Dutch6 said:If their concern is breathing clean air why don't they go after these people who burn leave year round?
And there you have it.
Breathing clean air is not their goal.
That is their rallying cry, but the simple fact of the matter is that it is not about clean air. It never has been.
I am a non-smoker. Smoke sometimes irritates me when it's thick and heavy - like the back room of ADF Bingo

And I've encountered way more unpleasant things in public than passing someone who's enjoying their legally purchaced tobacco product.
I understand that many people find the smell obnoxious. And this is the heart and soul of the whole thing. I don't happen to like the smell, myself, but it's not that bad. But in our pussy-whipped namby-pamby touchy-feely gimme-gimme - ME-ME-ME society, when someone finds something to complain about, both barrels begin firing.... And then other like-minded individual also join in with the complaining, then it snowballs until the simple complaints turn into obsession and hyperbole. And now something is moderately unpleasant (at worst), is now defined as a LIFE THREATING PLAGUE MENACE TO SOCIETY AND LIFE ON THIS PLANET AS WE KNOW IT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

It's a load of crap.
It's a big huge load of crap.