Someone Help me


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

We as humans like to think of animals as ignorant, not because they are, but because we are arrogant and forget we ourselves are animals. We create standards and rules and laws and such that betray our very nature, and yet we think animals are stupid. :rolleyes:

I did not mean the horses were stupid as being ignorant is not quite the same thing.

The horses are loving and friendly and hard workers, and they are fooled by the human masters.



New Member
I did not mean the horses were stupid as being ignorant is not quite the same thing.

The horses are loving and friendly and hard workers, and they are fooled by the human masters.


You really do not know much about animals do you? Like people, MOST of them are happier when they have a real job, and any human who knows what they are doing works in PARTNERSHIP with the animal. It is not, when it it does right, a 'master /slave' relationship.

Try actually sitting and observing a good team some time, rather than just following blindly PETA style arrogance. The animals will actually 'talk' to you with body language, movement, sound... you have to learn how to listen.


Look at her SMILE
I would love to see the end of horse racing and the sooner the better.

It is an inhumane and ignorant sport based on senseless brutality against an animal that has sacrificed immensely to gratify the greed of mankind.

Actually horses have voted in the only way the innocent animal ever could vote by bucking the human off of its back, link HERE.

The horses are "broken" by human force and violence to nullify the horse's vote.


I personally would like to see people like you euthanized! Freaking crazy people..... !:1bdz:


New Member
Try asking a horse.

And maybe ask one of the horses actually doing the work.


I repeat...

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, and before you continue judging and spewing uneducated opinionated nonsense you should at least take the time to observe people who do it right, interacting with their horses.


New Member
I did not mean the horses were stupid as being ignorant is not quite the same thing.

The horses are loving and friendly and hard workers, and they are fooled by the human masters.

So is this why you do not hold a real job? (besides the lame excuse of being disabled) You do not want to be a slave to someone over you?
Is this the real reason that you aspire to become Governor? You finally want to become a master? hmmm :killingme


New Member
Try asking a horse.

And maybe ask one of the horses actually doing the work.

Dr. Doolittle I presume? So you are saying you now speak to horses and they have told you this? Did they tell you this in a town meeting or send you an email? :killingme


Wow you sound like those idiot ignorant PETA people who think sled dogs are 'slaves'. That's like calling Danica Patrck a slave. Sure, some are mistreated just like some kids are mistreated (or neglected), but the ones that are brought into it right love what they do... it's evident just watching them.

I had a mare out in NV when I lived there that was the same way. She followed me around the field, would pester the bejesus out of me constantly when I was working on the fence or the barn wanting nose rubs, etc. She got excited when she saw the saddle or bridle come out, would prance over and actually try to get herself under the tack, LOL.

Hardly the behavior of beaten slaves.

Did you learn about horses and horse training from watch B/W westerns?

He gained all of his knowledge from Mr Ed.:whistle:

A horse is a horse ---- of course of course.

Link here = Mister Ed Fun Page


The extent of JP's horse knowledge!!!

How else could he know their feelings and the pain they endure? They tell him... literally.
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I repeat...

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, and before you continue judging and spewing uneducated opinionated nonsense you should at least take the time to observe people who do it right, interacting with their horses.

This is a phrase that Echoes in EVERY Thread that JP posts in. :whistle:


oh,...and is usually followed by the resounding Lunatic Echoe!



havoc is havoc
This guy is a total loser and a complete whack job. This idiot has probably never owned an animal or knows of the incredible dedication it takes to have this honor. As Turbo said it is a partnership, it is not a master and slave deal at all. We all get it and JP never will. He will never know of the cruelty of shoveling snow so the horses can be brought in and out and of the feedings in total down pours. Yes we horse owners are the worst ever, how can we even sleep at night after cleaning stalls, feeding and filling the water troughs before we worry about us. Not to mention how mean we must be call a vet to come out to the farm to treat our slaves for the slightest injury and stay in the stall with them all night to make sure they are ok. JP is a MORON just wanting to promote himself as the must not ever vote for politician in the world. If that is his dream then he has achieved it 10 fold. Get some help.


Adopt me please !
I think the general opinion is that he isn't getting ALL of the medical care he needs ..... :whistle:

This guy is a total loser and a complete whack job. This idiot has probably never owned an animal or knows of the incredible dedication it takes to have this honor. As Turbo said it is a partnership, it is not a master and slave deal at all. We all get it and JP never will. He will never know of the cruelty of shoveling snow so the horses can be brought in and out and of the feedings in total down pours. Yes we horse owners are the worst ever, how can we even sleep at night after cleaning stalls, feeding and filling the water troughs before we worry about us. Not to mention how mean we must be call a vet to come out to the farm to treat our slaves for the slightest injury and stay in the stall with them all night to make sure they are ok. JP is a MORON just wanting to promote himself as the must not ever vote for politician in the world. If that is his dream then he has achieved it 10 fold. Get some help.


New Member
I am proud of what I do, The point of this thread is not about me, as the person asked for help, and the poster has already hurt one horse, so I am giving the best advice here in saying to wake up and stop the cruelty to the horses.

Only one that's ignorant is you. You wasn't giving advice.
You was showing your disapproval over people that ride horses.

So your proud that you picked a Treasury person that's a known drug user, a thief and has a long arrest history.
Your proud that you picked a 73 yo man that you meant in jail to be your Lt. for governor. That also has a arrest history.
Your proud that you travel around the US and didn't support your own son.
Your proud of the fact that you became a drunk at a early age.
Your proud of the fact that you didn't finish high school.

JP Cusick is a vegetarian need I say more. :whistle:
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No disrespect towards other vegetarian's.
Just when I think of them, I think of the PETA people.

No disrespect taken.

Vegetarians do love animals, don't they? ....and have pets?

....and at one time in their lives probably wore nike shoes.

Although while my son was going thru is vegetarian stage, he didn't wear or buy and animal products and rode our horses bareback with halter and rope reins.

Anyway, its no big deal.

JP is just a lunatic.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

I repeat...

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, and before you continue judging and spewing uneducated opinionated nonsense you should at least take the time to observe people who do it right, interacting with their horses.

I concede that some people try to do as best as they can, and they see them selves as doing right, but the vast majority of horses are abused by people that claim to be loving and caring horse owners.

If you treat you horses well then I say God bless you, but that does not end the reality that a person riding on top of a horse for the person's own jollies in disregard of the true condition of the horse, is still an abuse of the animal.
