But that said, I think there is a tremendous difference between being brutally honest/direct/blunt than harsh. Harsh to me is when a person over extends what they need to say and adds additives that don’t need to be there to convey a point, and/or they may continually ride a person once they’ve said what they’ve needed to say.
There is no way to tip toe around something so clear as taking something out of a person’s purse and putting it in theirs, that is theft, and the joke excuse is out the window when the person was not direct in a response when asked, therefore they lied. This makes them a liar.
Now, if when saying that ^ a person tosses in “you’re a loser; you’ll never amount to anything; you always; you never; you’re this; you’re that” well than guess what, it’s on. Attitudes are contagious in my opinion and you get what you give. I’m not perfect and everyday I make my fair share of mistakes. I had somebody in my office today that I stated what I needed to say and he gave me excuses in rapid fire, one after another. Instead of saying ok that is enough, I walked him down the hall and said something sarcastic like “yeah Mr.

I guess that is your wife’s fault too since nothing is EVER (and I emphasized the word “ever”) your fault, because if it wasn't for everyone else in the world, your life would be so perfect."
See… fine example of saying what needs to be said than I let my irritation get the best of me by adding something that really didn’t need to be said. Of course I really pissed the guy off at this point.