopatra Jones
Nickel said:
On the same note, my mother has 6 sisters. Every one of them (including my grandmother) are overweight except for my mother (and that includes her twin sister) because she is the only one who watches what she eats and exercises on a regular basis. You can fight genetics when it comes to obesity.

You're mom being the only one who takes care of herself and isn't fat lends itself to my theory that obesity isn't genetic it's learned/behavioral. You were kinda agreeing with me. I bet if you look generations back your family is full of normal sized people, weight that is. It's bad habits that make people fat more than it is genetics.

And DW, of course I'll take you to McDonalds honey as long as I don't have to watch you eat. :yay: :huggy:


:Jeepin' in NC:
Geek said:
And lighting up a smoke keeps the weight off :yay:
People get fat because they are lazy, their kids get fat because they learn from their parents how to be lazy! Thats all there is to it!


New Member
Somdmommy said:
People get fat because they are lazy, their kids get fat because they learn from their parents how to be lazy! Thats all there is to it!

And why do people smoke?


PREMO Member
Somdmommy said:
People get fat because they are lazy, their kids get fat because they learn from their parents how to be lazy! Thats all there is to it!
Kids learn from their parent?
Oh no!!!!!!!!!


:Jeepin' in NC:
Geek said:
Do you think you could quit?
Actually YES I CAN.

When I got pregnant I droped it so fast. I wanted it, but I didnt smoke. After I had him my stress went back up (new baby and all) So I started again, because it helps my nerves.
Geek said:
Do you think you could quit?

ad·dic·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-dkshn)

*Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.
An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions.

*The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.
An instance of this: had an addiction for fast cars.

Yes, I know - junk food can also be an addiction. :razz:


New Member
Somdmommy said:
Because we want to!!!!!!

I'm sure you will have some smart ass comment to this, but Smoking helps calm my nerves.

So what if fat people want to be fat?


professional daydreamer
Speedy70 said:
Some people actually care about others. :shrug: :razz:

No. It's convenient for you to call it caring. What you should really be saying is "some people want to control others lives".

Why the hell would you care about a stranger? I sure as hell don't.