So, where to this week?


Well-Known Member
Is anyone bringing kids? I may have my youngest with me. I'm trying to make arrangements for a babysitter, but nothing is panning out yet.


In My Opinion
As to be expected. I'm going to make another phone call before I decide. If anything, we'll just come for a bit and I'll have to leave before the drinks start flowing. :lol:

To be honest, Ive never actually seen the drinks start flowing while meeting.
And, for the most part, I have not heard any conversations that would really be damaging for a child to be around,,
Well, maybe once, but not normally.


Can I come? I want to sit on vrai's lap and stare into her freak magnet eyes! Then I want to share a signature Pina Colada "boat drink" with her..2 straws of course. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
Can I come? I want to sit on vrai's lap and stare into her freak magnet eyes! Then I want to share a signature Pina Colada "boat drink" with her..2 straws of course. :buddies:

Sure. Only we've privately discussed changing the venue and have now decided to meet at Rip's. :howdy:


Obama destroyed America
Can I come? I want to sit on vrai's lap and stare into her freak magnet eyes! Then I want to share a signature Pina Colada "boat drink" with her..2 straws of course. :buddies:
No you cannot come. This is a moron free gathering so you're not allowed. You'll have to get intoxicated somewhere else. :smile: