Stop Smoking.


All Up In Your Grill
Jameo said:
I've been smoke free sinces Monday! :peace: Cold turkey. It's actually been pretty easy so far. No horrible cravings. I haven't been an unbearable biatch (that I'm aware of aways :lmao:)

Good Lord, you really are pregnant, aren't you. :faint:

Callie girl

New Member
USNavyMike said:
started 30 years ago and ended 9/24/07, with Gods help and the reminders I leave myself I will get through the tough time. I think the real issue is working my PT job in the bar... thank god for tooth picks..

It will be a very clean bar. Use hard candy to or gum.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

gumbo said:
I'm sure some of you reformed smokers won't mind posting how you quit.
And I know some of you (including myself) that would like to quit.
So let the ideas roll.:lighting one up as I type:

For those of you that wonder what prompted me to post this thread.... Well!

I went to the doctor for a check up and got the normal spew of....
"you need to stop smoking, you need to stop eating the things you like and BTW bend over and drop them pants." :yikes:

Then on the way back from the doctors office " with KY seeping from my butt" :mad: I thought of how much I hate being told "I told you so!"
And I'll be damned if I'm going to give my doc the opportunity to say I told you to stop smoking.:nono:

I know that it's not the best reason in the world to stop smoking, but it's my story and I''m stickin too it. :popcorn:
:jameo: I stopped smoking 20 years ago and it was the hardest thing I ever did still.

A pack and a half per day for me. One must have big motivation to quit.

I got so low that I picked up butts and got the shakes big time and had to give up and start again for at least a year till I stopped and prayfully stayed stopped.

What I had to do was stop coffee and stop alcohol and stretch out meals for hours because they made me want a cigarette.

I replaced coffee with cocoa then fruit juices then anything. After about 6 months of smoke free then I started some coffee again and slowly a beer or two but no more, and stretching out meals means keep eating snacks or eat slow and yes one gains a little weight but food is a powerful substitute for many things including smoking.

To stop smoking takes a very long time, like 10 years to feel comfortable at saying "I already quit" and mean it. Stopping cold is fine because eventually that is the only way but then comes the long days and long weeks and weekends and skipping smoke breaks at work and it takes time and a long time to quit smoking.

Now for me 20 years later stopping smoking was my strongest moment and afterwards I feel like I control myself and food taste better and my teeth are cleaner and I make any smoker step outside because the smoke will stink up any room or the whole house.

Plus in older years the smoking looked cool and tuff but today everyone faces the smoking question and that means most of the population, and especially the educated part of the population will look at any smoker with scorn and say in secret that smoker has no will power.


New Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: I stopped smoking 20 years ago and it was the hardest thing I ever did still.

A pack and a half per day for me.

I got so low that I picked up butts and got the shakes big time and had to give up and start again for at least a year till I stopped and prayfully stayed stopped.

So walking out on your wife and child was a piece of cake,glade to hear they did'nt get in the way of anything important.

I apologize to all the others but I wish JPC would take it up again ,I'll buy the first carton you can trade with them in jail. :smack:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Giantone said:
So walking out on your wife and child was a piece of cake,glade to hear they did'nt get in the way of anything important.

I apologize to all the others but I wish JPC would take it up again ,I'll buy the first carton you can trade with them in jail. :smack:
:popcorn: This is my own personal heckler that travels wherever I go,

so lets stick to stopping that dirty nasty smoking habit. :jameo:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: I stopped smoking 20 years ago and it was the hardest thing I ever did still.

A pack and a half per day for me. One must have big motivation to quit.

I got so low that I picked up butts and got the shakes big time and had to give up and start again for at least a year till I stopped and prayfully stayed stopped.

What I had to do was stop coffee and stop alcohol and stretch out meals for hours because they made me want a cigarette.

I replaced coffee with cocoa then fruit juices then anything. After about 6 months of smoke free then I started some coffee again and slowly a beer or two but no more, and stretching out meals means keep eating snacks or eat slow and yes one gains a little weight but food is a powerful substitute for many things including smoking.

To stop smoking takes a very long time, like 10 years to feel comfortable at saying "I already quit" and mean it. Stopping cold is fine because eventually that is the only way but then comes the long days and long weeks and weekends and skipping smoke breaks at work and it takes time and a long time to quit smoking.

Now for me 20 years later stopping smoking was my strongest moment and afterwards I feel like I control myself and food taste better and my teeth are cleaner and I make any smoker step outside because the smoke will stink up any room or the whole house.

Plus in older years the smoking looked cool and tuff but today everyone faces the smoking question and that means most of the population, and especially the educated part of the population will look at any smoker with scorn and say in secret that smoker has no will power.
Maybe you should have put the 2 or three bucks you saved on smokes twenty years ago into an account to pay your child support? At least you would have given them something. Not that your fatherly advice was nothing. Look how well thats worked out for your child!


I bowl overhand
Mikeinsmd said:
Everyone I know who quit did it cold turkey.

Put em down & never looked back. :yay:
EXACTLY RIGHT, pure will power.. If you think you have to depend on gum. or patches, or something else, you don't have the will power to quit. you will go back.

I tried everything, the patches, the gum.. diet.. more exercise, but the only thing that worked was deciding I seriously wanted to quit, that I had had enough. I put a pack of cigarettes on the dining room table. Everytime I ate I had to look at them, and NO after dinner smokes. Figured if I could deal with that tempatation after eating, no temptation would get me..

Besides, it's easy to quit smoking, I've done it at least a dozen times..


That cuts it... If JPC says to quit smoking then somebody get me a cigarette... There's now way I plan on doing anything he advocates....


I bowl overhand
JPC sr said:
:jameo: I stopped smoking 20 years ago and it was the hardest thing I ever did still.
Well, you really haven't been pushing yourself to acheiving much, and you really haven't accomplished jack#### in your lifetime.. so that isn't really saying much..

That's about par with you saying.. "Putting my socks on in the morning is the hardest thing I've ever done"

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

JPC sr said:
:jameo: Plus in older years the smoking looked cool and tuff but today everyone faces the smoking question and that means most of the population, and especially the educated part of the population will look at any smoker with scorn and say in secret that smoker has no will power.
:popcorn: Another negative aspect of smokers is that the smokers tell others that they really like smoking and no one believes the self deception.

Or the noisey claim that they will die happy - when a smoker's death is really slow and horrible.

And the smoke stains on their teeth and the smokers says they need a better kind of tooth paste.

These are pitiful claims that only other smokers agree with in their shared deceptions. :flowers:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:popcorn: Another negative aspect of smokers is that the smokers tell others that they really like smoking and no one believes the self deception.

Or the noisey claim that they will die happy - when a smoker's death is really slow and horrible.

And the smoke stains on their teeth and the smokers says they need a better kind of tooth paste.

These are pitiful claims that only other smokers agree with in their shared deceptions. :flowers:

I like to reflect JPC's words:

:popcorn: Another negative aspect of scofflaws who don't pay their child support is that the scofflaws tell others that they really like not paying their child support and no one believes the self deception.

Or the noisey claim that they will die happy - when a non-child support paying person's death is really slow and horrible.

And the shame stains on their teeth and the scofflaws who don't pay for their children says they need a better kind of self respect.

These are pitiful claims that only other non-paying scumbag parents agree with in their shared deceptions.
Oh wait..did I misquote you?
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New Member
smcop said:
Maybe you should have put the 2 or three bucks you saved on smokes twenty years ago into an account to pay your child support? At least you would have given them something. Not that your fatherly advice was nothing. Look how well thats worked out for your child!

Bravo,bravo............. :yay:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

smcop said:
I like to reflect JPC's words:

:popcorn: Another negative aspect of scofflaws who don't pay their child support is that the scofflaws tell others that they really like not paying their child support and no one believes the self deception.

Or the noisey claim that they will die happy - when a non-child support paying person's death is really slow and horrible.

And the shame stains on their teeth and the scofflaws who don't pay for their children says they need a better kind of self respect.

These are pitiful claims that only other non-paying scumbag parents agree with in their shared deceptions.
Oh wait..did I misquote you
:bigwhoop: So now I have two (2) hecklers here and I guess they probably smoke too. :popcorn:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:bigwhoop: So now I have two (2) hecklers here and I guess they probably smoke too. :popcorn:

Nope..wrong JPC. I am a non-smoker..oh, and I happily PAY MY CHILD SUPPORT. I'm not doing anything special, that is a mans responsibility, to take care of those he brings into the world. I guess if you were a man you would understand that!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

smcop said:
Nope..wrong JPC. I am a non-smoker...
:popcorn: That seems very unlikely,

far more likely is that you are a smoker and ashamed to admit it.

Otherwise you would tell others to stop the dirty habit as all non smokers do.

The evidence points against you as most likely hiding being a smoker. :bigwhoop:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:popcorn: That seems very unlikely,

far more likely is that you are a smoker and ashamed to admit it.

Otherwise you would tell others to stop the dirty habit as all non smokers do.

The evidence points against you as most likely hiding being a smoker. :bigwhoop:

Or Just maybe he is a good citizen that puts up with us smokers, and does not care if we kill ourselves, or does not believe in preaching BullSh** that we have heard over and over again. :whistle:


New Member
JPC sr said:
:popcorn: That seems very unlikely,

far more likely is that you are a smoker and ashamed to admit it.

Otherwise you would tell others to stop the dirty habit as all non smokers do.

The evidence points against you as most likely hiding being a smoker. :bigwhoop:
No, not a smoker. The way I see it is everyone has to have something to help them relieve the stress of everyday life. Some smoke, some drink, some impregnate women and abandon their children by not supporting them then making a further azz of themselves by defacing public property, and some run. I am a runner. Which are you?


New Member
JPC sr said:
:popcorn: That seems very unlikely,

far more likely is that you are a smoker and ashamed to admit it.

Otherwise you would tell others to stop the dirty habit as all non smokers do.

The evidence points against you as most likely hiding being a smoker. :bigwhoop:

NOPE, never have I smoked but I watched what it did to my Dad so I knew better,it's also why I want you to start up !