

Active Member
This is mostly me venting, but why do people in this area kill every snake they come across? I am from the midwest originally, and learned to respect nature in general. If we saw snakes, we gave them space and went on our way. While I am out fishing the charles county area lately, I always seem to come across headless or obviously murdered snakes. Brown snakes and black rat snakes. Is it just a tradition around here, or is it ignorant fear?? I just don't get it and it makes me sad to see these beautuful reptiles killed for no reason.


New Member
I dont kill them, even after I walked into my kitchen last summer and found a big black snake stretched out on my kitchen floor. I got the broom to scoop him up and he went under a crack in my dishwasher. I looked for it for hours, but didnt find it and worried that one of us would get up in the middle of the night and step on it or when I opened a cabinet, he would fall out. Never found it in the house again, but he frequently showed up by the pool sunning. I wonder if he will pop up again this summer?


You're all F'in Mad...
Here, I would only kill a copperhead.

I've relocated black snakes from one woodpile to another before. I'll take a non-poisonous snake guarding my house from the disgusting friggin mice every day!

My chick saw a snake on the front step at my house last week. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nanny Pam said:
just like shaving the cat at Easter.

I hate snakes and will kill any that invade my turf. If one crawled under my dishawasher and I couldn't find it, I'd burn the house down.


You're all F'in Mad...
vraiblonde said:

I hate snakes and will kill any that invade my turf. If one crawled under my dishawasher and I couldn't find it, I'd have Larry remodel the kitchen and buy new appliances.



"Typical White Person"
Don't worry about the snakes they are going to be thriving in a few years once Global Warming really takes grip.
AK-74me said:
Don't worry about the snakes they are going to be thriving in a few years once Global Warming really takes grip.
Then there will really be water moccasins here. :lmao:
Gets to me too when people kill snakes, they really don't do any harm and most help keep down the rodent population. Genetic memory and fear of the unknown.


New Member
desertrat said:
Then there will really be water moccasins here. :lmao:
Gets to me too when people kill snakes, they really don't do any harm and most help keep down the rodent population. Genetic memory and fear of the unknown.

I love the Water Moccasin sightings :lmao: (you can't convince people otherwise, even though they are just common water snakes)

It is illegal in the state of Maryland to kill any native any of you "Water Moccasin" sighters...I guess it would be ok to kill them, because they are not really here. :buttkick:


24/7 Single Dad
greyhound said:
That is Virginia, right?
between VA beach and NC. Good ole' dismal swamp. cool place.
In the summer one of the duties was "snake watch" You got a flashlight and a stick and walked the sidewalk around the perimiter of the base. Your job was to flip snakes back into the woods.

... or just walked into the woods and smoked a joint :whistle:

Nanny Pam

vraiblonde said:

I hate snakes and will kill any that invade my turf. If one crawled under my dishawasher and I couldn't find it, I'd burn the house down.
:high5: That's why I sold my last house. I saw snakes in the yard. "Lets go! Pack the crap up and lets move!"


Lem Putt
huntr1 said:
ignorant fear
No, irrational fear. I know that snakes are harmless to humans, and are extremely beneficial. That doesn't change the fact that the sight of one inspires me to turn it into paste. If I killed them because I thought they were a danger to me or my kids, that would be ignorant fear.