Smokers Unite!


Dutch6 said:
If their concern is breathing clean air why don't they go after these people who burn leave year round?

And there you have it.

Breathing clean air is not their goal.

That is their rallying cry, but the simple fact of the matter is that it is not about clean air. It never has been.

I am a non-smoker. Smoke sometimes irritates me when it's thick and heavy - like the back room of ADF Bingo :barf: - but other than that, it's rarely worth thinking about. I have absolutely ZERO fear of dying from second-hand smoke. I have no fear that my children will die (or even contract asthma) from second hand smoke.

And I've encountered way more unpleasant things in public than passing someone who's enjoying their legally purchaced tobacco product.

I understand that many people find the smell obnoxious. And this is the heart and soul of the whole thing. I don't happen to like the smell, myself, but it's not that bad. But in our pussy-whipped namby-pamby touchy-feely gimme-gimme - ME-ME-ME society, when someone finds something to complain about, both barrels begin firing.... And then other like-minded individual also join in with the complaining, then it snowballs until the simple complaints turn into obsession and hyperbole. And now something is moderately unpleasant (at worst), is now defined as a LIFE THREATING PLAGUE MENACE TO SOCIETY AND LIFE ON THIS PLANET AS WE KNOW IT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo:

It's a load of crap.

It's a big huge load of crap.


professional daydreamer
Toxick said:
And there you have it.

Breathing clean air is not their goal.

That is their rallying cry, but the simple fact of the matter is that it is not about clean air. It never has been.

I am a non-smoker. Smoke sometimes irritates me when it's thick and heavy - like the back room of ADF Bingo :barf: - but other than that, it's rarely worth thinking about. I have absolutely ZERO fear of dying from second-hand smoke. I have no fear that my children will die (or even contract asthma) from second hand smoke.

And I've encountered way more unpleasant things in public than passing someone who's enjoying their legally purchaced tobacco product.

I understand that many people find the smell obnoxious. And this is the heart and soul of the whole thing. I don't happen to like the smell, myself, but it's not that bad. But in our pussy-whipped namby-pamby touchy-feely gimme-gimme - ME-ME-ME society, when someone finds something to complain about, both barrels begin firing.... And then other like-minded individual also join in with the complaining, then it snowballs until the simple complaints turn into obsession and hyperbole. And now something is moderately unpleasant (at worst), is now defined as a LIFE THREATING PLAGUE MENACE TO SOCIETY AND LIFE ON THIS PLANET AS WE KNOW IT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :jameo: :jameo: :jameo: :jameo:

It's a load of crap.

It's a big huge load of crap.

Well said. I can see this in the year 2083...they'll be protesting wearing perfume in public. I've already seen these people. They complain about people wearing too much. I hop in an elevator and I can smell the people who were on it before me. Sometimes it's pleasant, sometimes it's not.


professional daydreamer
Dedee said:
Having a smoking section in a resturant is like having a peeing section in a pool!

This is an old argument, too. If you are so offended by smoke, go to restaurants that don't allow smoking. And don't even say they're not out there, because most restaurants don't allow smoking at all.


New Member

This topic has been discussed many, many times and probably will be for a long time to come as long as there are people who will entertain the argument.

As far as second-hand smoke, I have one name: Dana Reeves. There is a woman who never smoked a day in her life and died from lung cancer. What was the cause of her death? Exposure to second-hand smoke? Did she ever work with asbestos? Was she a welder? Did she work in an environment that produced unhealthy conditions? No. She died because she had the "cancer gene" in her body which waited for the opportune time to latch onto a vulnerable part of her anatomy. That's what cancer does. When you have the gene, it will find the weakest part of your body (liver, breast, lung, kidney, colon, prostrate, etc.) and begin to attack. If you smoke, YOU are creating that vulnerability by weakening your system.

I smoke and my husband smokes. We both know that it is bad for us. However, we don't play into all these do-gooders who think that banning smoking everywhere except in your own aura will prevent cancer from happening. It's out there and increasing in its ability to take yet more lives every year.

Children, unfortunately, die from various forms of cancer and I doubt very seriously that a 6-month old or a 2-year old has fired up a Marlboro or were exposed to enough second-hand smoke to cause their demise. Can anyone explain this?



New Member
The same people who want to raise the price of a pack of cigarettes for every little :bs: project they want, are the same people who will turn around and say, oh yeah, no smoking in public places.

I have seriously cut way back on smoking and might smoke 1-2 packs a week now. I enjoy smoking but I'm sick of funding everyone's little pet projects. A pack is getting ready to go up another $1-$2.

If all of us stopped smoking tomorrow, where would these projects be? Hummmm


New Member
I don't feel well when I am exposed to smoke, even for a little while. I also feel quite sick with certain strong perfumes. But, I deal with it, quietly, and without imposing my difficulties on others. I avoid restaurants/bars where there is smoking, there are other places to go. If I can't avoid and elevator with perfume, or someone elses smoke, I leave as pleasantly, and as quickly, as I can and get fresh air and soon feel ok. What's next? People are allergic to peanuts, are we going to ban them from restaurants? No more flowers on the table, they might make someone sneeze?.... :bigwhoop:


I bowl overhand
elaine said:
Then we need to start concentrating on the big pollutants, like cars and factories.
I'd say the air on I 97 is cleaner then the air in a smoke filled bar.


New Member
All your replies are really nice and really great and all but what I wanna know is


I made communist signs for everyone :dance:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Are you high?

flomaster said:
Years ago in the early 90's I read an article in a British paper that hospitals were going to refuse patients with illnesses related to smoking that wouldn't give up the habit. We should do that here!!!!

So, if you have AID's from too much gay sex or needles, to bad? Heart disease from too many twinkies? Beat it?

So, who is allowed at UK hospitals, healthy people? :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No one is going with you...

Azzy said:
All your replies are really nice and really great and all but what I wanna know is


I made communist signs for everyone :dance:

...because most people are resigned to the inevitability of smoking banned in most places and most smokers, not all, but most, WANT big brother to make them give it up.



I bowl overhand
Dutch6 said:
If their concern is breathing clean air why don't they go after these people who burn leaves year round?
WHen they start burning leaves in enclosed rooms and buildings I'm sure they will try to ban it.