In My Opinion
I hang with the wrong crowd I guess.Apparently you have not met enough St. Mary's County bar patrons.
I hang with the wrong crowd I guess.Apparently you have not met enough St. Mary's County bar patrons.
I hang with the wrong crowd I guess.
This is for a head count!stockgirl
This is for a head count!
This is for a head count!
Well thats never been offered at any M&G
Well ummm...Socki's coming this week. She seems to taint things a bit.
We are all friendly people, you know you don't have to go out of your way to be accepted right?
You think I'd do that for your enjoyment? I do it for mine.
I don't want to be known as one who gets in the way of anyones enjoyment.
Vince - ?
GW - ?
Psyops - Here!
Lexib - ?
Who else?
Im going to piss off MMDad and hug his wife.
Just don't offer her a lap dance!
How do you know I havent already done that?
Im sitting at the opposite end of the table from MMDad.
You should probably sit at the opposite end of the table from me too. I'm wearing my Vote NO on Prop 8 shirt.
You do understand that when they speak of prop 8 and California, its actually the state of California and not California MD right?
I'm just being an ass. I was going to post that I was going to wear my gay pride shirt but I really do not want anyone thinking that I'm a lesbian.
Then I'll finally get to find out what your name stands for. I'm assuming that it's not what I've been thinking it was for the past few years.