St. Mary's College


I bowl overhand
Gwydion said:
Out of curiosity, when a crime is about to go down with a person with a gun, do they go up to you and ask, "Hey bud, you got a gun?" Or do they just run up and put the gun in your back?

I can understand if all bad guys came up to me, asked politely if I had a gun, I pulled it out, they said thank you and carried about their business, but methinks it doesn't work like that.

And if somebody came up and grabbed your wife, put a gun to her head and said, "Wallet now" would you really pull out a gun and be a hero?

I understand the logic of having guns at home. Somebody breaks into your house, stand there in the hallway with your double barrel shotgun and shoot the #### out of them. But toting a gun around in a public area where there are passerbys and what not? No thanks. FFS, have you seen that video of a cop in that guys car that unloads his entire magazine at point blank range at some criminal? He missed every single shot. Imagine that on a campus. Imagine that in a town. I don't care how far you can shoot and with what accuracy. Cuz I swear to god, I don't care if you are being raped by 10 large men while your car is being stolen and your house is being set on fire. If a stray bullet hits anybody in my family, I will smash your face in while those ten large men hold you down.

Someone pulls a gun and holds it to BG's head, do you think if I do NOTHING that BG or I will live to see the next sunset??

I'm sure the 3 kids in NJ thought that too.. Give them what they want, they'll go away..

You have to fight back, you have to take that chance, because there is a GOOD chance the criminal is not going to give you one...


I bowl overhand
Gwydion said:
Out of curiosity, when a crime is about to go down with a person with a gun, do they go up to you and ask, "Hey bud, you got a gun?" Or do they just run up and put the gun in your back?
The facts are, where citizens are allowed to carry, AND defend themselves. you are much less likely to be robbed.. Crime seems to DECREASE in those areas, so this scenario has less chance of happening in an area where you CAN carry.
he'll never ask, because the chances are you aren't going to get robbed!


New Member
itsbob said:
Someone pulls a gun and holds it to BG's head, do you think if I do NOTHING that BG or I will live to see the next sunset??

I'm sure the 3 kids in NJ thought that too.. Give them what they want, they'll go away..

You have to fight back, you have to take that chance, because there is a GOOD chance the criminal is not going to give you one...

Do you honestly believe that? That is one example. Out of the countless "Gun point robberies" that occur every day in the US. They got away alright. Fine, the criminal got away in those circumstances as well. But put yourself in the criminal's shoes. He is standing there pointing a gun at your head asking for your money. He looks down and see's you withdrawing a gun from your pocket.

Do you think he is gonna say, "Oh, ok, I see what your doing there. Have a nice day" and walk away? Hell no, hes gonna frantically unload a few shots before he sprints off. I think in your mind people are inately cued to kill other people. If a person puts a gun to your wife's head, and says "Wallet now" do you really think they have any intention of actually shooting your wife assuming things go to plan and you don't pull a gun out of your pocket?

Sure, pull that gun out. He'll use your wifes body as a meat shield as he unloads a few rounds in you and takes off.

And if those 3 people had guns, do you really think they would have lived? How many people lined them up and shot them? How were they rounded up? Alright, so it might not have been death in an assasination pose, but they still would have been shot. they might have got a bad guy in the resulting gun fight. Neat, 3 people dead, one bad guy dead, and bullet holes rittled across a neighborhood, a town, a school.

Until we all become robots and can fire a perfect shot from any range and have the ability to pull out a gun and have it fire within a millisecond, I think its BS.

Your right. I doubt the bad guy is gonna give you a chance. thats the point. If you were given a chance to say "NO" or get away, then they probably wouldn't be very good at what they are doing. Regardless, I would much rather have some cop that has dealed with this #### before go chase down a car, or go knock on some houses, then have a person riled up with their blood racing and their hands shaking unload a gun. Anywhere except at their own house.


I bowl overhand
Gwydion said:
If a person puts a gun to your wife's head, and says "Wallet now" do you really think they have any intention of actually shooting your wife assuming things go to plan and you don't pull a gun out of your pocket?
YES!!!! The act of getting that close and physically placing the gun on me or her, screams desperation and that they are out of control. They would be willing and able to go to the next step.. without provocation, and may even shoot us both without taking anyone's wallet or jewelry. And are you willing to take the chance that he WON'T shoot you if he does as he says?

But for you, playing victim is how you want to get through life, be my guest.

most learned during 9/11 that sitting calmly and being a victim doesn't work anymore..


I bowl overhand
Gwydion said:
And if those 3 people had guns, do you really think they would have lived? How many people lined them up and shot them? How were they rounded up? Alright, so it might not have been death in an assasination pose, but they still would have been shot. they might have got a bad guy in the resulting gun fight. Neat, 3 people dead, one bad guy dead, and bullet holes rittled across a neighborhood, a town, a school.

I think it was 3 on 3 was it not?

If they were armed (which I doubt they would have been if the law allowed it) it would have been a "fair fight".. as it was they were just lambs to the slaughter. And the criminals KNOWING they were law abiding good people KNEW they wouldn't be armed, and took advantage and slaughtered them like sheep..

And wehere they were killed, some of the strictest control laws in the country.. YEP, that works.


New Member
itsbob said:
YES!!!! The act of getting that close and physically placing the gun on me or her, screams desperation and that they are out of control. They would be willing and able to go to the next step.. without provocation, and may even shoot us both without taking anyone's wallet or jewelry. And are you willing to take the chance that he WON'T shoot you if he does as he says?

But for you, playing victim is how you want to get through life, be my guest.

most learned during 9/11 that sitting calmly and being a victim doesn't work anymore..
/sigh Yes, I would rather put statistics to use and realize the number of armed robberies that take place result in nobody being injured, than to create a provoked situation where two people are feeling threatened with deadly weapons in our hands.

As far as 9/11, oh get over yourself. Please, are you carrying around a rocket launcher in your backpack? Would you have been able to shoot down a plane with one? What if every person in new york was carrying a rocket launcher. I bet those planes would have gone down. Granted, the whole city would have been destroyed because of haphazardly firing rocket launchers.

I can hopefully assume that you are referencing what occurred on the actual planes. Are you referencing that every person on the plane should be carrying a gun? Or just the pilots? because in your logic, if we are all carrying guns, it makes the place safer. Until you load that same plane up with all your buddies and decimate the 3 people sitting at the front. Or fill up a third of the plane, position yourselves perfectly, and take over the plane regardless.

9/11 was a tragedy. but people carrying guns on planes would have just changed when it occurred and how it occurred, and how many people Osama would have had to send over here to take over a plane.

And depending on your throughts about Flight 97 (I think thats the number), they successfully downed the plane before it reached its destination. WITHOUT GUNS.


New Member
itsbob said:
I think it was 3 on 3 was it not?

If they were armed (which I doubt they would have been if the law allowed it) it would have been a "fair fight".. as it was they were just lambs to the slaughter. And the criminals KNOWING they were law abiding good people KNEW they wouldn't be armed, and took advantage and slaughtered them like sheep..

And wehere they were killed, some of the strictest control laws in the country.. YEP, that works.
Right, because psychotic people only live in the regions with strictest control laws in the country. YEP, that logic works.

This could have occurred anywhere.


I bowl overhand
Gwydion said:
/sigh Yes, I would rather put statistics to use and realize the number of armed robberies that take place result in nobody being injured, than to create a provoked situation where two people are feeling threatened with deadly weapons in our hands.

As far as 9/11, oh get over yourself. Please, are you carrying around a rocket launcher in your backpack? Would you have been able to shoot down a plane with one? What if every person in new york was carrying a rocket launcher. I bet those planes would have gone down. Granted, the whole city would have been destroyed because of haphazardly firing rocket launchers.

I can hopefully assume that you are referencing what occurred on the actual planes. Are you referencing that every person on the plane should be carrying a gun? Or just the pilots? because in your logic, if we are all carrying guns, it makes the place safer. Until you load that same plane up with all your buddies and decimate the 3 people sitting at the front. Or fill up a third of the plane, position yourselves perfectly, and take over the plane regardless.

9/11 was a tragedy. but people carrying guns on planes would have just changed when it occurred and how it occurred, and how many people Osama would have had to send over here to take over a plane.

And depending on your throughts about Flight 97 (I think thats the number), they successfully downed the plane before it reached its destination. WITHOUT GUNS.
9/11 the terrorist didn't have guns.. they had box cutters and knives.. The passengers who had them outnumbered about 20:1 sat there being victims.. thinking, "Give them what they want, we'll land and we can go home" The victims on flight 97 didn't do anything until they heard from loved ones that they were crashing the planes into buildings.. at that point what would you have done?? Just sat there and waited to die? That's what I'm talking about.. the victim frame of mind.

Nobody needed guns on those planes, and you don't need a gun to not be a victim of a crime where the criminal is unarmed, but on Main St, Gun Control City, USA what are the chances of Mr Criminal being unarmed??

AND so far as flight 97, the terrorists crashed the plane, not successfully, they didn't hit their target. They killed a lot of people, but a LOT less then if the passengers sat there like sheep and let them have their way.. Those passengers sacrificed their lives, and saved countless others. The terrorists were failures because THOSE passengers refused to be victims.
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I bowl overhand
Gwydion said:
Right, because psychotic people only live in the regions with strictest control laws in the country. YEP, that logic works.

This could have occurred anywhere.
No, violent GUN crimes are more likely to happen where the gun laws are stictest.. you are the statistician.. "Chances of not getting shot". Look at the numbers..


I'm Rick James #####!
Midnightrider said:
ok kreskin

Uh huh...

Me - Guns would have helped
You - Guns would not have helped

You sarcastically call me Kreskin, because I don't know the future, and therefore would not know whether they would have helped the situation or not, yes?

I'll go out on a limb here and assume that you can't tell the future either. You can see where this is going right? Pot... Meet kettle...

Midnightrider, on this topic you are an asshat.


New Member
Gwydion said:
Is it as bad as the "light fixture pipe bomb" from a few years back? :buttkick:

Oh I remember that. During World Carnival weekend too (one of the better weekends on campus). That was truly glorious. Never seen that many police in one place ever.


New Member
waggles said:
Oh I remember that. During World Carnival weekend too (one of the better weekends on campus). That was truly glorious. Never seen that many police in one place ever.
Yea, cancel the one and only awesome event that campus has. We all had a conspiracy about that. We think it really was a pipe bomb. A freaking janitor reported it! You would think that somebody that worked with lights on campus would see a pipe with a light in it, cords hanging out, and a light fixture with cords hanging out right above it as....a light fixture.

But Drunken Maggie wanted to not scare off students from enrolling there, so she covered it up as a light fixture and had somebody rip it off the wall during the confusion.


New Member
itsbob said:
Not all college kids are silly drunkards that don't have the maturity to handle a firearm..

I definitely agree with that. I actually took several classes with retired Navy and one active duty LT. And actually I knew several students who were in training to be Army officers and at least one Marine while they were at SMC.

That said, a lot of the "college age" kids I went to school with, I would not trust with the responsibility of carrying a firearm. Too big a responsibility, and with the stress and shenanigans that go on in college, I'd say it is a risk that isn't really worth the potential benefit considering the odds of something actually going down and someone responding effectively.

I always had something a concern about response times to emergency situations like this (should one ever happen), but I always felt safe at SMC.


New Member
Gwydion said:
But Drunken Maggie wanted to not scare off students from enrolling there, so she covered it up as a light fixture and had somebody rip it off the wall during the confusion.

Oh I don't know about all that. If it was one of those lights from the sides of the Crescent townhouses I could see how it would look like a pipe laying in the grass (honestly - would you have gone up close for a good look at it?)

I was a high up in the student government at the time and I came very close to freaking out when I calculated how much money we had just lost from World Carnival being essentially cancelled. Fortunately some of the entertainment came back during senior week so we at least got something for the large sum of money we spent.


New Member
waggles said:
Oh I don't know about all that. If it was one of those lights from the sides of the Crescent townhouses I could see how it would look like a pipe laying in the grass (honestly - would you have gone up close for a good look at it?)

I was a high up in the student government at the time and I came very close to freaking out when I calculated how much money we had just lost from World Carnival being essentially cancelled. Fortunately some of the entertainment came back during senior week so we at least got something for the large sum of money we spent.
If I was a janitor? Damn straight I would. Hell, I was drunk as a sailor that morning. I probably would have kicked it as I went by it.

High up in the student body eh? waggle. waga...wagaman? Allen?


New Member
Gwydion said:
Out of curiosity, :blahblah: If a stray bullet hits anybody in my family, I will smash your face in while those ten large men hold you down.
You are a big pussy who is gay as a bag of rainbows! You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper sack let alone take me on.

Yes, it would take 10 large men to hold me down. However, when I drop 7 of them with my Glock, it becomes a fair fight.

You and midnight make nice targets.

What do you want to be when you grow up?? A professional coward? :smack: :duh:


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
You are a big pussy who is gay as a bag of rainbows! You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper sack let alone take me on.

Yes, it would take 10 large men to hold me down. However, when I drop 7 of them with my Glock, it becomes a fair fight.

You and midnight make nice targets.

What do you want to be when you grow up?? A professional coward? :smack: :duh:
Haha, thanks for the laugh. :yay:


New Member
Gwydion said:
Haha, thanks for the laugh. :yay:
No, thank YOU for the laugh coward. Go ahead, deny sending this. :lmao:

St. Mary's College 08-29-2007 07:36 PM eloquence is not your strong point. Put your gun to your head and pull the trigger. Might make the world's IQ raise a bit, you ####in bigotted #######.

:killingme :jerry: :killingme


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
No, thank YOU for the laugh coward. Go ahead, deny sending this. :lmao:

St. Mary's College 08-29-2007 07:36 PM eloquence is not your strong point. Put your gun to your head and pull the trigger. Might make the world's IQ raise a bit, you ####in bigotted #######.

:killingme :jerry: :killingme

Who is to deny anything? All valid points, IMO. And if your idiotic self didn't understand the post I made in the first place, your "glock" was unloaded, missing all the 10 large men raping you, and one of your bullets hit somebody in my family. Nice shooting there, ace. I'm glad your gun toting mind believes that even if you shot somebody in the process of "protecting yourself" you shouldn't be held responsible.

GG, now go crawl back to the trailer you came from.

Now if you didn't realize, we were done discussing the point.

And I am a coward for not toting a gun around? Sounds more like you are the coward if you need a handgun to protect yourself. I will use my massive manly muscles that you apparently lack to protect myself.

Sign it coward!!! You big pussy!!

I was under the impression I didn't exactly need to, as I am the only one really discussing the issue with you. /shrug. Guess that logic goes out the window with you.
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Obama destroyed America
Gwydion said:
Its all fun and games until in the heat of the moment somebody fires off 6 rounds that enter a passing schoolbus, instantly killing 6 first graders, and the "bad guy" that stole your son's candy bar got away.

Regardless, as I mentioned earlier, even with given the option at SMCM, I highly doubt more than 5% of the college would actually tote guns around and out of that 5% I bet they would only be carrying guns to a protest about having guns on campus.

If you didn't go to college there, you wouldn't understand.

Furthermore, how would having a gun really solved anything in this situation? You pull out your gun, he pulls out his. One of two options, he shoots you first and you get injured and possibly die, you shoot him first, and he gets injured or possibly dies, both guns are emptied and you shoot the hell out of Kent Hall's dorms, possibly hit somebody sailing on the river, might go into Anne Arrundel and hit a student in there.
Or he gets scared and starts to run away. Then, the person that was getting robbed either shoots the guy in the back because the hispanic guy pissed him off or he goes away.

Instead, with the victim getting robbed, the hispanic jumps in a car, and gets caught by police down the road.
You really live in la la land donchu? :killingme :killingme