Stop Smoking.


I'm sure some of you reformed smokers won't mind posting how you quit.
And I know some of you (including myself) that would like to quit.
So let the ideas roll.:lighting one up as I type:

For those of you that wonder what prompted me to post this thread.... Well!

I went to the doctor for a check up and got the normal spew of....
"you need to stop smoking, you need to stop eating the things you like and BTW bend over and drop them pants." :yikes:

Then on the way back from the doctors office " with KY seeping from my butt" :mad: I thought of how much I hate being told "I told you so!"
And I'll be damned if I'm going to give my doc the opportunity to say I told you to stop smoking.:nono:

I know that it's not the best reason in the world to stop smoking, but it's my story and I''m stickin too it. :popcorn:


New Member
gumbo said:
I'm sure some of you reformed smokers won't mind posting how you quit.
And I know some of you (including myself) that would like to quit.
So let the ideas roll.:lighting one up as I type:

For those of you that wonder what prompted me to post this thread.... Well!

I went to the doctor for a check up and got the normal spew of....
"you need to stop smoking, you need to stop eating the things you like and BTW bend over and drop them pants." :yikes:

Then on the way back from the doctors office " with KY seeping from my butt" :mad: I thought of how much I hate being told "I told you so!"
And I'll be damned if I'm going to give my doc the opportunity to say I told you to stop smoking.:nono:

I know that it's not the best reason in the world to stop smoking, but it's my story and I''m stickin too it. :popcorn:

It's been almost 3 weeks since I quitcold turkey. I've been using lollipops for cravings.They are coming farther and farther apart. I've been hearing alot of people talk about Chantrax (sp).


New Member
lisaowensathome said:
It's been almost 3 weeks since I quitcold turkey. I've been using lollipops for cravings.They are coming farther and farther apart. I've been hearing alot of people talk about Chantrax (sp).
Everyone I know who quit did it cold turkey.

Put em down & never looked back. :yay:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I got pregnant and couldn't stand the taste anymore, but you probably don't want to try that.


Lem Putt
USCGuy said:
go to boot camp for 8 weeks.

Boot camp is what really got me started. You could only take a break if you were smoking.

I quit cold turkey about two years after I quit dipping. Quitting dipping was terrible. Smoking was easy compared to that.

15 years later, and the thought of smoking is :barf:


lisaowensathome said:
It's been almost 3 weeks since I quitcold turkey. I've been using lollipops for cravings.They are coming farther and farther apart. I've been hearing alot of people talk about Chantrax (sp).
Good Luck! I hope they work for ya. :yay:


MMDad said:
Boot camp is what really got me started. You could only take a break if you were smoking.

I quit cold turkey about two years after I quit dipping. Quitting dipping was terrible. Smoking was easy compared to that.

15 years later, and the thought of smoking is :barf:
To stop smoking I started dipping then to stop dipping I had to start smoking again.

Teeth or lungs,, I figured I would rather go out of this world smiling and not be able to breath, than to go out with my teeth all screwed up because of receding gums.

southern bell

New Member
I quit smoking 18 months ago and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. (including raising a teenager)

I went to my dr and she put me on Wellbutrin and told me to use the patch, chew nicotine gum, whatever to help with cravings. She also said before you overdose on nicotine you will start puking. Used both for 2weeks. Chewed a strong tasting chewing gum (non-nicotine) and exercising instead of sitting around every evening. 18 months later I hate the smell of cigs and feel better than ever. Good Luck!!!!!!


One guy I worked with ate sunflower seeds all day long. He said that it made his mouth really sore after a while, but it worked.


I wanna be a SMIB
Used patches and went to the stupid health dept classes for 3 weeks. That was March 9, 2006. Not one ciggy since. :diva:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I got pregnant. :smile: It also made C_Jo quit because he quickly grew tired of my b!tching -- "EWWW!!! YOU STINK!!" :lol:

My aunt got some prescribed pills just for stopping smoking... not sure of the name but they worked!Good Luck!!


tired and content....
baileydog said:
Used patches and went to the stupid health dept classes for 3 weeks. That was March 9, 2006. Not one ciggy since. :diva:

Hubby did that this past year.....its worked so far.