Smoking Ban in MD

How do you feel about the Smoking Ban?

  • Unaffected

    Votes: 20 20.4%
  • About time. Get those filthy smokers outside

    Votes: 49 50.0%
  • I hate it! You have no right to tell me.

    Votes: 31 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just because you aren't sniffling, doesn't mean you are healthy.

But since you don't even know me, and I do know myself, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it that I'm healthy, m'kay?

I know it must piss you off royally that I'm not showing the symptoms the smoke Nazis say I should. :huggy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why do...

I'm not talking about annual/bi-annual colds. I'm referring to suspectibility to COPD, bronchitis, and heart disease. Just because you aren't sniffling, doesn't mean you are healthy.

...we keep talking about health here? People hurt themselves with alcohol. They hurt themselves with bacon cheeseburgers. They hurt themselves with stress and psychological issues.


Where do you draw the line on personal behavior and responsibility? The case against smoking is FAR weaker than the same argument applied to alcohol, food and stress. So, what's next? When do individual rights matter or are they now the property of the state because enough people don't like smoke?


Main Streeter
But, again, I couldn't care less. My deck is the best bar/restaurant in town, with everything I need to be happy, and a heck of a lot cheaper, too. No fighting drunks, no screaming children, no clueless waitrons.

That is so true, especially with a nice fire going.


New Member
...we keep talking about health here? People hurt themselves with alcohol. They hurt themselves with bacon cheeseburgers. They hurt themselves with stress and psychological issues.


Where do you draw the line on personal behavior and responsibility? The case against smoking is FAR weaker than the same argument applied to alcohol, food and stress. So, what's next? When do individual rights matter or are they now the property of the state because enough people don't like smoke?

its because when you drink or eat something bad for you, ONLY YOU have to ingest it. When you smoke indoors, EVERYONE in the room has to inhale your smoke. It becomes everyone's business


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Smoking weakens your immune system, so how does that make you any different?

Mine is perfectly fine and I dont' smoke.

My direction is at the :bs: idea that second-hand smoke is anything other than bothersome to group of whiney-##### #######.

All these non-smoking crybabies are #####ing about a little marlboro killing them and they're happily sucking down 300 times more carcinogens from bus exhaust and household aerosols than they'd ever get from a couple hours on a barstool.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

its because when you drink or eat something bad for you, ONLY YOU have to ingest it. When you smoke indoors, EVERYONE in the room has to inhale your smoke. It becomes everyone's business

...if no one has to be there and it is a BAR, why isn't that OK?

Do you know what CO2 concentrations are from simply exhaling? How about methane from farting? How many people were killed as a direct result of alcohol consumption last year? How many people died of heart attacks or diabetes from poor diet? And how many people died from smoking?

You don't accept that second hand smoke is pretty much harmless to bar patrons, that's fine. You don't have to use facts. You can believe what you want. Wouldn't you stay out of that type environment if it is so dangerous?


New Member
...'harmless' and 'pretty much harmless' in context given of pesticides seems to be lost on you, yes?

larry said:
Compare that to cigarettes which have NEVER killed anyone as properly used. They will wear your body out sooner than otherwise. They will likely lead you to lung and heart disease, bad skin, bad hair, bad breathe and other problems, but, the exposure levels are such that what all of this boils down to is government intervention over something that is annoying, but pretty much harmless, to people.

larry, you listed a bunch of negative effects from smoking and then said it was pretty much harmless. that is just retarded.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
But since you don't even know me, and I do know myself, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it that I'm healthy, m'kay?

I know it must piss you off royally that I'm not showing the symptoms the smoke Nazis say I should. :huggy:

It must be a Stealth cold.

No sniffling, sneezing, coughing, achey, stuffy-head, fever or rest for you.... WTF?

Jewel: Do the Smokers just spontaneously combust?


New Member
...if no one has to be there and it is a BAR, why isn't that OK?

Do you know what CO2 concentrations are from simply exhaling? How about methane from farting? How many people were killed as a direct result of alcohol consumption last year? How many people died of heart attacks or diabetes from poor diet? And how many people died from smoking?

You don't accept that second hand smoke is pretty much harmless to bar patrons, that's fine. You don't have to use facts. You can believe what you want. Wouldn't you stay out of that type environment if it is so dangerous?
bwhahahahaha, talking aout facts....
you dont have any facts to support your argument. if you do please show them.......

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
But since you don't even know me, and I do know myself, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it that I'm healthy, m'kay?

I know it must piss you off royally that I'm not showing the symptoms the smoke Nazis say I should. :huggy:

Like you said, I don't know you. I'm not pissed that you don't exhibit symptoms (yet). I don't care if you slowly kill yourself. I care when your smoke (in reference to all smokers, not just yourself) pollutes indoor public air.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
bwhahahahaha, talking aout facts....
you dont have any facts to support your argument. if you do please show them.......

Can't prove a negative. :bonk:

Name one person whose COD was ever listed as second hand smoke.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

larry, you listed a bunch of negative effects from smoking and then said it was pretty much harmless. that is just retarded. know the context I wrote it in. You want to turn that into a gotcha, fine. If you've read my posts with any attention at all, you know I am no fan of cigarettes. I don't have to be for smoking to be for freedom and liberty.

One simple question; what's worse for public health today; alcohol or cigarettes?

If you say alcohol, then I have a second question; if it's worse, why aren't we treating it more sternly than cigarettes if public health is the issue?


Main Streeter
You, and correct me if I don't word this properly, want the government to ensure safety in places of business. I say this is the responsibility of the business owner, and if they choose not to do so, the public will vote with their dollar - no legislating needed.

I think that's pretty close. More of a mix. I realize people can vote with their dollar but what if a few people get sick or die after eating at a particular place before the word gets out? People might not have a chance to vote with their dollar. Some sort of basic standards can prevent needless illness or death.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member know the context I wrote it in. You want to turn that into a gotcha, fine. If you've read my posts with any attention at all, you know I am no fan of cigarettes. I don't have to be for smoking to be for freedom and liberty.

One simple question; what's worse for public health today; alcohol or cigarettes?

If you say alcohol, then I have a second question; if it's worse, why aren't we treating it more sternly than cigarettes if public health is the issue?

Because all the whiney-##### ####### that got us prohibition are dead and the Dems count on inebriation every election cycle.


New Member know the context I wrote it in. You want to turn that into a gotcha, fine. If you've read my posts with any attention at all, you know I am no fan of cigarettes. I don't have to be for smoking to be for freedom and liberty.

One simple question; what's worse for public health today; alcohol or cigarettes?

If you say alcohol, then I have a second question; if it's worse, why aren't we treating it more sternly than cigarettes if public health is the issue?

i quoted the context, you can deny the meaning all you want.....

smoking and drinking have vastly different issues, and as such are dealt with accordingly.

people dont get arrested for driving under the influence of nicotine, just like they haven't banned drinking in bars. two separate issues.