Stop Smoking.


New Member
smcop said:
No, not a smoker. The way I see it is everyone has to have something to help them relieve the stress of everyday life. Some smoke, some drink, some impregnate women and abandon their children by not supporting them then making a further azz of themselves by defacing public property, and some run. I am a runner. Which are you?

OH....OH....I know,can I guess? :howdy: :whistle:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Or Just maybe he is a good citizen that puts up with us smokers, and does not care if we kill ourselves, or does not believe in preaching BullSh** that we have heard over and over again. :whistle:
:jameo: That is an excellant point about smoking,

that people put up with the smokers.

It is like having a headache or a stopped up toilet that people put up with even though we do not like it.

But the poster smoker is mistaken saying that non smokers do not care or do not believe in preaching the stop smoking message.

We all care and we want the smokers to wake up and stop themselves.

The feds are planning a dollar more per pack in fed tax and Maryland is planning a dollar more per pack in sales tax.

And the no inside smoking ban starts this coming February 2008.

It is more then just the smoker killing themselves because the smoke kills everyone around the smoker and the smoker sets a nasty example for other to start the dirty habit and the smoker will not act out of morality nor out of common sense so the law will tax the smoke out of the smokers and the law will kick the smokers out of every establishment and then we will bury the smokers with gratitude for having another one gone.

So the non smokers do care and we each preach the message in one way or another. :howdy:


New Member
JPC sr said:

The feds are planning a dollar more per pack in fed tax and Maryland is planning a dollar more per pack in sales tax.

And the no inside smoking ban starts this coming February 2008.

Maybe the government will use the increase money in taxes to hunt down deadbeat dads who refuse to pay their child support. How's your son doing? (eww..did I say that?)


JPC sr said:
It is more then just the smoker killing themselves because the smoke kills everyone around the smoker and the smoker sets a nasty example for other to start the dirty habit and the smoker will not act out of morality nor out of common sense so the law will tax the smoke out of the smokers and the law will kick the smokers out of every establishment and then we will bury the smokers with gratitude for having another one gone.

Run-on sentence... :yawn:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:popcorn: That is correct.

Got me on that one.

So my grammar and punctuations are in need of improvement.

But thank God that I do not smoke any more as I could not go through the pain of quiting that again. :jameo:

But I bet you could run out on your family again without a thought ,huh? :smack:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Giantone said:
But I bet you could run out on your family again without a thought ,huh? :smack:
:popcorn: It appears that it does not matter to you that this thread is about stopping smoking.

A noble cause.

There are other threads about me and directed at our favorite subjects but this thread is not.

It is very rude and improper to try to take over other poster's threads.

Try making a thread with your own subject and get a life of your own.

Trying to stop smoking is an important and big deal. :jameo:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:popcorn: It appears that it does not matter to you that this thread is about stopping smoking.

A noble cause.

There are other threads about me and directed at our favorite subjects but this thread is not.

It is very rude and improper to try to take over other poster's threads.

Try making a thread with your own subject and get a life of your own.

Trying to stop smoking is an important and big deal. :jameo:

So is running out on your family but you seem to think stopping smoking is harder and more important. :smack:


Go Jeff Gordon
Well to get back on topic........

I quit 25 yrs ago, cold turkey (this will show my age) when cigarettes went to $1 a pack. Just make sure if you eat lollipops and candy make them sugar free. I sucked on all kinds of candy to keep from smoking and it ruined my teeth.

Novus Collectus

New Member
I'm sure some of you reformed smokers won't mind posting how you quit.
And I know some of you (including myself) that would like to quit.
So let the ideas roll.:lighting one up as I type:

For those of you that wonder what prompted me to post this thread.... Well!

I went to the doctor for a check up and got the normal spew of....
"you need to stop smoking, you need to stop eating the things you like and BTW bend over and drop them pants." :yikes:

Then on the way back from the doctors office " with KY seeping from my butt" :mad: I thought of how much I hate being told "I told you so!"
And I'll be damned if I'm going to give my doc the opportunity to say I told you to stop smoking.:nono:

I know that it's not the best reason in the world to stop smoking, but it's my story and I''m stickin too it. :popcorn:
Smoking leads to more butt hole exams. ;)


In My Opinion
Quit cold turkey over 2 years ago. Jolly ranchers and gum. Mouth gets really sore after to many jolly ranchers though. You have to really want to quit though, I had several reasons. Staying busy helps a lot because you miss not having the cig. in your hand.

I bet the are jolly. what ranchers wouldnt be?


Methodically disorganized
JPC, I am curious about something, and since no one else has called you on it, I will. A few days ago, you posted this...
JPC sr said:
smcop said:
Nope..wrong JPC. I am a non-smoker...
That seems very unlikely, far more likely is that you are a smoker and ashamed to admit it. The evidence points against you as most likely hiding being a smoker.
But you have also said the following numerous times - I copied the most recent occurrence:
JPC sr said:
So why, in the first post, did you not let smcop speak for himself? You apparently tried to put words in his mouth simply to fit your agenda. Do you care to resolve this hypocritical inconsistency?

JPC sr said:
But the poster smoker is mistaken saying that non smokers do not care or do not believe in preaching the stop smoking message. We all care and we want the smokers to wake up and stop themselves.
Wrong. The war against smoking, including the subsequent initiation of anti-smoking laws is foremost about control. Ripping away peoples' freedoms is what you and your fellow extreme-left Liberal friends are all about. As long as they're not hurting others, people should feel free to run their own lives... even if their actions kill them.
Last edited:


In My Opinion
now dont be too hard on the idiot boy known as JPC, it seems he has greater issues...... I PMed me this.
I just do not get why every post you make has some thing nasty into it, link HERE.

I tried to send this in Karma but it will not let me, must be the Board change.

But must you talk dirt to every other person? and especially to the females? Its embarassing.

See JPC, joking around really isnt nast,,,,,,,,, what is nasty is leaving your family behind to fend for themselves,,, not caring if your own wife, the mother of your child dies or not. Thats nasty.... and just look at your son and how he turned out,, that is on you..........

so, When you want to call someone nasty, look no further than your own sorry ass....


In My Opinion
I do have a question for you however JPC.
if some harmless joking causes you embarrassment, how do you plan to be able to use the restrooms if you actually get elected?

wont you find it embarrassing when you start tapping your foot while going?


Methodically disorganized

JPC, I am curious about something, and since no one else has called you on it, I will. A few days ago, you posted this...
JPC sr said:
smcop said:
Nope..wrong JPC. I am a non-smoker...
That seems very unlikely, far more likely is that you are a smoker and ashamed to admit it. The evidence points against you as most likely hiding being a smoker.
But you have also said the following numerous times - I copied the most recent occurrence:
JPC sr said:
So why, in the first post, did you not let smcop speak for himself? You apparently tried to put words in his mouth simply to fit your agenda. Do you care to resolve this hypocritical inconsistency?

JPC sr said:
But the poster smoker is mistaken saying that non smokers do not care or do not believe in preaching the stop smoking message. We all care and we want the smokers to wake up and stop themselves.
Wrong. The war against smoking, including the subsequent initiation of anti-smoking laws is foremost about control. Ripping away peoples' freedoms is what you and your fellow extreme-left Liberal friends are all about. As long as they're not hurting others, people should feel free to run their own lives... even if their actions kill them.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Wrong. The war against smoking, including the subsequent initiation of anti-smoking laws is foremost about control. Ripping away peoples' freedoms is what you and your fellow extreme-left Liberal friends are all about. As long as they're not hurting others, people should feel free to run their own lives... even if their actions kill them.

So are you for the legalization of drugs, or at least weed?