Your right in 10 years I won't know how it is to be a teen.
For whatever reason, you have been pre-programmed (brainwashed) that once you leave your teen years, you forget everything about being a teen and are no longer qualified to comment or to have valid opinions on what teens feel or go through.
I may be in my crusty 40's, but I damn well still remember exactly what I went through as a teen - the problems, the joys, the disappointments, the victories over parent's wishes, the pressures from friends,...
Let me tell you something - I have a 13 year old daughter and thank God she comes to us for advice and just to spout off on what bugs her. Unlike you, she realizes we've walked that path before her and know what lies ahead for her. She is free to make her own decisions, but it is an INFORMED decision that she makes. She realized at such a young age that yes - parent's DO know what goes on in a teen's mind and what they're up against.
You, on the other hand, outright dismiss adults as not knowing what teens go through, as if every generation has invented the teen years all over again with new rules and experiences.
You have NO basis to tell me that your teen years are any different from ours! I listen to my daughter every night and nod my head up & down because she describes EXACTLY what we went through in our teen years.
Yeah...your user name says it all - a future democrat only hear what you want to hear and ignore facts.
This is my last reply to this thread - I'm tired of banging my head against the wall. Smcdem will not listen to facts - only what his mama spoonfeeds/brainwashes him with!