I wonder Vrai, if there are just more respiratory diseases in society now or more infectious virus's. I used to rarely get sick, maybe once every ten years. The past two years I have gotten colds or sinus infections 3 or 4 times a year and they seem to last up to two weeks.
It could also have something to do with my four-year-old boy being in pre-school and acting as a host/vector to every bug going around.
Nope. It's biology. Everything competing to live. Things not making it so that others may live, nature and the constant battle that equals balance.
We used to be closer to the soil, a pyramid that goes from bottom to top; soil, microbes, plant life, insects, birds, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, man. Modern ag and science is all about destruction of that balance in pursuit of better control through production, purchase and use of chemicals. Yields go up, damage is reduced, the balance is LOST. A balance that, while it could be harmful by simple fact of BAD places with bad pre conditions for man, was also enormously beneficial in terms of balance. Healthy soil means healthy microbes means healthy plant life means healthy insects and on up the chain. In every case, poor anything, plants, animals, people, goes right back to the soil and lack of balance is supposed to me losers be it anything on that pyramid that is out of balance.
Well, we don't like the idea of us dying off as part of balance thus commercial ag improving our survivability but at great cost to the balance that would normally keep us in check. So, while many more would die on a regular basis in nature way too many of us live and we do it by the imbalance we create in the soil and in turn right on up the pyramid to where now we are dependent on our industrial practices to keep this many of us alive. Yet we can not escape poor soil meaning poor microbes, plants, bugs, on up. Poor soil = poor people.
So, we have a LOT of weak people. It shows itself, like it does in the soil, microbes, plants, bugs, on up, in weakness's that, instead of dying off, we perpetuate with....more industrial ag, medicine and everything we can come up with to create an artificial balance, artificial health.