If I have learned anything about this forum, it is that quite a lot of people like to drop turds and just walk away when either confronted or asked to clarify.
For some people - making you give up by any means necessary constitutes a "win". And it can be name-calling.
I remember years ago, on a Yahoo group, there was a Brit who insisted that all Yanks are cowards - they only show up when the possibility of death is minimal. This was during the Bosnian conflict and of course, much was made of the fact that we were mostly dropping bombs.
NOTHING persuaded this guy - not dozens of arguments about American bravery or intervention would persuade him but worse - he just - got - personal - in his attacks. I gave up. What was the point?
I cam back to see how the thread went, days later. He was bragging about how we WON THE ARGUMENT with that Yank. He didn't "win" anything. Winning would be him either conclusively proving Americans are cowards, or me conceding the point. He bragged about intimidating me into leaving.
Hence - a win.
SOME PEOPLE - think that way. I was more often than not bullied on the playground by people who thought that in seventh grade - and still do. Making you BLINK "wins".
I do not share that sentiment. LEAVING is not blinking. It's realizing nothing further is gained by discussing with someone not worthy of your time.