Stop Smoking.


Little ol' Me
My SO is currently taking Chantrex, it's a pill that blocks the nicotine from the brain. He also eats bags of sunflower seeds, so far he has been doing great, he says it's the first thing he has tried that actually works.

Background info: he has been smoking a little over 20 years 2 packs a day..


I used CHANTIX... it's the pill...

I tried cold turkey... made it 20 minutes... tried the patch... gained 70 pounds....

Chantix did it... lost weight even...

I miss 'em but I don't need them or crave them anymore....

I miss 'em but then again... like my hubby says... I made sure I had them with me for 45 years.... I guess I'd miss anyone or anything I had around for that long....

So... CHANTIX is the ticket for the long time smoker....

Anyone got an extra lighter... got a candle to light over here.... :razz:

Callie girl

New Member
Quit cold turkey over 2 years ago. Jolly ranchers and gum. Mouth gets really sore after to many jolly ranchers though. You have to really want to quit though, I had several reasons. Staying busy helps a lot because you miss not having the cig. in your hand.


Bookseller Lady
What made me quit for good was getting pregnant. Did not want to smoke around the young'un.

Well before that I quite smoking regularly because the nicotine was irritating my stomach. Doc prescribed Prilosec. It was $5 a pill back then and I had no RX coverage, so I couldn't afford to buy cigs anymore lol.


In My Opinion
since august 1st for me.
cold turkey.

Im so happy with the progress that Ive been thinking of rewarding myself with a smoke....just to prove that I dont need it mind you....


Lobster Land
I have smoked probably more years than you've been alive. I'm hooked. But I would be the first person to tell you to quit via any method you can. #1, you gotta wanna quit. Pick a reason, any reason, and tell yourself this is why I need to quit. Every time the urge hits you reminds yourself of that reason. Smoking WILL cut down on your longevity in this world. I'm not particularily worried about longevity, but the methods smoking effects you aren't nice. At the worse cancer, at the least shortness of breath. Ever had the experience of not being able to take a breath? Your eyes bug out with the realization of not being able to. And also consider the monetary cost. $41 buck a cartoon here now and it will be going up. $60 a carton in N.J.. God, that money put into a fund would pay for your childrens college education and you'd still be around to see them graduate. Do as I say, not as I do! Wishing you the best of luck.


New Member
Quit 2 days ago

I decided after a good ole hacking session, that enough was enough, while this time of year kicks my @ss due to alergies, I feel that smoking creates even more issues. So each time I have an urge I remind myself and the urge leaves me. Hard? sure it is, but I know the end result has a much better outcome.



New Member
I quit 10/22/06 with the patch. I didn't even follow through with all 3 steps.. I only used steps 2 and 3 for about a month, then stopped wearing them.. I smoked for 20 years before quitting!


In My Opinion
I was reading statistics on this.
you all need to be very careful

did you know that 78% of reformed smokers will drive past a prison at some point in their life after quitting?

Phew, man, I read that and really started thinking about the pros and cons of this whole smoke free thing.

still have not caved this time.
the longest Ive quite since starting in 1979.
up until now Ive never made it past 2 weeks without cheating or starting again.

but, I feel guilty. that new cigarette tax of $1.00 per pack additional was supposed to be going to insure the poor children... does this mean that Im hurting the children by quitting?


I've been smoke free sinces Monday! :peace: Cold turkey. It's actually been pretty easy so far. No horrible cravings. I haven't been an unbearable biatch (that I'm aware of aways :lmao:)


Jameo said:
I've been smoke free sinces Monday! :peace: Cold turkey. It's actually been pretty easy so far. No horrible cravings. I haven't been an unbearable biatch (that I'm aware of aways :lmao:)

:clap: :clap: WTG!!! :clap: :clap:


In My Opinion
My worst cravigs started at about 30 days, and is currently continuing.
maybe it has to do with the length of time I smoked?

by now it has to be mostly a mind thing.. I should be over the physical part dont you think.

Nanny Pam

:clap: To all of you who quit. Good job!!
It's not easy. But you did it. Pat yourselves on the back.:yay:

I guess it's been about 7 or 8 years for me.
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Nanny Pam said:
:clap: To all of you who quit. Good job!!
It's not easy. But you did it. Pat yourselves on the back.:yay:

I guess it's been about 7 or 8 years for me.

GFY!!! (good for you!) :clap: :clap:


New Member
jbooty said:
I quit 10/22/06 with the patch. I didn't even follow through with all 3 steps.. I only used steps 2 and 3 for about a month, then stopped wearing them.. I smoked for 20 years before quitting!

started 30 years ago and ended 9/24/07, with Gods help and the reminders I leave myself I will get through the tough time. I think the real issue is working my PT job in the bar... thank god for tooth picks..