St. Mary's Teacher Charged With Sexual Assault


New Member
"So what are you saying? That the second they step out of the classroom, they're no longer the upstanding citizens the BOE hired?"

Sure, happens all the time. I said earlier that 90% of everyone I work with I wouldn't want to see out of the office, and I work for a Top 10 National Corporate Law Firm.

"This guy fell through the cracks (as they say). I'll bet you $10 that it's going to come out that he has a history of priors."

Actually if you read the paper he was one of the greatest teachers in the world apparently. Teacher of the year a couple of times, yada yada.

"The BOE needs to clean up their mess, fire this guy for real, have him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, lobby for him to get the death penalty, and apologize to every parent for their negligence. Only THEN will it start to go away."

What negiligence? That's my point, it was out of the classroom. The BOE has nothing to do with it at that point. The negligence is on the parents. If the rape or whatever happened IN the classroom, that'd be a different story.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
Actually if you read the paper he was one of the greatest teachers in the world apparently. Teacher of the year a couple of times, yada yada.
Bet ya $10?

When hiring someone to work with children, such as teachers, the one doing the hiring has a responsibility to not hire pedophiles. You can say it's the parents' fault all you want and point out that it didn't happen at school. But the initial contact was made at the school and since the school board obviously would want teachers that parents feel they can trust, the onus is on them to hire trustworthy teachers.


What's it 2 U
Originally posted by http
There is a big difference between a babysitter and as one of the gang before said:

"Apparently, the teacher helped the boy cope with his parents' divorce, when he was in elementary school. The teacher became a role model and mentor to the boy. The teacher had gained the trust of the boy and his parents over the last few years"

My best friend's babysitter (who has a 3 year old) knows NOTHING about ANYTHING about her child except what he likes to eat, what videos he likes to watch and her cell phone number and THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I beg to differ. Teachers, childcare workers, babysitters, ect. they all deal with children and all parents must put some trust in them. I agree you should be cautious, but no matter how careful you may think you are, you can be fooled if you put your trust in people. When you have children, which it seems you don't, you will understand.

On a positive teacher note. As a single mom, I befriended my daughter's 4 year old preschool teacher. Not only is she my best friend still today, but she would do anything for both of my children. She and her family treat me and my kids like family. I wouldn't trade that experience or our friendship for anything in the world.


What's it 2 U
Originally posted by ThayerP
Doesn't sound like a very smart parent to me. What kind of idiot parent would leave their child with someone who has no more concern about them than that? Sounds to me like a recipe for disaster.

I agree! I want my child's babysitter to provide QUALITY care, how can you do that if you just stick to the basics. I care giver should know what scares a child, what makes a child happy, what their cries meam (especially if the child can't talk yet).


New Member
Originally posted by carolinagirl
I agree! I want my child's babysitter to provide QUALITY care, how can you do that if you just stick to the basics. I care giver should know what scares a child, what makes a child happy, what their cries meam (especially if the child can't talk yet).

You missed the point. Later I expanded in saying that "QUALITY" should not include helping the child through a divorce.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Bet ya $10?

When hiring someone to work with children, such as teachers, the one doing the hiring has a responsibility to not hire pedophiles. You can say it's the parents' fault all you want and point out that it didn't happen at school. But the initial contact was made at the school and since the school board obviously would want teachers that parents feel they can trust, the onus is on them to hire trustworthy teachers.

Sure, I have no problem with that. I agree. But since bad apples are "slipping through the cracks" as you put it, shouldn't the parents also share some of the burden of taking care of knowing who to let them sleepover with?


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Quote from http:

I simplified the point to illustrated that there is NO reason a child should be over a teacher's house. There is no criteria, there should be no expectations

Oh really....

My parents were divorced when I was little. While I was in the 5th grade, my Dad met my teacher at a parent/teacher conference and he started dating her. So...on the weekends he had custody of us kiddies & we went over to his girlfriends house for the weekend, were we supposed to be dropped off at the corner homeless shelter? Because according to your rules I wouldn't be allowed there for any reason - no exceptions!

Have some kids and THEN set up your rules & tell us about it!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think Http is talking about normal parent/teacher relationships here, where it would be odd indeed if your kid went over and spent the night. The rules change when the teacher is your friend as well, which is the case sometimes.

But now I'm curious how the boy sat up necking and drinking with this teacher, then "awoke" to find himself being molested. Something doesn't add up.


aka Mrs. Giant
Vrai - in the article
the boy said he got drunk, passed out woke up to the guy touching kissing etc and he ran out
the guy said well we were drinking and he kissed me and then I kissed back and yada yada
*summary is completely my own words


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Got it. So the teacher is lying and trying to make the kid out to be an active participant. That makes a lot more sense - if the kid had been necking with the teacher, why would he be so shocked about the fondling?


Football season!
Originally posted by Voter2002

My parents were divorced when I was little. While I was in the 5th grade, my Dad met my teacher at a parent/teacher conference and he started dating her. So...on the weekends he had custody of us kiddies & we went over to his girlfriends house for the weekend, were we supposed to be dropped off at the corner homeless shelter? Because according to your rules I wouldn't be allowed there for any reason - no exceptions!

Have some kids and THEN set up your rules & tell us about it!

You really aren't that stupid, are you? And considering your name, scary to think someone like you actually votes. And I thought the stupidy in Florida wasn't really possible.


Excuse me ST, I don't think it's necessary to call anyone stupid on here. I could have done the same thing to you when you refused to answer my challange publicly on the Gun Ban thread, but I didn't. As much as I believe you are wrong on te Gun Ban issue and this one, I support your right to express your opinion without fear of somone resorting to name calling to rebut you.

Now play nice. Mi sainted mither used to tell me;
"If you have something intelligent to say, speak up. If not, shut up!"


Originally posted by SmallTown
And I thought the stupidy in Florida wasn't really possible.

btw, the word you are attempting to use is spelled "stupidity".:wink:


Football season!
Originally posted by Bruce
Excuse me ST, I don't think it's necessary to call anyone stupid on here. I could have done the same thing to you when you refused to answer my challange publicly on the Gun Ban thread, but I didn't. As much as I believe you are wrong on te Gun Ban issue and this one, I support your right to express your opinion without fear of somone resorting to name calling to rebut you.

Now play nice. Mi sainted mither used to tell me;
"If you have something intelligent to say, speak up. If not, shut up!"

The stupid comment wasn't directed at the position, but the reasoning. he we are talking about a kid spending the night with an adult, and voter brings up taking his/her kid with them when visiting a teacher overnight. Not even close to being the same thing.


Football season!
Originally posted by Bruce
btw, the word you are attempting to use is spelled "stupidity".:wink:

quick fingers bite me again. :biggrin:

but before talking about people's word usage or spelling, might want to take a look at your own message.


Originally posted by SmallTown

You really aren't that stupid, are you?
You ?

That souunds like it is directed to a specific individual to me, my friend.


Originally posted by SmallTown
quick fingers bite me again. :biggrin:

but before talking about people's word usage or spelling, might want to take a look at your own message.

Lol, I was hoping you would catch that. My typing skill is only exceeded by my talent for spelling !:clap:


Football season!
Originally posted by Bruce
My point is, it's unnecessary ! Debate the issue, don't insult the person !

So you enjoy seeing people spout off something completely irrelevant to support your ideas? Not a very strong base if you ask me.

But hey, it is your call. If you want an argument concerning a family outing at a person's house to coincide with the issue of a boy spending the night with an adult and being molested, be my guest. Just don't get upset when people point out to you how dumb that argument is. If people at least stay focused on the topic at hand, then stupidity won't be brought up. Sometimes you have to shake people a litte bit before they figure it out.