I feel your pain in searching for the house. I 've been searching since forever. Actually, I started searching about two years ago(2003). My offer was outbidden on two houses in a row after walking through about 20 houses. I was going to buy it as an investment property.
Forward to 2005, C (my finace) and I started looking for a home as a primary residence in Calvert. We went through so many homes in the market since last April. I 've lost count on how many times we lost the house, or how many times we had to counter offer. It was crazy for us. Once we hear there's a house coming on the market, we would leave work earlier and drive down to look at it quickly and decide quickly as possible. The key word is quickly as possible.
Finally we found the house where the sellers accepted our contract. That was last Thursday night (June 3rd). The house came on the market on Wednesday so we look at it quickly and turn in the offer same day.
Good luck on searching for the house.