St. Mary's Teacher Charged With Sexual Assault


Not too talkative
Re: Look people, do what you want with your kids

Originally posted by http
And if you're concerned about your kid being raped by a teacher after school/afterhours, then don't let them hang out with them. Their chances of that happening will exponentially and logarithmically go down.

And if you are concerned about your kid being raped by the baseball coach, don' let them play baseball.
And if you are concrened about your kid being raped by the piano teacher, don't let them learn piano.
And if you are concerned about your kid being raped on the street corner, don't let them out of the house.

Just drive them to school, stay there and watch them, then drive them home - or better yet, home school them. Then when the school day is over, keep them locked in the house. They will never get hurt. Of course they will never learn social interaction, or learn how to recognize danger or all the other little nuisances in surviving away from home.


New Member
"For those defending this, would you let your young teen daughter have a sleepover with a 35 year old single man?"

I already went through this, the consensus of the board is pretty much, yes.



New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Sure, we are throwing around a lot of assumptions. That the guy is single, that he had no kids. But the story did say he was "close" with the teacher. Seeing how the media loves a smear campaign, they would have mentioned that the guys kids have been taken to a relatives until further review, or that the wife had "no comment" on the allegations. It just fits the profile that he would be single with no kids.

If this is the case, then yes, the parents made a very poor judgement by letting their son have a sleepover with a guy in his 30s. For those defending this, would you let your young teen daughter have a sleepover with a 35 year old single man?

That's taking the assumption to an extreme. Facts only.

The facts stated are that it is not mentioned if he is married, single or divorced. It does not mention whether he had kids or not. So based simply on the facts we know to know (unless someone can investigate a little on the ground there to find out these things) we cannot say for sure that the parents made a bad judgement call on this. Can we?


New Member
Originally posted by http
"For those defending this, would you let your young teen daughter have a sleepover with a 35 year old single man?"

I already went through this, the consensus of the board is pretty much, yes.


:nono: :bs: You did not, because we are NOT talking about a 15 year-old GIRL going for an overnight with a 30-something man. Don't spin things around to make a point that you cannot possibly win with the facts that are presented so far in this case.

I have a 15-year old daughter and if that subject ever came up the 30-something would stay 30-something and not get any older. I would be on the next flight out of the country and disappear to places where nobody would be able to ever find me with my family.[


New Member
Re: Re: Look people, do what you want with your kids

Originally posted by Makavide
And if you are concerned about your kid being raped by the baseball coach, don' let them play baseball.
And if you are concrened about your kid being raped by the piano teacher, don't let them learn piano.
And if you are concerned about your kid being raped on the street corner, don't let them out of the house.

Just drive them to school, stay there and watch them, then drive them home - or better yet, home school them. Then when the school day is over, keep them locked in the house. They will never get hurt. Of course they will never learn social interaction, or learn how to recognize danger or all the other little nuisances in surviving away from home.

I see your sarcasm above, but if you take a moment and read back what you wrote, you will see that parents are taking these exact precautions day after day, as the years pass.

As far as baseball goes, if you all remember, the 80s was all about wrestling coach molestation. Since then, greco-roman wresting has completely lost its image and hs wrestling team member numbers have diminished greatly, if not completely folded programs.

You mention piano. I actually have a neighbor whose child takes guitar, but only at 7, when they are home. From 3-7 when the kid is home by himself, he does nothing. And I know the guitar instructor too, and he also does nothing from 3-7.

As far as street corners, that's an easy one. I grew up on Missouri Ave. DC and yes, my mother kept me off the same corner that she used to play hopscotch and hand-dance on nightly. You can even still see the chalk (hopscotch and dead body outlines).

As far as driving to school, in each development that I pass daily in the morning on my way to work, every parent sits and waits with their children for the bus to come; something you never saw when I grew up.

So what's so strange about not letting your kids sleep over with a teacher now?


New Member
Originally posted by ThayerP
:nono: :bs: You did not, because we are NOT talking about a 15 year-old GIRL going for an overnight with a 30-something man. Don't spin things around to make a point that you cannot possibly win with the facts that are presented so far in this case.

I have a 15-year old daughter and if that subject ever came up the 30-something would stay 30-something and not get any older. I would be on the next flight out of the country and disappear to places where nobody would be able to ever find me with my family.[

Actually I said child. For me the gender does not matter. Obviously it does for you. That's fine. Do what you want.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
if you take a moment and read back what you wrote, you will see that parents are taking these exact precautions day after day, as the years pass.
Yet kids are STILL being molested, abducted, killed, injured! Go figure!

This is like the gun banning argument. They keep crying about the peripherals, yet give more and more leniency to the actual problem - the criminal him/herself. The only way to keep kids safe(r) in this world is to prosecute and execute the people who prey on them. Support things like Megan's Law. Boycott celebrities who take up for these monsters.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cariblue
How did the kid do this if he was sleeping?
Good catch, Cari. Now I'm curious myself as to what exactly went on.

But neither here nor there, it was the teacher's responsibility as the adult to not engage in illegal conduct with a minor.


aka Mrs. Giant
Okay, I have really hesitated to post anything about this, but I belong to the big brother big sister organization, and as some of you know I have a "little" sister who is 15 years old. She comes over to my house. She plays with my dog. I take her on road trips. I take her shopping, to the teen center out to eat sushi etc etc. And guess what, if there are "issues" at home, she will spend the night with me. Now I am in the mentor role right? (I know scary thought) However her mom doesn't think twice about her kid going off with me. Actually most the time she is relieved I am. And after reading everything on here I get the feeling that http is saying that because I am not that girl's mother, family member, nor do I have kids, then I must be molesting her, which is completely untrue and unfounded. And also http's feeling is that because I am spending time with this girl with her parents permission, then those parents are "f"ng idiots. Life does not exist in a glass bubble, nor can you mass judge the actions of many by just a few. As the saying goes, until you walk a mile in another man's shoes...


New Member
Re: Re: Look people, do what you want with your kids

"So where does it stop at? At what point do you have to trust that there is danger out there that the children are going to be exposed to...

It will happen a certain percentage of the time no matter what anybody does. That is what is so scary to parents"

I have no problem with that. My whole point is to minimize the dangers and threats. If you can at all avoid your child from being alone with an eletrical guy, then DO IT.

If you can avoid having your child answer the door for the UPS guy, the DO IT.

If you can avoid having your child alone with a priest or preacher, especially in today's world, then DO IT.

If you can't, then you can't. There are certain things that are unavoidable such as dealing with only-child latch-key kids, such as myself. All I am saying is having your child sleep over with a non-family member male, with just the two of them, is avoidable. Make sense?


Not too talkative
Re: Re: Re: Look people, do what you want with your kids

Originally posted by http
As far as driving to school, in each development that I pass daily in the morning on my way to work, every parent sits and waits with their children for the bus to come; something you never saw when I grew up.

True, we do this, while I walked to school growing up, with out parental concern. But as far as my family, we do watch the kids at the bus stop, primarly because the bus stop is on a heavily traveled road, and some people don't drive the prosted speed limits around it.

My kids also play sports, and yes when I grew up I walked to practice, but I did't have to cross 235 to get to practice. So now I take the kids to practice, and I wait for practice to end so I can drive them home, only because it is more convienent for me to wait. (I have known the coach and his family a number of years now).

So yes, I watch my kids more then my parents did, but I think a lot of it is fear of traffic more then anything else.


New Member
Originally posted by migtig
Okay, I have really hesitated to post anything about this, but I belong to the big brother big sister organization, and as some of you know I have a "little" sister who is 15 years old. She comes over to my house. She plays with my dog. I take her on road trips. I take her shopping, to the teen center out to eat sushi etc etc. And guess what, if there are "issues" at home, she will spend the night with me. Now I am in the mentor role right? (I know scary thought) However her mom doesn't think twice about her kid going off with me. Actually most the time she is relieved I am. And after reading everything on here I get the feeling that http is saying that because I am not that girl's mother, family member, nor do I have kids, then I must be molesting her, which is completely untrue and unfounded. And also http's feeling is that because I am spending time with this girl with her parents permission, then those parents are "f"ng idiots. Life does not exist in a glass bubble, nor can you mass judge the actions of many by just a few. As the saying goes, until you walk a mile in another man's shoes...

From the Big Brother/Big Sister national site:

"BBBS professionals work carefully to match each volunteer with the right Little Brother or Little Sister and to help ensure that the relationship will be safe and rewarding for everyone involved."

"Big Brothers Big Sisters has been the nation's preeminent youth-service organization for nearly a century. Our service is based on our volunteers. We have a proven success in creating and nurturing relationships between adults and children."

"An Organization You Trust
Youth development experts agree that, in addition to their parents, children need additional supportive, caring adults in their lives. BBBS works closely with parents to match every child with the right Big Brother or Big Sister. Each potential Big is screened, trained, and supervised to help ensure that the relationship will be safe and rewarding for everyone involved."

I think that's a little different than what we are talking about.


Football season!
Originally posted by http

I think that's a little different than what we are talking about.

That isn't good enough for these people... You'll need 20 years worth of historical data and a few multi-colored graphs to support that opinion, all packaged nicely into a powerpoint presentation.


aka Mrs. Giant
Originally posted by http
From the Big Brother/Big Sister national site:
supervised to help ensure that the relationship will be safe and rewarding for everyone involved."
Sorry Idon't have any superviors with me 99.9% of the time - so the parents are stupid for trusting me and I must be molesting a child.
Originally posted by http All I am saying is having your child sleep over with a non-family member male, with just the two of them, is avoidable
After all this a female juvenile sleeping at a female non family member with just the two of us (plus a dog). :shrug: You sure do sound like you are against this and are very negative about the whole idea, and it makes me feel like crap that you are lumping everybody together when there are people out there who genuinely care and aren't predators.


New Member
Originally posted by migtig
After all this a female juvenile sleeping at a female non family member with just the two of us (plus a dog). :shrug: You sure do sound like you are against this and are very negative about the whole idea, and it makes me feel like crap that you are lumping everybody together when there are people out there who genuinely care and aren't predators.

No I'm sorry you took it the wrong way. The point of my citations was to demonstrate that you ARE qualified, bonded, carefully chosen and whatever else to care for a child OFFICIALLY. I was commending you on that honor and trying to differentiate between you and the teacher we are talking about.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by http
In the classroom, in the school.
So what are you saying? That the second they step out of the classroom, they're no longer the upstanding citizens the BOE hired?

This guy fell through the cracks (as they say). I'll bet you $10 that it's going to come out that he has a history of priors. No one decides to start molesting all of a sudden at the ripe old age of 38.

The BOE needs to clean up their mess, fire this guy for real, have him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, lobby for him to get the death penalty, and apologize to every parent for their negligence. Only THEN will it start to go away.