Stray Cats in St. Inigoes



Midnightrider said:
So we can send you the bills then? its not cheaper, Animal control comes out and takes them for free. How is it cheaper for me to spend hundred$ to 'vet' a POS cat that could be taken away for free?

Free? Where do you live?

Who pays for the ACO to do it?

You do!
Called county taxes..!!

and to neuter a cat: $25-30. Female a bit more.
Volunteers come and trap, transport, return and maintain colony.


Well-Known Member
Inkpen said:
Then go do that and have fun doing it.

There are others who try to reduce by vetting and vaccinating and educating homeowners on getting their animals vetted.

You can not kill them all and can not vet them all, that is a given.
But numbers can be reduced by managing a colony to die out.
I have done that..vetted and trapped out and now no cats remain.

I hope you can get close enough to bash on with a shovel. I will offer to whitness and take photos...face it,,ferals are smarter and a lot faster than you and a shovel.
That6s funny, i've spent hours ion the spring catching feral cats at a farm. they aint that smart, and if i had wanted to bash them with a shovel, it would have been easy.

So are you going to be taking the bills from all the memebers for the 'vetting' of the feral cats in their neoighborhoods?


I bowl overhand
Inkpen said:
Free? Where do you live?

Who pays for the ACO to do it?

You do!
Called county taxes..!!

and to neuter a cat: $25-30. Female a bit more.
Volunteers come and trap, transport, return and maintain colony.
Vultures will take care of it for free..


Dixie said:
Okay I admit I looked at all my red karma to see how I managed to get so low so fast (don't know why, don't really care) and I guess this is going to turn into the feral cat thread, but since I haven't seen one in awhile, we're due aren't we?

Yes I was being sarcastic about taking the cats to a happy place - I do know what's going to happen to them. Just for the record though - the cats that respond calmly are put up for adoption, the ones that don't are put down.

This is all my fault, I readily admit. I had been feeding two kittens on the property. They grew into cats and brought their kittens to me. I got bitten by one of the kittens. I hadn't reached for it, it simply bit me when I put the food down.

There are little ones in my neighborhood - I don't want one of them to get bitten and that's is my purpose for trapping them. I've caught six cats so far only two appear to be pets. Four I recognized as the cats/kittens I had fed.

I used to post here all the time and left. I came back solely for the purpose of letting someone know that I had caught two cats that may possibly be someone's house pets.

Sorry I offended. You're right, red karma people, I'm a horrible human being, I have no right to live, and I should be caught in a trap and put to sleep. Carry on.


Should of never fed them in the first place.
You created your own problem and want the county to fix it for you!

Your fault,,and cat is hungry and can not tell diffference from smell of cat food and your hand~!! No wonder it bit..thought it was more food from YOU!


Well-Known Member
Inkpen said:
Free? Where do you live?

Who pays for the ACO to do it?

You do!
Called county taxes..!!

and to neuter a cat: $25-30. Female a bit more.
Volunteers come and trap, transport, return and maintain colony.
Anilmal control i free to me, just like everyother service my taxes pay for.
And its not like animal control is going to be eliminated by spaying feral cats. cat owners are some of the most irresponsible and disrepectful people around, can you name another pet that you just throw outside letting it do what it wants where it wants only to come home if it wants?

leash your freaking cats


itsbob said:
Vultures will take care of it for free..

And they do..many species predate on feral kittens..
raccoons, foxes, owls, hawks, snakes..
They are little and full of valuable protein.
In many other areas colonies are controled by hungry coyotes.

Nature does try an balance populations out..but when we contribute to that numbers, intervention is needed to stop the reproduction process.
If you feed animals, they will reproduse at a highter rate.
No food, no babies, because there is not enough food to support the adults.
Simple as that.
So people have to stop feeding cats!!!
And get their own cats vetted!


My Sweetest Boy
Inkpen said:
And they do..many species predate on feral kittens..
raccoons, foxes, owls, hawks, snakes..
They are little and full of valuable protein.
In many other areas colonies are controled by hungry coyotes.

Nature does try an balance populations out..but when we contribute to that numbers, intervention is needed to stop the reproduction process.
If you feed animals, they will reproduse at a highter rate.
No food, no babies, because there is not enough food to support the adults.
Simple as that.
So people have to stop feeding cats!!!
And get their own cats vetted!



Midnightrider said:
That6s funny, i've spent hours ion the spring catching feral cats at a farm. they aint that smart, and if i had wanted to bash them with a shovel, it would have been easy.

So are you going to be taking the bills from all the memebers for the 'vetting' of the feral cats in their neoighborhoods?

These are fat, fed farm cats who are used to humans..
Ferals will stay far away from humans.
They fear them, and I will not bother telling you the why of this.

Go help in St. Indigoes and bash some cats if it makes you more manly.


I bowl overhand
.. and arrows are reusable.. (and REALLY quiet)

So, arrow + vulture, means no more pawprints, no cat crap in the sandbox.. and free for me.


Well-Known Member
Inkpen said:
These are fat, fed farm cats who are used to humans..
Ferals will stay far away from humans.
They fear them, and I will not bother telling you the why of this.

Go help in St. Indigoes and bash some cats if it makes you more manly.
Its not about being manly, its about being responsible. And i am not respinsible for ANY cats, i dont and haven't every owned any. If i have a problem with them in my yard its a job for Animal Control.

and if the cats you speak of are so wild, it is doubtful they will get into a trap anyway. Trapping cats loose in the neighborhood it aint easy.


New Member
itsbob said:
.. and arrows are reusable.. (and REALLY quiet)

So, arrow + vulture, means no more pawprints, no cat crap in the sandbox.. and free for me.
...and will help you in tuning your critical zone skills...always a good thing come hunting season.


Midnightrider said:
Anilmal control i free to me, just like everyother service my taxes pay for.
And its not like animal control is going to be eliminated by spaying feral cats. cat owners are some of the most irresponsible and disrepectful people around, can you name another pet that you just throw outside letting it do what it wants where it wants only to come home if it wants?

leash your freaking cats

Many places do have leash laws//for dogs and cats.. and we have laws about drinking and driving and shooting people, and beating up babies, and abusing people and etc, etc.

Be a responsibel pet owner, vet and control you pets.

Your county taxes pay for ACO, and fees paid for dog and cat license also goes to ACO budget. Also you pay and support the Tri-County Animal Shelter that spends HUNDREDS on animal control issues.
Not to mention the HUNDREDS it costs to house, care for and gas (kill) and dispose of the unwanted animals turned in.

And you pay for all that, we ALL do!!

If you got to save $100.00 a year on county taxes would you?


Inkpen said:

Should of never fed them in the first place.
You created your own problem and want the county to fix it for you!

Your fault,,and cat is hungry and can not tell diffference from smell of cat food and your hand~!! No wonder it bit..thought it was more food from YOU!

I think I admitted it was my fault for feeding them in the first place and that includes getting bitten. However, I still don't want that to happen to a child and since the county provides this service why shouldn't I take advantage of it? Again I know it's my fault, it won't happen again, I'm a horrible excuse for a human being, yada yada yada. It happened I can't take it back and I personally think I'm doing the right thing. That still doesn't mean I feel good about it, I just happen to think it's right. And I really did want to know if anyone in Saint Inigoes had misplaced their cat. Mystical is helping spread the words, bless her heart.

I hope this concludes Feral Cat Thread for 2007. Amazing how strongly people feel about it.


Roughidle said:
...and will help you in tuning your critical zone skills...always a good thing come hunting season.

Go for it if you think it will control the animal problems.


Dixie said:
I think I admitted it was my fault for feeding them in the first place and that includes getting bitten. However, I still don't want that to happen to a child and since the county provides this service why shouldn't I take advantage of it? Again I know it's my fault, it won't happen again, I'm a horrible excuse for a human being, yada yada yada. It happened I can't take it back and I personally think I'm doing the right thing. That still doesn't mean I feel good about it, I just happen to think it's right. And I really did want to know if anyone in Saint Inigoes had misplaced their cat. Mystical is helping spread the words, bless her heart.

I hope this concludes Feral Cat Thread for 2007. Amazing how strongly people feel about it.

Let the cats go..they are someomes pets!!

And stop feeding the cats.. PERIOD.
NO food, no strays.

It is like you baited them, just to trap them and kill them.

Hope you sleep well tonight knowing you killed someones pet cats.

And the county also has an Animal Shelter..did you call them for help?
I doubt it.
Click, read and do something humane and right..

As I said, I hope you sleep well tonight.


New Member
Inkpen said:

Should of never fed them in the first place.
You created your own problem and want the county to fix it for you!

Your fault,,and cat is hungry and can not tell diffference from smell of cat food and your hand~!! No wonder it bit..thought it was more food from YOU!
What are we supposed to do when we don't have any intention of feeding them BUT they come into the shed through a cat door and chase my cats away and steal their food. How do you suggest I handle this?


PrepH4U said:
What are we supposed to do when we don't have any intention of feeding them BUT they come into the shed through a cat door and chase my cats away and steal their food. How do you suggest I handle this?

Shut the cat door and remove the food at night.
If cats are eating, so are other animals..opossums, raccoons...skunks..
How hard it that?


Well-Known Member
Inkpen said:
Many places do have leash laws//for dogs and cats.. and we have laws about drinking and driving and shooting people, and beating up babies, and abusing people and etc, etc.

Be a responsibel pet owner, vet and control you pets.

Your county taxes pay for ACO, and fees paid for dog and cat license also goes to ACO budget. Also you pay and support the Tri-County Animal Shelter that spends HUNDREDS on animal control issues.
Not to mention the HUNDREDS it costs to house, care for and gas (kill) and dispose of the unwanted animals turned in.

And you pay for all that, we ALL do!!

If you got to save $100.00 a year on county taxes would you?

Well, you aren't ever going to save that 100/year, just end up spending extra on taking care of cats that would be handled under the tax you already pay, thats all there is too it. There is a need for animal control, as much as you might think you can handle it, you cant.

If this thread was about wild dogs NOBODY would be so foolish as to say "just trap and fix them, then release them and everything will be OK"


Inkpen said:
Let the cats go..they are someomes pets!!

And stop feeding the cats.. PERIOD.
NO food, no strays.

It is like you baited them, just to trap them and kill them.

Hope you sleep well tonight knowing you killed someones pet cats.

And the county also has an Animal Shelter..did you call them for help?
I doubt it.
Click, read and do something humane and right..

As I said, I hope you sleep well tonight.

Sleeping just fine. Thanks for your concern. BTW I agree with you I do feel like I baited them just to trap and kill them. I made a mistake and I'm trying to fix it, I cannot undo what I've done. And I'm finished with talking to you, no quarrel, I admire that you stand so firmly with animal rights. I screwed up and it won't happen again but given the's this or running the risk of it happening to a child. I have to side with caution.
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New Member
Inkpen said:
Shut the cat door and remove the food at night.
If cats are eating, so are other animals..opossums, raccoons...skunks..
How hard it that?
So my vetted cats are not allowed to go outside and socialize with my other animals because of some rengade cats. So I am to coral my cats at night, shut them up, just because the feral, already spayed, & released cats come and steal their food. I don't think so. My land, my animals, my rules.