Something bugging me!!


Football season!
Oh my god.. If the damn kid won't behave the way he should, time to bring out the tossed salad man.. I bet he'll learn REAL quick how to behave and do the right things.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kimmy
First and formost your husband is playing the adult role of father, not the supportng role of buddy. It's best not to muddy those waters. When I punish my daughter, I get the "Fine, I'm not your best friend anymore..." and I just remind her that is fine, but I will ALWAYS be her Mommy.

Secondly, why are you YELLING?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by RoseRed
First and formost your husband is playing the adult role of father, not the supportng role of buddy. It's best not to muddy those waters.

Do I hear an echo? :wink: just teasin..


Originally posted by sleuth14

Has your husband and son spent anytime doing activities together... one on one just the two of them?

Nope! I try to get them to do thing together and when the time comes he has better things to do.

I am not yelling I just hit the caps key by accident and forgot to take it off.


I would like to thank eveyone for there opinions and I will use them the best that I can. Hopefully I didn't sound to much like a b!@#$. I have just talked to my husband and told him that him and I need to have a talk. That is once the kids are asleep.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by Kimmy
Nope! I try to get them to do thing together and when the time comes he has better things to do.

Who has better things... your son or your husband?
If it's the latter then that tells me where your husband's true feelings on parenting lie...
If it's the former... well... again... y'all are the parents.


The husband. He doesn't tell me that he has better things to do he says "In a minute and he never does"

Here is an example. My husband and I were playing with the baby and his slide. D walks in to join in the fun and the DH gets up and walks out. He doesn't come back and in fact he goes up stairs to watch TV. Another innocent was a couple of weeks ago when my son was on the computer playing a learning game that two people could play. I went downstairs and asked my husband if he minded playing a game on the computer with D. His reply was "In a minute" and he never did.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by yakky doodle
And, don't forget to pick up you know what you know where you know when! :biggrin:
I certainly hope that was not a reference about her lost sling-shot. That was supposed to be a dead issue as well. :rolleyes:

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
I certainly hope that was not a reference about her lost sling-shot. That was supposed to be a dead issue as well. :rolleyes:

uh, no, i was referring to the super secret "special" swing she brought over! :frown: shhhh, don't tell.

wait, this is a PM conversation, right? :eek:


Sorry that I replied and started the thread again. You got your wish the thread will be DEAD now. Sorry to take up everyones time....


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by Kimmy
Yes it was may decision to post this problem and yes I asked for opinions and yes I appreciate them all just like I said in a earlier post.
All that I said is that I don't like the way that my husband is handling the disciplining area with the boy. Screaming and yelling is not going to solve anything. And me having to do the dirty work afterwards is not solving anything. Yes he is going to respect me because I am the one doing the talking and not the screaming and yelling.
I probably gave out to much info to everyone and should of left plain and simple.

Okay, I wasn't going to post anything on this issue, but I can't stand it anymore. You say that screaming and yelling is not going to solve anything, but threatening your child with harsh words (go live with your real father who hasn't done crap for you) is? Gimme a break! I would never in a million years so much as THINK about saying that to my child! Words such as that can scar somebody for life and you may have to live with his resentment towards you for the rest of YOUR life. You're questioning your husband's parenting skills when you should be questioning your own. WTH?


Be about it
Originally posted by Kimmy
The husband. He doesn't tell me that he has better things to do he says "In a minute and he never does"

Here is an example. My husband and I were playing with the baby and his slide. D walks in to join in the fun and the DH gets up and walks out. He doesn't come back and in fact he goes up stairs to watch TV. Another innocent was a couple of weeks ago when my son was on the computer playing a learning game that two people could play. I went downstairs and asked my husband if he minded playing a game on the computer with D. His reply was "In a minute" and he never did.

How can your husband ever expect to build a bond with your son if he never spends quality time with him? It's not up to the child to plan events - it's up to the adult. If my fiance was like that towards my daughter (his step-daughter 'to be') it would, in my opinion, not be acceptable behavior. I don't think I could be with him in the long haul.