Smoking Ban in MD

How do you feel about the Smoking Ban?

  • Unaffected

    Votes: 20 20.4%
  • About time. Get those filthy smokers outside

    Votes: 49 50.0%
  • I hate it! You have no right to tell me.

    Votes: 31 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Sorry Larry but my view of the Constitution and rights is not incorrect. We may differ here but that doesn't make my view incorrect. Smoking, when done correctly, is harmful. That includes the 2nd hand stuff. Have any of the smoking bans around the country been challenged in court? If a smoking ban is, in fact, unconstitutional one would think they would've been shot down by now in the courts. you're really wandering off the reservation. Slavery was legal in this country for 87 years with the exact same wording the entire time. It is 'constitutionally' legal to kill the unborn who, somehow, have no right to life or liberty.

Just because you view there is no right to smoke UNLESS the constitution says you can does not make it right.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Then it...

...but we do have reasonable explectations to be able to eat in a healthy environment and public health is a proper function of govt. proper to ban 'unhealthy' food and 'unhealthy' drink and 'unhealthy' music and 'unhealthy conversation' and 'unhealthy' thought. All of these things can be proven to be harmful far more than smoking or second hand smoke.


Lem Putt
there is solid scientific data to indicate that cigarette smoke causes cancer.

The issue is not smoke, it's secondhand smoke. If you have evidence, please present it.

(hint - don't waste your time. Scientific studies show no link between secondhand smoke and cancer.)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...but we do have reasonable explectations to be able to eat in a healthy environment

Not when you try to eat in a place that belongs to someone else.

You and I have a basic disagreement that has come up every time we talk about this stuff, ever since I've known you. :lol: And that is that you are for government control and intervention, and I am not.

You, and correct me if I don't word this properly, want the government to ensure safety in places of business. I say this is the responsibility of the business owner, and if they choose not to do so, the public will vote with their dollar - no legislating needed.

There is a certain restaurant in town that is so filthy dirty that I have no idea why anyone would risk eating there. But people do. I choose not to, and haven't been there in years. I don't feel the need to sic the health inspector on them, or complain that I have a right to eat there without fear of roaches and getting food poisoning. I simply go somewhere else.

Other folks DO eat there, and enjoy it. Good for them. :shrug:


New Member
The issue is not smoke, it's secondhand smoke. If you have evidence, please present it.

(hint - don't waste your time. Scientific studies show no link between secondhand smoke and cancer.)

thats not true at all, there have been several studies that have shown that high levels of second hand smoke cause health problems....

so what makes the smoke a smoker inhales less harmful than the second hand smoke?

its all the same smoke.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out

there is solid scientific data to indicate that cigarette smoke causes cancer.

...there is not. It is believed that it CAN, not that it does. Smoking is bad for you, no doubt, but that is up to the individual and the negative affects are widely varied INCLUDING stress relief for many which is a net positive seeings how stress kills more people than smoking does. By far.

The dangers and ills of second hand smoke are pseudo science.


bars aren't for smoking, they are for drinking adn socializing

That's :bs:.......When Duke's Bar was in it's heyday, a lot of real working men would come in and discuss things.........with a ciggy, coffee, or even a beer..


New Member
...there is not. It is believed that it CAN, not that it does. Smoking is bad for you, no doubt, but that is up to the individual and the negative affects are widely varied INCLUDING stress relief for many which is a net positive seeings how stress kills more people than smoking does. By far.

The dangers and ills of second hand smoke are pseudo science.

its the same smoke


Lem Putt
thats not true at all, there have been several studies that have shown that high levels of second hand smoke cause health problems....

so what makes the smoke a smoker inhales less harmful than the second hand smoke?

its all the same smoke.....

Show us a study that supports your opinion.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

its the same smoke

...and if you took 10th grade biology the term 'dispersion' isn't news to you.

I don't smoke. Quit nearly seven years ago. Don't miss it, at all. I feel far better now than then. I think smokers are morons. Thing is, I do things that smokers may not like or support and they may think me a moron yet if I want their support for the things I like then it only makes sense to support them in the things they like as the precedent of the way in which they are being persecuted can be used on me. And you. And for ANYTHING that the mob happens to be stirred up about.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
they didn't serve cigs or cigars?????

They didn't serve socialization, either.

You may notice that I normally don't respond to your silliness, even if I accidentally read it by mistake. However, many bars used to sell cigarettes and cigars. And they also had ashtrays, so one can assume that the bar was for smoking as well as drinking and socializing.

Back to zen you go. Don't bother responding to me - I won't read it. :coffee:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
One Aunt still smokes Pall Mall Reds 68+ years.

Mother smokes Chesterfields 72+ years.

Both still alive.

Perhaps all you people that are so suseptable to cancer just have very weak systems.