Speeding Solomons VFD Truck at PRAD


Find em Hot, Leave em Wet
:bawl:Your not going to start crying on me are you?:baby:

No, what gave you that impression? If you ask me (being unbiased and all), you're the child for instigating it. :yay:
Anyway, since this is obviously going nowhere, anyone else care to comment on the issue at hand?


Well-Known Member
No, what gave you that impression? If you ask me (being unbiased and all), you're the child for instigating it. :yay:
Anyway, since this is obviously going nowhere, anyone else care to comment on the issue at hand?

What issue?


Well-Known Member
There's a reason the Federal on fire trucks are about 120db.

And on that note, if so many of you have issues with the way first responders drive, why don't you call a chief officer (or desk sgt if it's a police officer) and complain, THEN come here to post? Posting here does virtually nothing without actually talking to a chief officer...

Take your own advice. AMF


Find em Hot, Leave em Wet
What issue?

The speeding fire truck

Take your own advice.

What advice? I should talk to a chief officer about something I didn't witness. Real smart :yay: Reading comprehension.. you don't have it.
On that note, why are you so pissy with me? I'd like to know why someone's mad at me. So, would you care to share or just continue to throw the blind anger?


New Member
All of you kill me!!! Do they not teach you to slow down in high pedestrian traffic area. And of course we all will never know how fast he was going so all of this posting is a waste of time. Bottom line if he was going to fast then someone who witnessed this should file a complaint. And to the volunteer firemen, pick and choice your battles, you will almost never win this one, this is the nature of the beast.
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New Member
Due to lack of manpower could be many reasons one being one, maybe even two of the ambulances are on calls and their "manpower" is already committed to those calls. Solomon's has one of the busiest areas for ambulance calls that I can think of, correct me if I am wrong and I'm sure you will, but not only do they have the Nursing Home, they have Asburry and they have the Urgent Care. But if you have a concern with the department scratching, call and speak with the Chief, doing so here only causes rumors and fears within the community. And that goes for concerns with speeding equipment, call to speak with the Chief directly and nip the concerns in the butt.

Forget that, go and volunteer and learn first hand what the issues that they may have are and effect positive change! My wife and I volunteered in Charles County for years and have experienced the good and the bad, it was very rewarding over all.


New Member
Hey everyone beeeotchin' about it. Volunteer, get your EVOC, aqnd drive the frickin' truck your damn self.

These people are unpaid volunteers. You are damn lucky they'd rather help their communities than sit on a web forum, else you'd have nobody to save your ass when the time comes.

For sh*ts sake, either shut up and volunteer, or just shut up.



Lem Putt
I was there, I saw it. I made sure the 30 kids I was herding stayed out of the road.

That guy sure was flying! I bet he was doing at least 25 in a 30!!! I felt like stopping him and saying "Hey Speedy! Where's the fire!"

And it took everyone by surprise - he snuck up on us. I bet you couldn't hear his siren for more than two minutes before he was able to get out! And the camoflagued the truck with fire engine red paint so it would blend in with the background, and they turned on the flashing lights so that nobody would see it. And that air horn - I thought it was a bull moose ready to charge. Imagine my shock when I saw it was a ladder truck.

And Bob, you say it's too dangerous for them to drive fast at all, because "what if." Should we just park the trucks and run fire hoses to every house? Maybe we should just turn all those dangerous roads into flower beds and grow Gerbers. Would that be safer? If you're constantly scared of "what if" how do you ever leave the house?


I bowl overhand
And Bob, you say it's too dangerous for them to drive fast at all, because "what if." Should we just park the trucks and run fire hoses to every house? Maybe we should just turn all those dangerous roads into flower beds and grow Gerbers. Would that be safer? If you're constantly scared of "what if" how do you ever leave the house?

Speed limits are based on what IS a safe speed on a certain road for a passenger car. There is NOTHING gained by an emergency vehicle speeding EXCEPT putting everyone else on the road at risk.. Of course the only difference is their vehicle weighs SEVERAL tons, can't stop on a dime, and the drivers probably have less experience driving fast than the rice burner, fart can drivers that eveyone #####es about being unsafe do .

The entire purpose of the lights and sirens is not to speed and drive dangerously, but to get through traffic quicker than if they were in an unmarked car.

They save MORE time by having the lights change before they get to an intersection than they EVER will by speeding.

If 45 MPH is a safe speed to travel 235 in a Mustang GT, or Camaro SS, what makes it safe for 10 Ton truck to do it at 70MPH?

Lights, sirens, and color schemes don't alter physics.


I bowl overhand
Oh, and I have the SAME issue with a cop chasing a speeder..

They can't chase a felon at 100 MPH without the chase being called off because it's unsafe, but I bet they surpass 100 MPH almost everyday chasing down speeders.

So you're going to stop me for speeding because it's DANGEROUS and I'm putting others at risk, but to catch me you have to surpass my speed by a LOT to catch me within 2 or 3 miles of where you clocked me speeding.

Take my picture, send me a ticket in the mail. If I'm caught speeding I'll gladly pay the fine and the increased insurance. You don't have to put anyone else at risk to personally hand me a traffic citation.


New Member
Oh, and I have the SAME issue with a cop chasing a speeder..

They can't chase a felon at 100 MPH without the chase being called off because it's unsafe, but I bet they surpass 100 MPH almost everyday chasing down speeders.

So you're going to stop me for speeding because it's DANGEROUS and I'm putting others at risk, but to catch me you have to surpass my speed by a LOT to catch me within 2 or 3 miles of where you clocked me speeding.

Take my picture, send me a ticket in the mail. If I'm caught speeding I'll gladly pay the fine and the increased insurance. You don't have to put anyone else at risk to personally hand me a traffic citation.

The only reason every non-drivin' schmuck is not doing 85+ down 4 at 7 AM is the knowledge that if they do they are going to get a ticket. :shrug:

Cameras? Great. Let's give everyone something else to moan about.
Where i was sitting at was right near the crosswalk in front of the museum. The police officer posted in the middle of the road directing pedestrian and vehicle traffic was still allowing people to cross the roadway even though the road had been closed off the vehicle traffic. He had to yell at some people to get across the road quickly when the firetruck came fast approaching. Regardless of what anyone thinks, or how fast he was really going, there were entirely to many people there that day lining the roadway for the firetruck to be driving like he was.



Bead mumbler
Couple of things. Please dear God stop with "they put their lives on the line everyday" crap. I do too. I commute from soMD everyday into DC.

Second, if you have a beef you need to hit them where it hurts. Two ways to do this--negative press, and stop donating. About 5 years ago while taking my then 89 year old grandmother to have her hair done, she was almost killed by a volunteer driving a company SUV while crossing the street in a crosswalk. No lights, no sirens, just going about 60 in a 25. I quickly threw grandma back in my truck and tried to pursue the vehicle. I found him in a parking lot of a hardware store. I waited in the parking lot and he came out with a weed wacker. I approached him and told him my beef. He told me where I could go and I calmly got back in my vehicle and drove directly to the firehouse. I asked to speak to the chief. A couple of firemen asked why. I told them. They told me the chief was not in. I asked for his name and number. They gave it to me and I called him at home. He came up to the firehouse to meet me. I told him what happened. He promptly called the guy driving the SUV and asked him to return to the station. Once he arrived he denied any wrong doing. I went on to tell him that I was going to write a op ed piece in the local paper. I told him that I will NEVER donate another freakin dime to a boot drive or any other fundraiser. I told him that my grandmother was going to share her experience with the old lady grape vine at the "beauty parlor" so they too would not donate another dime. I did all of the above as did grandma.

These firehouses are essentially businesses. There is no single governing body to complain to. You have to hit them where it hurts. No donations=no new SUVs to speed around in. This was right around the time that there was a series of high profile screw ups involving Hollywood and La Plata. They don't like negative press and they love donations!
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Main Streeter
Couple of things. Please dear God stop with "they put their lives on the line everyday" crap. I do too. I commute from soMD everyday into DC.

Second, if you have a beef you need to hit them where it hurts. Two ways to do this--negative press, and stop donating. About 5 years ago while taking my then 89 year old grandmother to have her hair done, she was almost killed by a volunteer driving a company SUV while crossing the street in a crosswalk. No lights, no sirens, just going about 60 in a 25. I quickly threw grandma back in my truck and tried to pursue the vehicle. I found him in a parking lot of a hardware store. I waited in the parking lot and he came out with a weed wacker. I approached him and told him my beef. He told me where I could go and I calmly got back in my vehicle and drove directly to the firehouse. I asked to speak to the chief. A couple of firemen asked why. I told them. They told me the chief was not in. I asked for his name and number. They gave it to me and I called him at home. He came up to the firehouse to meet me. I told him what happened. He promptly called the guy driving the SUV and asked him to return to the station. Once he arrived he denied any wrong doing. I went on to tell him that I was going to write a op ed piece in the local paper. I told hime that I will NEVER donate another freakin dime to a boot drive or any other fundraiser. I told him that my grandmother was going to share her experience with the old lady grape vine at the "beauty parlor" so they too would not donate another dime. I did all of the above as did grandma.

These firehouses are essentially businesses. There is no single governing body to complain to. You have to hit them where it hurts. No donations=no new SUVs to speed around in. This was right around the time that there was a series of high profile screw ups involving Hollywood and La Plata. They don't like negative press and they love donations!

Okay, if it was that bad, after you threw Granma in the truck (ouch!) you should've called the cops and filed charges against the SUV driver and then shown up in court as the witness for the State's Attorney.


Bead mumbler
Okay, if it was that bad, after you threw Granma in the truck (ouch!) you should've called the cops and filed charges against the SUV driver and then shown up in court as the witness for the State's Attorney.

Oh I forgot that whole part. I called the CCSO and they told me to do just that. I met with Mr. Hammad Matin the ASA. He had no interest in pursuing. He obviously did not get my vote last month.
Okay, if it was that bad, after you threw Granma in the truck (ouch!) you should've called the cops and filed charges against the SUV driver and then shown up in court as the witness for the State's Attorney.

Very sad that this is what you would have to do to prevent stuff like this from happening? Where is the common sense? SLOW DOWN!
Couple of things. Please dear God stop with "they put their lives on the line everyday" crap. I do too. I commute from soMD everyday into DC.

Second, if you have a beef you need to hit them where it hurts. Two ways to do this--negative press, and stop donating. About 5 years ago while taking my then 89 year old grandmother to have her hair done, she was almost killed by a volunteer driving a company SUV while crossing the street in a crosswalk. No lights, no sirens, just going about 60 in a 25. I quickly threw grandma back in my truck and tried to pursue the vehicle. I found him in a parking lot of a hardware store. I waited in the parking lot and he came out with a weed wacker. I approached him and told him my beef. He told me where I could go and I calmly got back in my vehicle and drove directly to the firehouse. I asked to speak to the chief. A couple of firemen asked why. I told them. They told me the chief was not in. I asked for his name and number. They gave it to me and I called him at home. He came up to the firehouse to meet me. I told him what happened. He promptly called the guy driving the SUV and asked him to return to the station. Once he arrived he denied any wrong doing. I went on to tell him that I was going to write a op ed piece in the local paper. I told him that I will NEVER donate another freakin dime to a boot drive or any other fundraiser. I told him that my grandmother was going to share her experience with the old lady grape vine at the "beauty parlor" so they too would not donate another dime. I did all of the above as did grandma.

These firehouses are essentially businesses. There is no single governing body to complain to. You have to hit them where it hurts. No donations=no new SUVs to speed around in. This was right around the time that there was a series of high profile screw ups involving Hollywood and La Plata. They don't like negative press and they love donations!

I will also not donate to some places because driving to Wendy's in the firetruck for lunch on my tax dollar is not appropriate. Or is speeding to Chilis with the lights and sirens on to get take out is considered an emergency? I highly doubt it.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Hey everyone beeeotchin' about it. Volunteer, get your EVOC, aqnd drive the frickin' truck your damn self.

These people are unpaid volunteers. You are damn lucky they'd rather help their communities than sit on a web forum, else you'd have nobody to save your ass when the time comes.

For sh*ts sake, either shut up and volunteer, or just shut up.

