Someone Help me


New Member
Wow, how ridiculous. Obviously someone has no idea of what they're talking about. Open mouth, insert foot.

Good luck in finding a horse to ride, Bella. :) Hope it all works out for you.


J.P. Cusick


That is cool if it is seen as funny, but it was not meant to be humorous.

I did not want to post any real picture of animal / horse cruelty and abuse so the cartoon is a nice way of showing a dirty deed.

By viewing violent images then people become insensitive to the brutalities there-in so I tried posting a far less ugly picture.



J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Please go door to door to the Amish farms and tell them they may no longer use a horse as a mode of transportation.

In fact I have informed the Amish and Mennonites about their cruelties to their horses and here is one example as I wrote it in a letter to the Enterprise published December 17, 2008 link it HERE.

The article speaks for itself so I will add no more now.

Following your line of thought John Wayne abused horses, I didn't like him anyway. :evil:
Wagons ho!

There is a reasonable argument that long ago people needed the servitude of horses in the settling of America, but that time is long past.

So the abuse of horses is not needed today when we have bicycles and cars and tractors.

Using it in a movie has some merit to recreate historical reality but in Hollywood they go to great efforts not to harm the animals.

Link = - Hollywood animals



J.P. Cusick
The rock.

He needs the exercise so he doesn't waste away bored to death! He loves being ridden. By the way U are a douche bag jp!

Of course the horse has informed you of being "bored" and loving to tote some human around on their back - I say not.

In a TV documentary it showed Mustangs out roaming free in the US prairies (unnatural habitat of course) but the horses were shown to purposely lay down on the dusty ground and role their back until they got a layer of dust on their back and then the wild horse would stand up and trot around with obvious dust and dirt all over the animal.

Now many horse owners clean and brush their horses every day and the owners do it claiming that the horses love it and appreciate the owner's care but the owner never took the time to find out what the horse wanted and yet we can see in wild and free horses that they do not want brushed or cleaned as the horse like to have a dirty back.

So believing that some horse is pleased and happy to carry some human around, then one might ask why is it then that the horse must first be broken and why does the rider always carry and use a whip? answer because the horse is a prisoner that has no way to resist their task masters.




Equestrian :)
Of course the horse has informed you of being "bored" and loving to tote some human around on their back - I say not.

In a TV documentary it showed Mustangs out roaming free in the US prairies (unnatural habitat of course) but the horses were shown to purposely lay down on the dusty ground and role their back until they got a layer of dust on their back and then the wild horse would stand up and trot around with obvious dust and dirt all over the animal.

Now many horse owners clean and brush their horses every day and the owners do it claiming that the horses love it and appreciate the owner's care but the owner never took the time to find out what the horse wanted and yet we can see in wild and free horses that they do not want brushed or cleaned as the horse like to have a dirty back.

So believing that some horse is pleased and happy to carry some human around, then one might ask why is it then that the horse must first be broken and why does the rider always carry and use a whip? answer because the horse is a prisoner that has no way to resist their task masters.



Horses love their job. You can tell by their expressions just like a dog. Horses lives are very privledged if owned by the right person. I probably spend atleast 45k a year making sure my horse has the best care, food, medical attention etc
BTW...I don't use whips but I do use rowl spurs go ahead and look that one up you'll love those.


New Member
This guy doesn't have a CHANCE at being governor... big waste of his own campaign funds (no one would be stupid enough to contribute). How many REAL candidates do you see with a free, ad-based campaign website? And who spend their valeuable time posting wacky messages in the local horse forum? Big joke. Time to let this thread go.


Podunk FL
Now many horse owners clean and brush their horses every day and the owners do it claiming that the horses love it and appreciate the owner's care but the owner never took the time to find out what the horse wanted and yet we can see in wild and free horses that they do not want brushed or cleaned as the horse like to have a dirty back.

AND I am sure your childern appreciated the fact that you never paid child support on time for them?

My horse leans into the brush to get his itchy spots. When he is itchy he looks for the brush.


New Member
Time to let this thread go.

Awww c'mon I'm enjoying the show :popcorn:

I'll be sure to reflect on my cruelty to animals while I slather zinc oxide on my horse's nose so his poor white muzzle doesn't get sunburned :killingme And I'll be sure to ask him if he would prefer fending off mountain lions vs carting my butt around a few times a week :whistle:

While I'm at it, I'll ask her highness the dog if she wouldn't prefer life in the wild.

Who is this guy? A serious candidate wouldn't run around alienating voters. I call B.S. :howdy:
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J.P. Cusick
The rock.

This guy doesn't have a CHANCE at being governor... big waste of his own campaign funds (no one would be stupid enough to contribute). How many REAL candidates do you see with a free, ad-based campaign website? And who spend their valeuable time posting wacky messages in the local horse forum? Big joke. Time to let this thread go.

This is not about me being Governor as I honestly care about preventing the cruelty against helpless and defenseless animals.

I am okay in letting this thread go, as I thought maybe I could discuss this on an adult level but no, and the original post asked for "help" when apparently that was not quite what she really meant as she only wants another horse to abuse and not help in doing right or living right.

I see it as a matter of human conscience, because people simply can not continue doing cruel and savage acts to animals unless they refuse to discuss it and refuse to think about it because their conscience will condemn the person and it takes a lot of effort to suppress one's own conscience.



K Betit
:killingme:killingme This must be some kind of strange joke. There is no way anyone is ignorant enough to make these comments...


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

:killingme:killingme This must be some kind of strange joke. There is no way anyone is ignorant enough to make these comments...

Their ignorance does not have to be permanent as a little growth and education in compassion and civility and let them then take into consideration what they are doing to the simple animals and their conscience might yet rise to a better condition.

For some reason many human beings have a truly hard time overcoming their selfishness and cruelties.



Their ignorance does not have to be permanent as a little growth and education in compassion and civility and let them then take into consideration what they are doing to the simple animals and their conscience might yet rise to a better condition.

For some reason many human beings have a truly hard time overcoming their selfishness and cruelties.


Wow, so you even pretend ignorance when she accuses you of ignorance.

If you do truly believe these horses are being abused I'd be more than happy to prove to you otherwise. An abused animal doesn't come running up to you in the field or follow you around. You should see me TRY to chase them away. There's nothing like sawing and hammering a board with a horse in your face.

To "break a horse" is, in my opinion" an archaic term and one that I do not feel is accurate of true horsemanship. The bond between a horse and handler should not be dominating, domineering or stressful to either the horse or the human. It's about teaching the horse and communicating with that animal in a way that it understands. Brute force rarely has a place in proper training.

Most horses are retired when they get older or if they're injured and can no longer do their jobs. But, some horses like some people don't take well to the retired life and actually get sick and/or lose weight and their joie de vivre. Putting that horse "back to work" whether it's light trail rides, lessons, babysitting foals or even just being groomed on a regular basis can change the downward turn that horse's life has taken. Oh and regarding your comment that horses don't like to be groomed please look up mutual grooming. Ask any horse person what it is and they'll tell you. It's the perfect way that horses express their delight in being groomed.

Horses in loving, knowledgeable homes live much longer lives than those wild horses out on the range. Many of the things these horses do would not be possible if the horse didn't want to do it. I've turned a horse loose in an arena and it started jumping jumps.

Do you have a dog? Is it trained to walk on a leash, sit on command, lay down, or give a paw? Did you abuse that dog? Is it scared of your tyrannical rule?

Yes horses, just like dogs, are abused everyday. But, most people own, ride, drive, work and show their horse do not abuse them. In fact many of us would spend money on something the horse needs before we spend the money on ourselves.

Horses are commonly used in therapeutic riding programs as well as prisoner rehab programs. Being able to work with and therefor communicate with a prey animal is incredibly enriching and rewarding. The horse is a mirror and will reflect back to you your patience, your anger, your understanding, and even your jubilation.

When you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about you should either educate yourself or keep quiet.
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For some reason many human beings have a truly hard time overcoming their selfishness and cruelties.

I agree- many people are selfish thinking only of their own veiws on things, and not accepting nor respectful enough to consider others thoughts and views. They feel the need to cruely, and disrepectfully speak their mind, for reasons beyond my understanding. If people learned a bit of respectful constructive critisism, rather than the more common "fun" and rather disheartening literary bashing, the www would be a much kinder place.

I would think that a person seeking to stand as a public figure would be open to ALL sides and opinions, weighing things on both sides of the equation and respectfully speaking on the subject once fully informed of all things to be considered, rather than speaking from ignorant assumptions and misinformed knowledge on a subject it seems they may not be very experienced on. JMO It would be as if I were to come and speak rudely on a political subject I know nothing about. It would not be respectful, and would be ignorant on my part. Let just agree to disagree- anthother stregnth one must learn to have- esp one with goals to be amidst large numbers of people with differing views.

Also, understand, to come here and bash these people here will do nothing to "stop" them. I do not understand what one might think would come as you have with such degrading accusations of "abuse". This might be much better approached with a questioning, and understanding of what really goes on in a well run farm before jumping to conclusions and speaking so brash against them.


New Member
Well said Phyxius...
And aren't these two things the absolute truth! I may even steal the second one as a quote ;O)

There's nothing like sawing and hammering a board with a horse in your face.
The horse is a mirror and will reflect back to you your patience, your anger, your understanding, and even your jubilation.


havoc is havoc
I truly do not get this, as how is it that you think a horse NEEDS to be ridden?

Will it forget that it is your servant and slave and buck your butt off of its back if you do not keep reminding the poor animal as to who is the master?

I suspect that is the reason that it is "needed" for you to maintain control and it is not needed for the benefit of the horse.


Spoken like a true dem that has know idea how this country was truely founded.A quick look at you history book would have told ya a little something. Are you suggesting welfare for horses as long as they are not ridden?


…An abused animal doesn't come running up to you in the field or follow you around. You should see me TRY to chase them away. There's nothing like sawing and hammering a board with a horse in your face.

The horse is a mirror and will reflect back to you your patience, your anger, your understanding, and even your jubilation.

When you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about you should either educate yourself or keep quiet.

Well said Phyxius...
And aren't these two things the absolute truth! I may even steal the second one as a quote ;O)

I agree.

This feels like dejavu!:whistle:

JPC's head is as hard as a billy goat. Some would say Dense

......where was the dumb animal quote?
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New Member
I agree.

This feels like dejavu!:whistle:

JPC's head is as hard as a billy goat. Some would say Dense

......where was the dumb animal quote?


Quick question for the horse liberator.... JP why do you have the smiley of beating a dead horse in your signature? Does not go along very well with your argument. :imjustsayin: :whistle:


Methodically disorganized
This must be some kind of strange joke. There is no way anyone is ignorant enough to make these comments...
You're right: ignorance alone can not it. But plentiful servings of drugs and alcohol combined with general psychosis can. Nearly everything he says is counter to common sense and reality. Feel free to read some of his own threads - you'll be greatly amused... or maybe just appalled.