Someone Help me


New Member
It was said well, but to sound magnanimous while riding on their back for his own gratification makes the sound a bit disingenuous.

:killingme: Umm, I'm pretty sure she wasn't riding when she said/wrote it. :whistle:

All things aside from your word choices and placement... Horses are much like people: some enjoy working towards a purpose or traversing the countryside with their (people) companions, while others are lazy and continually seek opportunities to circumvent work. Laziness in our great country is rewarded with welfare and other government subsidies. It’s the continued rewarding for negative behavior that perpetuates our current parasitic rapports (albeit horses or people).

My horses do choose. I work 10+ hours a day for them (to earn money, clean stalls, buy feed, give shelter, keep them well, etc.). In return for the 10+ hrs/day it takes me to keep them comfortable, I ask (not demand) 1 hour of their time, that I get willingly (no buck, rearing, etc. and they load or come when called). The remaining 23 hours they may eat, sleep, or play at their leisure. Quite honestly, I wish I could be so lucky to come back to this world as one of Phyxius’ or my horses!

Your belief for horse cruelty suggests you do not appreciate the comforts you may have for your own modern society. Unless you solely live on a sustainable agriculture and have never dined out or frequented a grocery store, you too have weighed your cost-benefit and decided that working provides you access to amenities or a lifestyle you desire. It is my belief that horses also appreciate a degree of evolution; they do not have to fight for herds or resources and have a safe respite from the elements (our recent harsh winter was evident when my own horses chose NOT to leave the comforts of their stalls when given the option).

I challenge you to see for yourself that there is a different side to your argument. As someone who seeks a leadership role, you would know that great leaders evolve through their experiences. I would urge you to witness a horse that truly loves trail riding become upset when he isn't the one ridden that day and that many horses do choose the life they lead. My horses are excited to see me come home and will bicker over who gets to greet me at the gate to get the first kiss and head scratch. My horses are not held in their stall or in their pastures against their will. I let them out into my yard where there are no boundaries while I pull weeds and do other chores. They could run away at any opportunity of their choosing yet they stay and enjoy my company, as I do theirs.


:killingme: Umm, I'm pretty sure she wasn't riding when she said/wrote it. :whistle:

All things aside from your word choices and placement... Horses are much like people: some enjoy working towards a purpose or traversing the countryside with their (people) companions, while others are lazy and continually seek opportunities to circumvent work. Laziness in our great country is rewarded with welfare and other government subsidies. It’s the continued rewarding for negative behavior that perpetuates our current parasitic rapports (albeit horses or people).

My horses do choose. I work 10+ hours a day for them (to earn money, clean stalls, buy feed, give shelter, keep them well, etc.). In return for the 10+ hrs/day it takes me to keep them comfortable, I ask (not demand) 1 hour of their time, that I get willingly (no buck, rearing, etc. and they load or come when called). The remaining 23 hours they may eat, sleep, or play at their leisure. Quite honestly, I wish I could be so lucky to come back to this world as one of Phyxius’ or my horses!

Your belief for horse cruelty suggests you do not appreciate the comforts you may have for your own modern society. Unless you solely live on a sustainable agriculture and have never dined out or frequented a grocery store, you too have weighed your cost-benefit and decided that working provides you access to amenities or a lifestyle you desire. It is my belief that horses also appreciate a degree of evolution; they do not have to fight for herds or resources and have a safe respite from the elements (our recent harsh winter was evident when my own horses chose NOT to leave the comforts of their stalls when given the option).

I challenge you to see for yourself that there is a different side to your argument. As someone who seeks a leadership role, you would know that great leaders evolve through their experiences. I would urge you to witness a horse that truly loves trail riding become upset when he isn't the one ridden that day and that many horses do choose the life they lead. My horses are excited to see me come home and will bicker over who gets to greet me at the gate to get the first kiss and head scratch. My horses are not held in their stall or in their pastures against their will. I let them out into my yard where there are no boundaries while I pull weeds and do other chores. They could run away at any opportunity of their choosing yet they stay and enjoy my company, as I do theirs.

Very well said!

For a second there I thought you had read his repertoire and were going to lead into the fact that JPC is a financial drain on our tax dollars. I had to laugh when you assumed he worked for a living. :whistle:

Any way the Election forum folks promised to keep him entertained so he doesn’t come wandering back any time soon.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Dear GAWD I've been away too long, I needed a good laugh. - 2008:

United States Statistics

9.2 Million Horses in the U.S.
2 Million people own horses
Horse owning households median income $60,000 (all others only $36,000)
7.9 Million people participated in horse activities
7.1 Million Americans involved in the horse industry
Horse industry goods & services $25.3 Billion
U.S. gross domestic product total impact $112.1 Billion

I pay more to maintain ONE horse per year than most divorcees pay in child support. Stuff that into your pipe and smoke it Mr. JP.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
And read this:
Maryland Horse Industry Board

Total Operating Expenditures 475,670,000
Total Capital Expenditures 290,110,000
Total Expenditures 765,780,000

And this doesn't include everyone, only those who responded.... :rolleyes:


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Honestly... just leave the thread. You obviously dont know jack about horses, but I would hope that you have the common sense to know when you have been defeated in an argument.

I did leave this thread, but if you insist on continuing then I will oblige.

I have not been defeated in this argument, as I am not a defenseless horse which you can so easily beat and beat and beat.

Apparently horse people get use to the false ideal that silence means defeat and surrender when it does not.

I suspect that both God and the horse hopes for the day when your kind will get off of the horses' back and stay off.



Horse Poor
I did leave this thread, but if you insist on continuing then I will oblige.

I have not been defeated in this argument, as I am not a defenseless horse which you can so easily beat and beat and beat.

Apparently horse people get use to the false ideal that silence means defeat and surrender when it does not.

I suspect that both God and the horse hopes for the day when your kind will get off of the horses' back and stay off.


Hey MR A-HOLE..Why don't you meet with some horse owners here and we'll show you how we treat our horses,then we'll show you what horse people do with MR A-HOLES like you,,You are a disgrace to society. Go find the ones that really abuse animals...My mentally handicap sister has more sense tha you...
I'm done.:1bdz:


New Member
I did leave this thread, but if you insist on continuing then I will oblige. I have not been defeated in this argument, as I am not a defenseless horse which you can so easily beat and beat and beat.

Apparently horse people get use to the false ideal that silence means defeat and surrender when it does not. I suspect that both God and the horse hopes for the day when your kind will get off of the horses' back and stay off.
Boy, You need to run along and go play elsewhere?

First of all, You don't know what it takes to raise and care for horses. Yes, I do know of a family that own horses and yes they ride them and take care of them. I have never seen them whip a horse, NEVER!

Your GED and Self educating yourself isn't working. I doubt very much,
if you ever meet or talked with anyone in person that owns horses.

Your a vegatarain so that explains a lot. Are you a member of any animal right groups?

Here's a site that tells the truth about JP. It's not pretty but it's the truth. votejp-cusick
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J.P. Cusick
The rock.

I say to look at that big grin on that picture, and that must be one happy candidate.

And notice the fact that is says a "proud" maverick, because that is the difference between me and a horse rider.

I am proud of what I do, but the horse rider has to deny what they do.

The horse is beaten and whipped and forced into slavery, while the horse rider will be proud of riding the horse and proud of owning the animals and think them self so fine and dandy atop the unfortunate animal, but the riders are not proud of what they actually do to a defenseless and innocent animal that can not successfully fight back against their unloving human task masters.

The point of this thread is not about me, as the person asked for help, and the poster has already hurt one horse, so I am giving the best advice here in saying to wake up and stop the cruelty to the horses.



New Member
I say to look at that big grin on that picture, and that must be one happy candidate.

And notice the fact that is says a "proud" maverick, because that is the difference between me and a horse rider.

I am proud of what I do, but the horse rider has to deny what they do.

The horse is beaten and whipped and forced into slavery, while the horse rider will be proud of riding the horse and proud of owning the animals and think them self so fine and dandy atop the unfortunate animal, but the riders are not proud of what they actually do to a defenseless and innocent animal that can not successfully fight back against their unloving human task masters.

The point of this thread is not about me, as the person asked for help, and the poster has already hurt one horse, so I am giving the best advice here in saying to wake up and stop the cruelty to the horses.


Wow you sound like those idiot ignorant PETA people who think sled dogs are 'slaves'. That's like calling Danica Patrck a slave. Sure, some are mistreated just like some kids are mistreated (or neglected), but the ones that are brought into it right love what they do... it's evident just watching them.

I had a mare out in NV when I lived there that was the same way. She followed me around the field, would pester the bejesus out of me constantly when I was working on the fence or the barn wanting nose rubs, etc. She got excited when she saw the saddle or bridle come out, would prance over and actually try to get herself under the tack, LOL.

Hardly the behavior of beaten slaves.

Did you learn about horses and horse training from watch B/W westerns?


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

Wow you sound like those idiot ignorant PETA people who think sled dogs are 'slaves'. That's like calling Danica Patrck a slave. Sure, some are mistreated just like some kids are mistreated (or neglected), but the ones that are brought into it right love what they do... it's evident just watching them.

I had a mare out in NV when I lived there that was the same way. She followed me around the field, would pester the bejesus out of me constantly when I was working on the fence or the barn wanting nose rubs, etc. She got excited when she saw the saddle or bridle come out, would prance over and actually try to get herself under the tack, LOL.

Hardly the behavior of beaten slaves.

Did you learn about horses and horse training from watch B/W westerns?

The horse is an ignorant animal, and the duty of supervision is where the virtue is missing.

It is like getting a person addicted to booze or to cocaine and they will come back happy to do anything and sell their soul and body for more of the drug, and that is a dysfunction or deficiency but it is not natural.

The horse does not know any better, and you as the owner have failed to teach it any better.

The horses' ignorance is exploited by the cruel and unnatural dictates of their human masters.

You fool the horse and your self while others of us are not fooled in this.



New Member
The politician is an ignorant animal who talks out of both sides of his mouth, and the duty of supervision is where the virtue is missing.

It is like getting a person addicted to booze or to cocaine and they will come back happy to do anything and sell their soul and body for more of the drug, and that is a dysfunction or deficiency but it is not natural.

The politician does not know any better, and you as the voter have failed to teach your children any better.

The politicians' ignorance is exploited by the cruel and unnatural dictates of their media masters.

You fool the media and yourself while most voters can be fooled by this as it is a learned behavior as history repeats itself.


I agree totally:whistle:
Some politicians just don't understand the virtue of shutting the eff up!
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New Member
The horse is an ignorant animal, and the duty of supervision is where the virtue is missing.

It is like getting a person addicted to booze or to cocaine and they will come back happy to do anything and sell their soul and body for more of the drug, and that is a dysfunction or deficiency but it is not natural.

The horse does not know any better, and you as the owner have failed to teach it any better.

The horses' ignorance is exploited by the cruel and unnatural dictates of their human masters.

You fool the horse and your self while others of us are not fooled in this.


We'll have to agree to disagree I guess. I look at horses, and all animals, with respect. I give them credit where it is due. I have years and years of experience with both domestic and wild animals, and many are not as 'ignorant' as most of the people I know. In fact, when it comes to survival, they are cunning and quick witted, and far more capable than yourself. You would last 3 days in the wild without your modern conveniences. A dog or horse that has lived it's entire life under human supervision would survive without issue. Given the choice, most that have been treated with respect and kindness will return after a fashion should they find 'freedom'.

We as humans like to think of animals as ignorant, not because they are, but because we are arrogant and forget we ourselves are animals. We create standards and rules and laws and such that betray our very nature, and yet we think animals are stupid. :rolleyes:

They are smarter than you give them credit for, and in this world, many are our partners, and should be treated with respect. Your obvious disdain for them under the guise of 'kindness' or 'mercy' is not far from the vileness of one who would abuse them.


Adopt me please !
Oh Turbo :yeahthat: sock it to him baby :love:

We'll have to agree to disagree I guess. I look at horses, and all animals, with respect. I give them credit where it is due. I have years and years of experience with both domestic and wild animals, and many are not as 'ignorant' as most of the people I know. In fact, when it comes to survival, they are cunning and quick witted, and far more capable than yourself. You would last 3 days in the wild without your modern conveniences. A dog or horse that has lived it's entire life under human supervision would survive without issue. Given the choice, most that have been treated with respect and kindness will return after a fashion should they find 'freedom'.

We as humans like to think of animals as ignorant, not because they are, but because we are arrogant and forget we ourselves are animals. We create standards and rules and laws and such that betray our very nature, and yet we think animals are stupid. :rolleyes:

They are smarter than you give them credit for, and in this world, many are our partners, and should be treated with respect. Your obvious disdain for them under the guise of 'kindness' or 'mercy' is not far from the vileness of one who would abuse them.