Student Member on the Board of Education


New Member
I'd like to see how you guys feel about SMOB voting rights. If you have no clue what I am talking about I'll explain it to you.


New Member
It looks like little Patrick wants to follow in the footsteps of his big brother. hehe. Can you vote for any elected office? You can't, so why could the student board member be able to vote?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oooh! Ooooh! *raises hand* I have a question:

Wouldn't one actually have to be a student at a public school in order to be a Student BOE member? Or is this one of those things where you have say-so about something you know nothing about, thereby impacting thousands of people but what the heck because you aren't going to have to live with it anyway?


New Member
Sadly our SMOB has no voting rights. The reasons for no rights is very backwards and dumb. Our local officials state that the smob would not be able to "handle" the speical interest groups. Thats bull. MD is known for its liberal ideas of student empowerment. Anne Arundel county is the only county in America that allows their smob FULL voting ritghts. Four other counties like PG and MoCo have partial. I'd like to introduce to you the St. Mary's Association of Student Councils. I am First VP of it and always involded with the fight for voting rights of our SMOB. Yes I do go to Ryken, but I still care very much about this issue. Our county's SMOB is Benito Perez from Great mills. He is doing a great job and you as citizens of this county should fight for voting rights for this gifted student.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hey! I know what! I think I'll go home and let the kids decide what we'll have for dinner. And I'll let them decide who does the chores. And maybe, for an encore, I'll let them make their own curfew!



New Member
O vrai

Your missing the point here. A student elected by other students should have the same if not MORE power than any other board members. A SMOB gives a new and different worldview to the education world than adults could never have. You allow adults to make descions about our education. That is sad, therefore you shoudl allow the SMOB to vote as a student in the system. It is a very complex issue, all I am doing is just tryign to see how you guys feel about. Most adults who are not from this conservative area are very pro voting rights. I Don't know, I thought that some of you would be...


Enjoying life!
Re: O vrai

Originally posted by smcdem
Your missing the point here. A student elected by other students should have the same if not MORE power than any other board members.

You're kidding, right? In your limited world experience, what makes you think that you know what is best for students? I guess they don't make you read "Lord of the Flies" anymore?:biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You allow adults to make descions about our education.
:roflmao: Oh, the HORROR! :roflmao: The INJUSTICE of it all! :roflmao: Oh, dear *sniff*...:roflmao:

Okay, SMC, stop me when I get it wrong:

You don't think that working adults should be able to control their own retirement fund BUT you DO think that teenagers should be able to control their own education - is that correct?

You also think that teenagers will have a broader "worldview" than adults, who've been there, done that - is that correct as well?

Kiddo, I've BEEN 16 - come back to me when you've been 39.

I guess they don't make you read "Lord of the Flies" anymore?


New Member
Ha funny I read that in 7th grade...Students should have the oppurtunity to vote when it comes to their own education. It is THAT simple.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Students should have some input - I'll agree with that. They should certainly be able to make suggestions...but not have a real say-so. I *shudder* at the thought.


New Member
It isn't that new though. Several counties allow some voting rights and even our two sister counties charles and calvert have an "opinion vote". Would you go for something like that?


Smcdem... One day very soon.... you'll wake up with a mortgage, SUV and a wife. Quit rushing the adult thing.

What' s the difference between stating your opinion and an opinion vote?


New Member
Because you will know how a true student of the system felt. A vote is something more than just a suggestion. ah voting it is so amazing.


Getting a little to big for your britches there bud?

An opinion vote sounded like an BS vote to me.

I was just wondering ( If that was the case, why you cared)


New Member
Patrick, I was in high school just a couple of years ago. Do you know how little input the student member of the board of education has from actual students? He only knows what the other elitest geeks that are in SMAC want. The SMOB has no insight and thus in my opinion does not actually represent the students. Also, the students do not even elect him, only the delegates from public schools did. The ELECTED board members understand the complexities of education policy much more throuoghly and thus they should decide education policy and not some geek kid from Great Mills or LHS or CHS that has never talked to a real student during their entire educational career.

So, voting rights, hell no.


New Member
Look, Education is important to all of us right? I just want ot make it clear that it is true the 15,000 public school students care about their education. I don't care if you lived through our years, education has changed dramatically. The SMOB has a different and unique insight and informed opinion that no other member can ever dream having. For the benefit of how this society looks at teenagers, for the county, for the benefit of the STUDENTS, we need a SMOB who has voting rights. Kelley yes it is ture only maybe 70 kids or so get to vote for the SMOB. In MoCo they have it so that every high schooler in the county can vote for their SMOB. If we can pull something off like that, it will strongly help our case.