Someone Help me


Love * Luck * Faith
I did not mean the horses were stupid as being ignorant is not quite the same thing.

The horses are loving and friendly and hard workers, and they are fooled by the human masters.


You are right in that ignorance and stupidity are not the same thing. Ignorance is lack of knowledge in a certain area because someone or something has not been taught. Stupidity is when someone or something is UNABLE to learn. That is the ONLY point throughout 8 pages of thread in which you have been correct. That, and that most horses are loving and friendly.

I challenge your reasoning, however... If horses are hard workers, wouldnt we be doing them a service by giving them a job (i.e. riding them) rather than letting them waste away in a field? Entertaining the notion that horses are in fact "hard workers", wouldnt they be miserable without a job to do??? So in turn, people who ride are actually making their hard working equine HAPPY by taking them out for a ride now and then. Right? Further, if horses are ignorant animals, how can they have a knowledge of work ethic to be able to be called a "hard worker" is they have not been taught by a human as to what "work" is? You have managed to contradict yourself in one of your shortest babbleing posts.

Some people are pointing out your ignorance (although I believe it to be more along the lines of pure stupidity) as far as a human being and/or political figure, however I am only going to comment on your lack of understanding of the equine world. I get the impression that you honestly have no inkling as to what you are talking about. All politicians, even the wanna-be's, like to spew garbage not only from their mouths but also from their fingertips over the internet and I believe that your "understanding" of horses is just that - Garbage.

I suspect that both God and the horse hopes for the day when your kind will get off of the horses' back and stay off.

You have also mentioned God a few times in your postings. You suspect that God hopes we all stop horse ownership (especially the utilization of horses for riding and driving) and, in your mind, turning horses into "slaves." I suspect that you are wrong, Sir. God created man in His image, thus giving us certain abililities that other creatures do not have. This includes the ability to tame horses and other animals. If this was an ability that He did not wish for His children to utilize, I feel that He wouldnt not have passed this ability on to us. Did you ever think about that one? Not a sermon, just a thought. :howdy:


Adopt me please !
I'm thrilled that you are enjoying this dialogue - you seem to yearn for attention, and you certainly get it, just not in a positive manner. It's very unfortunate that you choose to spend your time arguing points that make absolutely no sense to anyone but yourself. But hey to each his own right? Words directed toward you are merely a waste of energy, as you don't even TRY to consider the other person's view, so on that note ..... :buttkick:

I concede that some people try to do as best as they can, and they see them selves as doing right, but the vast majority of horses are abused by people that claim to be loving and caring horse owners.

If you treat you horses well then I say God bless you, but that does not end the reality that a person riding on top of a horse for the person's own jollies in disregard of the true condition of the horse, is still an abuse of the animal.



New Member
I concede that some people try to do as best as they can, and they see them selves as doing right, but the vast majority of horses are abused by people that claim to be loving and caring horse owners.

If you treat you horses well then I say God bless you, but that does not end the reality that a person riding on top of a horse for the person's own jollies in disregard of the true condition of the horse, is still an abuse of the animal.


If you can show me bonafide evidence that short of extreme fatties, horseback riding is indeed dangerous or destructive to the horse, than so be it.

I'm pretty certain, however, that you will not find such anywhere, being that a horse carrying a typical human is about as strenous as me carrying a housecat.

Your definition of abuse, and mine, do not mesh. I see allowing a horse to just sort of be a permanent fixture in a field somewhere and never riding it as an injustice to the horse. Certain animals have been domesticated nearly as long as we have been on this earth, Horses and Dogs being the top two. They have existed as partners and compatriots, and to many of us, realtive equals... of ours for eons. And yet, you wish to take that away. How grande of you.

Look at our other long standing animal friend, the canine. Today, some 2% of dog owners do any type of formal training, and even a smaller percentage give the dog a bonafide job. The rest, the dog is simply a pet, and in many cases, not much more than an animated throw pillow... a fashion accessory of a sort. I think it is sad... this is what people like you and PETA wish for these once proud animals. Would you have our horses now relegated to the same fate? You do them no honor, no service... despite your intentions. You need to educate yourself first, and do so by actual experience, not reading PETA blogs.


You have also mentioned God a few times in your postings. You suspect that God hopes we all stop horse ownership (especially the utilization of horses for riding and driving) and, in your mind, turning horses into "slaves." I suspect that you are wrong, Sir. God created man in His image, thus giving us certain abililities that other creatures do not have. This includes the ability to tame horses and other animals. If this was an ability that He did not wish for His children to utilize, I feel that He wouldnt not have passed this ability on to us. Did you ever think about that one? Not a sermon, just a thought. :howdy:

oh yeah, forgot to mention on of the other forums that JPC frequents and spouts more lunacy, is the Religion forum. If you need to get the blood moving or want a chuckle on slow days here, you can always visit one of those threads. :whistle:

here's a recap:
JPC loves shooting off at the mouth, usually about things he knows nothing about. He is narrow minded and not open to others points of view, and he is a lunitic.

Yeah thats about right!


Podunk FL
Look at our other long standing animal friend, the canine. Today, some 2% of dog owners do any type of formal training, and even a smaller percentage give the dog a bonafide job.

My dog has a job...

Sitting on his butt watching tv and farting. :killingme


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

I challenge your reasoning, however... If horses are hard workers, wouldnt we be doing them a service by giving them a job (i.e. riding them) rather than letting them waste away in a field? Entertaining the notion that horses are in fact "hard workers", wouldn't they be miserable without a job to do??? So in turn, people who ride are actually making their hard working equine HAPPY by taking them out for a ride now and then. Right? Further, if horses are ignorant animals, how can they have a knowledge of work ethic to be able to be called a "hard worker" is they have not been taught by a human as to what "work" is?

My point of horses being hard workers was only meant as a sneer to the fact that humans work the horses hard and brutally, and then the horses comply as the horses are even known to work themselves to death in servitude of their master's demands.

I certainly did not and do not mean to say nor imply that some how the horse enjoyed being worked so hard, as my point was to emphasize a little gratitude on here for the hard work that the animals do.

And surely the horses would NOT be miserable if the humans did not work the defenseless animals.

You have also mentioned God a few times in your postings. You suspect that God hopes we all stop horse ownership (especially the utilization of horses for riding and driving) and, in your mind, turning horses into "slaves." I suspect that you are wrong, Sir. God created man in His image, thus giving us certain abililities that other creatures do not have. This includes the ability to tame horses and other animals. If this was an ability that He did not wish for His children to utilize, I feel that He wouldnt not have passed this ability on to us. Did you ever think about that one? Not a sermon, just a thought. :howdy:

Sure I accept that God gave mankind full dominion and rule over the entire earth.

But that does not justify the cruelty and hardships inflicted of animals by mankind.



Adopt me please !
But he CAN'T show any evidence because he's ALL talk and has absolutely NOTHING to back up his views other than his perception of the world (in a twisted manner).

You can carry a house cat on your back with ease eh? What else can you do? :popcorn:

If you can show me bonafide evidence that short of extreme fatties, horseback riding is indeed dangerous or destructive to the horse, than so be it.

I'm pretty certain, however, that you will not find such anywhere, being that a horse carrying a typical human is about as strenous as me carrying a housecat.

Your definition of abuse, and mine, do not mesh. I see allowing a horse to just sort of be a permanent fixture in a field somewhere and never riding it as an injustice to the horse. Certain animals have been domesticated nearly as long as we have been on this earth, Horses and Dogs being the top two. They have existed as partners and compatriots, and to many of us, realtive equals... of ours for eons. And yet, you wish to take that away. How grande of you.

Look at our other long standing animal friend, the canine. Today, some 2% of dog owners do any type of formal training, and even a smaller percentage give the dog a bonafide job. The rest, the dog is simply a pet, and in many cases, not much more than an animated throw pillow... a fashion accessory of a sort. I think it is sad... this is what people like you and PETA wish for these once proud animals. Would you have our horses now relegated to the same fate? You do them no honor, no service... despite your intentions. You need to educate yourself first, and do so by actual experience, not reading PETA blogs.


New Member
Sure I accept that God gave mankind full dominion and rule over the entire earth.
But that does not justify the cruelty and hardships inflicted of animals by mankind.
You speak about cruelty but yet you use that beating a dead horse icon in your post.
Which doesn't make any sense to me why you would. :shrug:
Your only showing how uneducated you are about certain issues.

Thank God we have people in the world that care about horses.


Love * Luck * Faith
My point of horses being hard workers was only meant as a sneer to the fact that humans work the horses hard and brutally, and then the horses comply as the horses are even known to work themselves to death in servitude of their master's demands.

I certainly did not and do not mean to say nor imply that some how the horse enjoyed being worked so hard, as my point was to emphasize a little gratitude on here for the hard work that the animals do.

As in true wanna-be politician fashion, you are retracting/editing your previous statement(s) and their meanings. You should certainly say what you mean and mean what you say. Especially being the public figure that you supposedly are, running for governor and all...

I think Im done entertaining your pathetic, uneducated, ill-informed, views on horsemanship. I would wish that possibly in another life you come back as a horse so that you could see how good owners actually treat their animals, but I wouldnt want to wish that pleasure on you


Adopt me please !
I was going to mention the horse-beating too .... yeah talk about a mixed message ....... can we just :smack: him?

You speak about cruelty but yet you use that beating a dead horse icon in your post.
Which doesn't make any sense to me why you would. :shrug:
Your only showing how uneducated you are about certain issues.

Thank God we have people in the world that care about horses.


New Member
I was going to mention the horse-beating too .... yeah talk about a mixed message ....... can we just :smack: him?
This may explain why.

Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney. He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Read The Truth Here: Homeless man gets 3 years for graffiti
Another forum poster from another forum brought the full article.


This may explain why.

Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney. He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Read The Truth Here: Homeless man gets 3 years for graffiti
Another forum poster from another forum brought the full article.

Lets add idiot to his repertorie:smack:


Adopt me please !
Gee, personality disorder is putting it quite mildly it seems? Does this mean we can't :smack: him now? ... darn ... :tantrum

This may explain why.

Mr. Cusick, who was diagnosed during a psychiatric evaluation as having a personality disorder with excessive/compulsive traits, requested a jury trial but had no attorney. He denied having any mental illness, but when asked by Judge Lerner when he would stop vandalizing buildings, he did not give an answer after pondering the question for several seconds.

Read The Truth Here: Homeless man gets 3 years for graffiti
Another forum poster from another forum brought the full article.


J.P. Cusick
The rock.

VoteJP said:

What about horse racing? Do not we all see the senseless cruelty in that?

The horses will some times break their legs trying to run faster and faster while the entire point of such racing is to serve the vain glory of the human masters, and of course to exploit the horse races for as much money as is possible.



New Member
What about horse racing? Do not we all see the senseless cruelty in that?

The horses will some times break their legs trying to run faster and faster while the entire point of such racing is to serve the vain glory of the human masters, and of course to exploit the horse races for as much money as is possible.


Yes. But what has that got to do with Sally Somebody who has two well treated horses for trail riding? Nothing, that's what.


Adopt me please !
Excuse me, are you calling ME Sally Somebody? If so let me remind you that MY horses live the gifted life and don't trail nearly as much as they SHOULD LOL . :smoochy:

Yes. But what has that got to do with Sally Somebody who has two well treated horses for trail riding? Nothing, that's what.


New Member
What about horse racing? Do not we all see the senseless cruelty in that?

The horses will some times break their legs trying to run faster and faster while the entire point of such racing is to serve the vain glory of the human masters, and of course to exploit the horse races for as much money as is possible.


I'm not a fan of the racing industry. Go after them if you must. Or maybe go after those folks that don't feed or care for their animals properly (you know...REAL abuse situations). Leave us and our pampered beasts alone.

Whack job, that one :crazy: