Stray Cats in St. Inigoes


My Sweetest Boy
nomoney said:
lets see, used the same terms inkpen used....but you're right - im just the one having a bad day :yay:

I don't know Nomo...just seems you only post in the open looking for an argument...maybe I'm wrong. Inkpen is a good lady.


cattitude said:
I don't know Nomo...just seems you only post in the open looking for an argument...maybe I'm wrong. Inkpen is a good lady.

Thats fine, there's a lot of nice people. But I dont agree with her stance. But I guess because you have her pegged as a nice lady and me as a #### stirrer that automatically you read her posts with less attitude then mine come across in :shrug: Reverse the names and try again. She talks down to those that disagree.


PrepH4U said:
See I find that very unhumane. Most of us feed all sorts of wildlife on purpose, and now we are to let cats starve? :shrug: Sorry I would rather pay for euthanasia (sp) or pay my taxes to Animal control so they can be put down humanely instead of them living off the land. JMO

Your property, your with it.
Do what you want..I dont care.

Oh, lets kill off the animals that are suffering because we have taken away thier land and built houses and more houses...
How about that?


Inkpen said:
Your property, your with it.
Do what you want..I dont care.

Oh, lets kill off the animals that are suffering because we have taken away thier land and built houses and more houses...
How about that?

Do you live out in the woods or in one of those houses and more houses? :confused:


b*tch rocket
What is it about feral cats? This subject seems to always turn out ugly. :lmao:
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New Member
cattitude said:
You do know that your neighbor's vetted cat could also cause your cat to have to prance around with a shaved ass, right? Cats are very territorial. And you don't know that your cat doesn't leave your yard. Maybe not always but there is that chance...chasing a bird..etc.

I use to have indoor/outdoor cats. The last two were beat up horribly by other cats in the area..don't know if they were strays or what. They were older and were put down at different times a year ago. None of my cats go out now.

It's a hard call. I see both sides of the story. Hard to euthanize an animal..even a feral cat, and really you never even see them, they generally don't come around humans.

I see InkPen's views..she's devotes her life to become a bit jaded with people when you see what animals have to go through at the hands of humans.

I also see that people are doing what they can with "barn" cats, feeding strays etc.

I think most of us animal lovers in this thread are on the same side of the fence for the most part and we do what we can to help the animals that we love so much. Let's not lose sight of that.

Last year, we had a black cat coming around. It was not taken very good care of and my male cat would growl from the window, inside the house at this stray that just made himself at home sitting on our deck, like he lived there. Anyway, one sunny day my male is outside, minding his own business, sleeping on the table and we (hubby and I) hear a ruckus. Our dog is going ballistic. This black cat jumped on the table and tore the living crap out of our orange cat. Not only did he have his ass shaved, he got his head and tail shaved. :ohwell:

I tried to keep him in the house after that but he would claw the wall to go outside. We should have named him Garfield, he walks 1-2 feet and plops down on the deck.

My female, well, I cannot say with a 100% certainty that she stays in the yard all the time. Whenever I call her, she suddenly appears without much effort.

Both my cats will only use the liter box as a very last resort. My male hardly fits in his.

I was very upset to learn of the mass collections and killing of the colony over at Mechanicsville School but pet owners, as you know, cannot always keep their pets locked up. It isn't fair to them, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Inkpen said:
Oh, lets kill off the animals that are suffering because we have taken away thier land and built houses and more houses...
How about that?


I honestly don't think a cat is better off being feral than being humanely euthanized. :shrug: Feral cats have to go through so much just to survive....I would rather trap and euthanize a feral cat than have it trying to survive...getting hit by cars, fighting for food, getting fleas and ticks, suffering from nasty oozing eye infections, suffering from cuts and scratches from fights with other wild animals....need I go on?

I don't see what the problem is with trapping feral cats and humanely euthanizing them.


New Member
Inkpen said:
Your property, your with it.
Do what you want..I dont care.

Oh, lets kill off the animals that are suffering because we have taken away thier land and built houses and more houses...
How about that?
Nevermind, I am not going to argue with you, I was just trying to give my view on re-releasing feral cats back into the environment. I was trying to share, that our feral neighborhood cats have been spayed, but are still causing problems. I don't think you want to bring into this arguement about society as a whole or managed hunts to help preserve certain forms of wildlife.
Back on the subject, Dixie you did right in trapping those cats. Especially since one bit you. I hope in your case the cat did not have rabies, as it is spreading rapidly in the county. You innocently started this thread by trying to give notice to the public in case they were missing any.


b*tch rocket
Pandora said:
I was very upset to learn of the mass collections and killing of the colony over at Mechanicsville School but pet owners, as you know, cannot always keep their pets locked up. It isn't fair to them, IMO.

Wasn't that done due to a rabies outbreak?


nomoney said:
Thats fine, there's a lot of nice people. But I dont agree with her stance. But I guess because you have her pegged as a nice lady and me as a #### stirrer that automatically you read her posts with less attitude then mine come across in :shrug: Reverse the names and try again. She talks down to those that disagree.

Have you even tried to learn about the pet overpopulation problem?
Do you know anything about feral cats and why they exist?

I am trying to teach that there are more options than just killing animals.

If you care to help. then do so. If you want to go kill them, then do so.
Take action instead of being a stick in the mud.

I am not talking down, I am talking at.

There is NO perfect answer/solution to feral cats, stray pets, loose and wandering dogs and cats, irresponsible pet owners, stupid people, etc.
But there are ways to deal with the problems instead of ignoring them.
Trapping pet cats is not one of those ways.

I have to go and take care of some wildlife..Have a nice day and try to be nice.
Cowgirl said:

I honestly don't think a cat is better off being feral than being humanely euthanized. :shrug: Feral cats have to go through so much just to survive....I would rather trap and euthanize a feral cat than have it trying to survive...getting hit by cars, fighting for food, getting fleas and ticks, suffering from nasty oozing eye infections, suffering from cuts and scratches from fights with other wild animals....need I go on?

I don't see what the problem is with trapping feral cats and humanely euthanizing them.
:yeahthat: Exactly! I am just now catching up in this thread and this reflects what I was about to post. I know you mean well, Inkpen but feral cats are not better off being vetted only to be re-released into to wild... Scooter Pie comes to immediate mind. RIP Scooter.


My Sweetest Boy
nomoney said:
Thats fine, there's a lot of nice people. But I dont agree with her stance. But I guess because you have her pegged as a nice lady and me as a #### stirrer that automatically you read her posts with less attitude then mine come across in :shrug: Reverse the names and try again. She talks down to those that disagree.

I don't disagree with anything you posted here. You are a shiat stirrer. And she may be talking down to people that disagree...maybe out of frustration.

Sorry, I broke my own rule. Carry on. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Inkpen said:
Have you even tried to learn about the pet overpopulation problem?
Do you know anything about feral cats and why they exist?

I am trying to teach that there are more options than just killing animals.

If you care to help. then do so. If you want to go kill them, then do so.
Take action instead of being a stick in the mud.

I am not talking down, I am talking at.

There is NO perfect answer/solution to feral cats, stray pets, loose and wandering dogs and cats, irresponsible pet owners, stupid people, etc.
But there are ways to deal with the problems instead of ignoring them.
Trapping pet cats is not one of those ways.

I have to go and take care of some wildlife..Have a nice day and try to be nice.

How would you feel about those same cats if you saw them running down the street and they attacked some poor possum?


smoothmarine187 said:
How would you feel about those same cats if you saw them running down the street and they attacked some poor possum?

1. Cats would get grreeted by a mouth full of 54 sharp teeth and a hissing, drooling animal that has been here longer than cats.
Opossum would win.

And feral cats do not go running down streets chasing animals.
Go read up on feral cats!!
Learn instead of posting stupid stuff.


kwillia said:
:yeahthat: Exactly! I am just now catching up in this thread and this reflects what I was about to post. I know you mean well, Inkpen but feral cats are not better off being vetted only to be re-released into to wild... Scooter Pie comes to immediate mind. RIP Scooter.

Feral cats can not be tamed down to make nice house kitties.
It is more humane to vet cat, release a healthy cat back to the wild where it has lived and survived in for several generations.
Better to do that than to leave it there, continue to feed it adn let it get sick from fighting and diseases. A unspayed females will have 2-3 litters a year UNTIL SHE DIES!!
Not like humans who go into menopause and stop reproducing.

It is a hjarsh life as a unvetted feral cat.

You remove the population and others move in.
Food supplies are gonna be there..dumpsters behind strip malls, resturants, garbage dumps..may place will always have foods that will attract cats and other wildlife.
Better to have a healthy colony live there and protect the area then to trap them out, only to hae more move in.

Again, there is no one answer, but TNR has been proven to work adn work well.

Ya know why people feed animals?
Because they care.