Smoking Ban in MD

How do you feel about the Smoking Ban?

  • Unaffected

    Votes: 20 20.4%
  • About time. Get those filthy smokers outside

    Votes: 49 50.0%
  • I hate it! You have no right to tell me.

    Votes: 31 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I don't believe that for one minute. I think you are licking your chops in hopes I come down with some dread disease so you can go, "HA! I TOLD YOU SO!!!"

I certainly hope you forgot the :sarcasm: because you couldn't be more wrong. Just because I disagree with your filthy addiction doesn't mean I wish ill-will on you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just because I disagree with your filthy addiction doesn't mean I wish ill-will on you.

You don't know a thing about me and for all you know, I'm just running my mouth and don't even smoke. Yet you presume to say I have a "filthy addiction".

Nope, no hostility here, folks. :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's actually the reason I can't stand most non-smokers and won't be around them. They're so self-righteous and sanctimonious, and will not hesitate to try and Mommy you with their control issues.

And I say "most" because I have several non-smoking friends who are content to live their own lives and not worry about parenting other adults.


Highlander's MPD
Even if it's not, why do you care? I no longer do it around you in restaurants and bars, and you're not my Dad, so mind your own business and find something else to worry about besides the health of a stranger on the internet.

I didn't say I cared. If you were a member of my family or a close friend, I'd care enough to help you try to quit this nasty habit, but since you're not, light up and enjoy!

Oh, BTW, some of us were addicted to Karma, and you decided it was best for us not to have it. How fair is that? :lmao:


You don't know a thing about me and for all you know, I'm just running my mouth and don't even smoke. Yet you presume to say I have a "filthy addiction".

Nope, no hostility here, folks. :rolleyes:

As the table turns, you don't know the first thing about me yet you assumed I wished you ill-health because you smoke. Turn-about is fair play, but it seems someone doesn't like it very much when it's thrown in her direction.

So let me clean the table for you. I care very much about you. I care about your health, especially for those that love you and don't want to watch you suffer. I have no intention of inserting myself in your business, my only wish is that you quit. That's all. You can make this as ugly as you want, but that's it. Now go have a cigarette and calm down!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I care very much about you. I care about your health, especially for those that love you and don't want to watch you suffer. I have no intention of inserting myself in your business, my only wish is that you quit. That's all. You can make this as ugly as you want, but that's it. Now go have a cigarette and calm down!

That's sweet. Really. But keep your control issues to yourself, m'kay? :huggy:


Highlander's MPD
That's sweet. Really. But keep your control issues to yourself, m'kay? :huggy:

So, can you stop controlling our ability to leave karma? Shouldn't we be able to decide whether we want to leave karma or not? Karma is a whole lot less harmful than smoking nasty filthy cigarettes. :barf:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I do not...

Laugh if you must but you take a crap on someones porch and they get the picture real fast. IF you have a diet rich in bran they get the picture even faster. :lol:

...see where you detect any humor in my question. Crapping on someones porch can send no more serious, and pointed, a message.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
So, can you stop controlling our ability to leave karma? Shouldn't we be able to decide whether we want to leave karma or not? Karma is a whole lot less harmful than smoking nasty filthy cigarettes. :barf:

No, you shouldn't be able to decide a damn thing about the operation of and these forums. Do you want to know why? Because you don't own them, Vrai does.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
That's actually the reason I can't stand most non-smokers and won't be around them. They're so self-righteous and sanctimonious, and will not hesitate to try and Mommy you with their control issues.

And I say "most" because I have several non-smoking friends who are content to live their own lives and not worry about parenting other adults.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So, can you stop controlling our ability to leave karma? Shouldn't we be able to decide whether we want to leave karma or not? Karma is a whole lot less harmful than smoking nasty filthy cigarettes. :barf:

Another person with control issues. Start your own business - then you can do what you want.


That's sweet. Really. But keep your control issues to yourself, m'kay? :huggy:

With all due respect Vrai, there are no control issues here. If you read back on my posts I am adamently against this ban. I am against any ban that would prevent any adult from making such decisions.


Dancing Up A Storm
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Dork
So, can you stop controlling our ability to leave karma? Shouldn't we be able to decide whether we want to leave karma or not? Karma is a whole lot less harmful than smoking nasty filthy cigarettes. :barf:
vraiblonde: "Another person with control issues. Start your own business - then you can do what you want."

What I find mindboggling is that this person seems to be equating the loss of their ability to leave karma with "smoking nasty, harmful, filthy cigarettes"!

Is there a tie-in here, or am I just missing the point? :lmao:<!-- google_ad_section_end -->


Highlander's MPD
Another person with control issues. Start your own business - then you can do what you want.

Good Idea! I think I'll start a business to help all of those wonderful people who really want to quit smoking because they finally realize how nasty and harmful it is. Thanks for the idea.

Maybe you can be my first customer. If I told you would feel better, have more freedom, have better taste and smell senses, no longer smell like an ashtray and would save lots of money, would you be interested? I used to smoke, quit 18 years ago on March 26th, 1990. I don't hate people who smoke but don't understand why someone would defend smoking when they had a chance to give it up. There's nothing cool about it. It just stinks!

I moved into my new house about 2 years ago. The previous owners were heavy smokers. Even though the repainted and replaced the carpet, I can still smell the stinch. I am constantly spraying and using the plug-ins. How anyone would want this crap in their lungs is beyond me. It's gross.

Thanks again for the idea. I think I'll run with it.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good Idea! I think I'll start a business to help all of those wonderful people who really want to quit smoking because they finally realize how nasty and harmful it is. Thanks for the idea.

Maybe you can be my first customer. If I told you would feel better, have more freedom, have better taste and smell senses, no longer smell like an ashtray and would save lots of money, would you be interested? I used to smoke, quit 18 years ago on March 26th, 1990. I don't hate people who smoke but don't understand why someone would defend smoking when they had a chance to give it up. There's nothing cool about it. It just stinks!

Thanks again for the idea. I think I'll run with it.

I just blew a big puff of smoke right at your avatar.