So, what does this mean?


professional daydreamer
Middle schoolers having sex with anybody at all is just plain ####ed up.

I don't know that she had sex with anyone, or just claimed to. What I do know is that she was a conniving, manipulative, little #####, and did everything she could to systematically ruin my daughter. I've still got the slam book to prove it.
I don't know that she had sex with anyone, or just claimed to. What I do know is that she was a conniving, manipulative, little #####, and did everything she could to systematically ruin my daughter. I've still got the slam book to prove it.

I was speaking in general to this thread... the arguing over what age is a valid sexy age is ridiculous.

As for the witch your daughter had to put up with... I couldn't imagine not wanting to take advantage of the nearest turtle pond. You should be able to sue for crap like that.


professional daydreamer
I was speaking in general to this thread... the arguing over what age is a valid sexy age is ridiculous.

As for the witch your daughter had to put up with... I couldn't imagine not wanting to take advantage of the nearest turtle pond. You should be able to sue for crap like that.

People can turn their backs on this all they want, but little girls are having sex. There are some horrible little creatures out there, I'm tellin' ya'.
People can turn their backs on this all they want, but little girls are having sex. There are some horrible little creatures out there, I'm tellin' ya'.

Oh don't get me wrong. I know there are mentally deformed children having sex at that age. I think it's ridiculous to argue that since they are they must be ready and know what they are doing. I'm of the mindset they are broken people and will remain so throughout life in one form or another. It doesn't mean the age of consent should be lowered to accomodate them.


professional daydreamer
Oh don't get me wrong. I know there are mentally deformed children having sex at that age. I think it's ridiculous to argue that since they are they must be ready and know what they are doing. I'm of the mindset they are broken people and will remain so throughout life in one form or another. It doesn't mean the age of consent should be lowered to accomodate them.

I'm not suggesting that. However, I do believe that these types of girls should not be able to walk away unscathed.
I'm not suggesting that. However, I do believe that these types of girls should not be able to walk away unscathed.

Gotcha. I agree the truly manipulative should be held accountable for their part in the matter. It's a hard thing to prove though.


professional daydreamer
Gotcha. I agree the truly manipulative should be held accountable for their part in the matter. It's a hard thing to prove though.

Only because we're too PC to drag 'em through the mud. These girls peers know exactly who they are, and what they're capable of.


New Member
Ok, what if she was 16? 17?Then it is not illegal.

If it's consensual sex, and they BOTH know it's illegal, It's not illegal why is it HE that gets thrown in jail, and she walks away scot free? What if it's not a 37 year old, but a 20 year old having sex with a 16 year old? If it is consensual at that point, nobody gets thrown in jail! Everything is fine until he does something to piss her off.. "OMG, he had sex with me, ARREST that ####### that won't let me drive his car!!"What are you talking about, nobody is getting arrested under the circumstances you just described.

And alcohol can play a part without boozing it up with teens.. There are a LOT of coniving women who were once girls.. so I would guess there are a lot of coniving girls...

A lot of situations where a girl can take advantage of a guy that had too much to drink, then later go. "OMG, I'm an innocent teenager and he had sex with me. What is an adult doing drinking with a child fifteen and younger? Take that bad man away and lock him up!!" He wakes up the next day in a jail cell saying "WTH did I do??" And the intent the entire time was to ruin somebody's life. Right, because a guy that drunk doesn't know what he's doing.

Everyone in here can nod there head and say.. "Poor delusional Bob",Now you have said something that is true.

Of course there is ZERO investigations into this kind of behaviour.. NONE, because HE's ALWAYS the convicted, ALWAYS the criminal.. ALWAYS the indicted, no questions asked. Right, that's how the judicial system works.

I'm in no way condoning a 37 year old man having sex with a 13 year old.. NOT even close.. But have you EVER heard the other side of the story from ANY of these cases? I'm sure in 99% of the cases there is one guilty party, and that would be him.. but in 1% of the cases maybe not.



New Member
Not a 13 year old. Similar situation, he just happened to a little over the magical 4 year mark. She was old enough to know exactly what she was doing, and her friends will be the first to tell you that.
Right, but he was a poor innocent person who did nothing wrong. How did she force him to do something?


professional daydreamer
Right, but he was a poor innocent person who did nothing wrong. How did she force him to do something?

Eddy, tell me something, and this is a direct question, and I expect a direct answer, not some beating around the bush. How old were you when you knew the laws regarding sexual encounters?


New Member
Eddy, tell me something, and this is a direct question, and I expect a direct answer, not some beating around the bush. How old were you when you knew the laws regarding sexual encounters?

15 I was taught the law in High School during health class.


professional daydreamer
In this quote....

You are pretty quick to make assumptions about other kids.

No, she was not included. You think I'm making assumptions? You think they're all sweet, little innocent girls? That's laughable.


New Member
Really? Huh. I wasn't.

And your point is? You say you know a guy who was accused of having sex with an underage girl, he was just above the magic four years. PM me his name, since it's public record anyway. I won't put it up here, but I will look into what really happened.