SMOW or Snow for 1/6?


Well-Known Member
25 hours behind the wheel of a snowplow yesterday. In bed just before midnight and alarm went off at 4:30 this morning. Sitting in line now waiting to get a load of salt. County roads icy but passable. 235 south of hermanville is all blacktop. From hermanville to rt4 there are some icy patches but overall good. I’m sure there is black ice this morning but I haven’t tested yet. Gonna be another long day.

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"FS: Ford pick'm-up, lightly used, featured in the movie "Brokeback Mountain", but scene was cut. Don't low ball me, I know what I have here!"


Active Member
My snow blower only made slushies out of this mess, what a pain. Stuff sticks to a shovel pretty bad.
Look up snowblower impeller mod on the net. Easy to do. It works great in slush. You basically attach a piece of rubber belting to the impellers. They scrap the impeller housing which gives you more throwing power. You will be amazed with the results in wet slushy snow. There are some good snowblower forums out there with detailed how to's.

Also, get yourself a can of Snow-Jet. Spray it on the blower and shovels beforehand.