Larry Gude
Strung Out
In the year and a half since I quit smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day, I've been sick more than I have probably in the whole rest of my life put together. Flu bug, bronchial, blah blah blah, one thing after another. I remember that when my mom quit smoking a thousand years ago, too, that she suddenly was always sick with some bug.
So how do you anti-smoking zealots explain that? Because this is not anecdotal, this is a true first-person account of my own health and what I have personally observed.
Your immune system was devastated from the years of nicotine dependency to combat bugs. The nicotine, a FABULOUS insecticide, germicide, cide-cide, was doing ALL the work so your immune system became afflicted. Retarded. Un-functioning. Now, your body is desperately trying to reboot and get the thing started back up. Your DNA is running in circles

So, be patient and be happy you have a wonderful guy cooking for you nutritious and healthy meals so that your ravaged systems may, albeit slowly, come back on line and do their duty. And, be happy that you have a fabulous ex sending you a care package, THE care package if I may be so

Glad you asked and you are welcome.