Originally posted by Kimmy
I agree with everything that everyone is saying. I do want my husband involved in raising him. But when there is a coat on the floor just ask him to please pick it up and leave it at that. Don't ramp and rave about how many times you have been told to pick it up. The more that ramp and rave on a child the more angry they will get. Think about when you were a child and when you did something wrong and your parent went on and on about how you should have not don't it didn't it make you kind-of upset?
Frankly, this is exactly the kind of thing that gets my noodle... I'm dealing with it in my own life.
How many times, how many days in a row, should your husband be expected to
ask nicely for your son to pick up his coat? At what point does your husband get to
tell your son to pick up his coat? And at what point after that do consequences start being invoked for your son?
Cause it may feel like, to your husband, that you are always wanting him to
ask and that really doesn't put your husband in a good position... think about it, your saying that an adult, that you've said your son should respect,
has to
ask a child to do something that by now the child certainly knows to do.
Take care,