Smoking Ban in MD

How do you feel about the Smoking Ban?

  • Unaffected

    Votes: 20 20.4%
  • About time. Get those filthy smokers outside

    Votes: 49 50.0%
  • I hate it! You have no right to tell me.

    Votes: 31 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Nice try, but I don't think all the studies, evidence and facts in the world will convince people that the propaganda they've been fed all these years is simply not true. They WANT to believe it.

Very similar to global warming. To me, anyone who buys into that crap is an idiot and not worth debating.

"Resource devoted to debunking anti-smoker propaganda"

gee i wonder who funds that site

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
"Resource devoted to debunking anti-smoker propaganda"

gee i wonder who funds that site

So a study can only be valid if funded by certain persons or groups?

Could you provide a list of those that only fund valid studies?


New Member
So a study can only be valid if funded by certain persons or groups?

Could you provide a list of those that only fund valid studies?

i never said that, i questioned the funding of a site dedicated to "debunking anti smoker propaganda"

but yes, i would question a study funded by a tobacco company that found cigs do not cause cancer.


Lem Putt
as soon as you can provide one scientist who says that second hand smoke is good for you i will....
You must see the error of your ways since you are now looking for evidence that secondhand smoke is "good for you."

Before you said it was bad, now it's just not good. Keep reading, and we'll have you happily smoking by the end of the day.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
i never said that, i questioned the funding of a site dedicated to "debunking anti smoker propaganda"

but yes, i would question a study funded by a tobacco company that found cigs do not cause cancer.

Did you bother to read any of the studies listed on the site I posted or are you content to let others tell you what to think on the subject?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
i looked at the site and was unimpressed....

So, admittedly, you choose not to evaluate the studies yourself and find the truth but will just sit back and let others tell you what is or isn't true. And you call others retarded. :sheesh:


New Member
You must see the error of your ways since you are now looking for evidence that secondhand smoke is "good for you."

Before you said it was bad, now it's just not good. Keep reading, and we'll have you happily smoking by the end of the day.

just trying to show kyle how retarded his request for a COD labeled 'secondhand smoke' is......

Larry Gude

Strung Out

just trying to show kyle how retarded his request for a COD labeled 'secondhand smoke' is......

...that word again. I find it offensive and it gives me sniffles plus now I have to wash my hair. All in favor of Tommy not being able to say 'retarded' in public?


New Member
So, admittedly, you choose not to evaluate the studies yourself and find the truth but will just sit back and let others tell you what is or isn't true. And you call others retarded. :sheesh:

I dont need anyone to tell me that breathing in smoke for hours at a time isn't good for me, logic tells me that.
just cuz you cant see the forest through your addiction doesn't mean it aint there.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I dont need anyone to tell me that breathing in smoke for hours at a time isn't good for me, logic tells me that.
just cuz you cant see the forest through your addiction doesn't mean it aint there.

Who breathes it in for hours at a time? A cigarette lasts me about 5 minutes and is usually followed by an hour or so before I fire up another one. And the concentration level upon anyone in close proximity is even less for them than me. After about 40 years of smoking along the lines I indicated above, why am I not dead? After all, doesn't smoking cause cancer?


New Member
Who breathes it in for hours at a time? A cigarette lasts me about 5 minutes and is usually followed by an hour or so before I fire up another one. And the concentration level upon anyone in close proximity is even less for them than me. After about 40 years of smoking along the lines I indicated above, why am I not dead? After all, doesn't smoking cause cancer?

if i spend an evening in a bar playing pool or shooting darts, i have spent hours breathing in YOUR smoke. (not anymore thank christ)

you can play the denial game all you want. smoking is bad 'mkay

BTW, who is to say you dont have cancer, or emphsema, or any others of the host of diseases you can get from smoking?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I dunno...

Who breathes it in for hours at a time? A cigarette lasts me about 5 minutes and is usually followed by an hour or so before I fire up another one. And the concentration level upon anyone in close proximity is even less for them than me. After about 40 years of smoking along the lines I indicated above, why am I not dead? After all, doesn't smoking cause cancer?

...'bout all that. Prove you're not dead.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
if i spend an evening in a bar playing pool or shooting darts, i have spent hours breathing in YOUR smoke. (not anymore thank christ)

you can play the denial game all you want. smoking is bad 'mkay

BTW, who is to say you dont have cancer, or emphsema, or any others of the host of diseases you can get from smoking?

The doctor that completed my physical two weeks ago. He even questioned the fact that I told him I smoked almost a pack a day. He said my lung capacity was above normal for a man my age.

And Larry, sorry I can't prove it until a Federal study is conducted and we are told what they find the answer to be.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The doctor that completed my physical two weeks ago. He even questioned the fact that I told him I smoked almost a pack a day. He said my lung capacity was above normal for a man my age.

And Larry, sorry I can't prove it until a Federal study is conducted and we are told what they find the answer to be.

...this is important. We'll wait.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

Is that hate speech nowadays?