Student Member on the Board of Education


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What does Ricky Schroeder have to do with this? Unless it's because he was a contemporary of Meno Peluce, which is similar to Moen. Also, Meno's sister is the gal who played Punky Brewster, which is similar to Rooster, which explains why Rose thinks all this is so funny. And Punky Brewster's dog was named Brandon, which.....

Man! Where's Kevin Bacon?

Nice pull, VB... How about working Wolfgang Puck into the next one, huh? (Just for SmallTown!)


Originally posted by vraiblonde
What does Ricky Schroeder have to do with this? Unless it's because he was a contemporary of Meno Peluce, which is similar to Moen. Also, Meno's sister is the gal who played Punky Brewster, which is similar to Rooster, which explains why Rose thinks all this is so funny. And Punky Brewster's dog was named Brandon, which.....

Man! Where's Kevin Bacon?

I can't believe you remember so much about those absulutely horrid TV shows.


You're all F'in Mad...
Re: Re: Continued...

Originally posted by SmallTown
And kids, this is what you get for not having an education :biggrin:

Sorry, makes no sence in this thread.. I just watched Real Genius and love that quote.. Carry on.. :smile:

That's OK - the thread was pretty well over when smcdem admitted defeat to Ken and VB by calling them "facists" and not defending his position.


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Continued...

Originally posted by Oz
That's OK - the thread was pretty well over when smcdem admitted defeat to Ken and VB by calling them "facists" and not defending his position.

aww , give him a chance.. It is after 9pm, he probally has already stripped down to his spiderman underoos and is in bed.. We'll see what he come back with tomorrow :biggrin:


You're all F'in Mad...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Continued...

Originally posted by SmallTown
aww , give him a chance.. It is after 9pm, he probally has already stripped down to his spiderman underoos and is in bed.. We'll see what he come back with tomorrow :biggrin:

Actually, Ken hammered him pretty hard with his last message. smcdem worked him up pretty good to generate such a harsh response... And for everyone else, remember - never call anyone a facist/fascist/faceist/faucet, because even if you're a liberal minor they will pound you and then call you a Kennedy!


New Member
Ouch I am hurt! This is the only message board I have ever seen that cares about grammar and spelling. Everyone relax!


Originally posted by smcdem
Ouch I am hurt! This is the only message board I have ever seen that cares about grammar and spelling. Everyone relax!

Maybe its because they had all these mean old out of touch adults saying they had to learn to spell and write when they were kids.


Enjoying life!

I'm still patiently waiting to hear what some of the BOE issues are that would attract the attention of the SMOB. Budget? Lack of personnel? Facilities planning? Sports? Throw me a friggin' bone here.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
I'm still patiently waiting to hear what some of the BOE issues are that would attract the attention of the SMOB. Budget? Lack of personnel? Facilities planning? Sports? Throw me a friggin' bone here.
I agree with you Steve...and just what teen is "wordly" enough to fully understand the implications of those topics? Some of them can barely read/write when they "graduate" high school!

smcdem - enjoy being a teen, do teen stuff. Your adult life will come all too soon - don't rush it by trying to act like an adult. When you fill your book with life experiences, come back & you will be welcomed with a serious discussion on politics. Seeing life as it is spoon-fed to you by your mama doesn't count as an opinion. the way....
Ouch I am hurt! This is the only message board I have ever seen that cares about grammar and spelling. Everyone relax! should always "care" about grammar and spelling...that is what my education tax dollar is being spent on...making sure you students DO use correct grammar and spelling!!!!!!!:burning:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Voter2002
that is what my education tax dollar is being spent on...making sure you students DO use correct grammar and spelling!
Maybe that's why SMC wants the SMOB to have a real vote - that way they can abolish things like spelling and grammar?


C'mon guys and gals... can't you see that SMC is raising the white flag of surrender. When someone can no longer make a reasonable argument they turn to name calling and mud slinging. If claiming we "old" folks don't know anything about today's schools, because the education experience today is nothing like what we had, gets him though his day then let him say what he wants.

Feel secure in the sure and certain knowledge that in about 10 years some 15-yr old will come along and tell him that he doesn't know what it's like to be a teenager and a student, and he'll remember back to 2003 and say "DOH"!:biggrin:


New Member
Your right in 10 years I won't know how it is to be a teen. Thats a huge gap and things will be different. Unlike you guys, I am not afraid of the future.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Unlike you guys, I am not afraid of the future.
See? There you go again - projecting. Who here is afraid of the future?

And, yes, you'll be amazed at how much you change from 16 to 26 - believe me, I've been there.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Your right in 10 years I won't know how it is to be a teen.

For whatever reason, you have been pre-programmed (brainwashed) that once you leave your teen years, you forget everything about being a teen and are no longer qualified to comment or to have valid opinions on what teens feel or go through.


I may be in my crusty 40's, but I damn well still remember exactly what I went through as a teen - the problems, the joys, the disappointments, the victories over parent's wishes, the pressures from friends,...

Let me tell you something - I have a 13 year old daughter and thank God she comes to us for advice and just to spout off on what bugs her. Unlike you, she realizes we've walked that path before her and know what lies ahead for her. She is free to make her own decisions, but it is an INFORMED decision that she makes. She realized at such a young age that yes - parent's DO know what goes on in a teen's mind and what they're up against.

You, on the other hand, outright dismiss adults as not knowing what teens go through, as if every generation has invented the teen years all over again with new rules and experiences. :barf:

You have NO basis to tell me that your teen years are any different from ours! I listen to my daughter every night and nod my head up & down because she describes EXACTLY what we went through in our teen years.

Yeah...your user name says it all - a future democrat only hear what you want to hear and ignore facts.

This is my last reply to this thread - I'm tired of banging my head against the wall. Smcdem will not listen to facts - only what his mama spoonfeeds/brainwashes him with!


This thread serves as a perfect example of why parents should never try to be "friends" with their kids, or to try to reason and negotiate with them. In order for their to be relevant negotiations and decisions, both parties need to have a common point of view and an ability to understand all of the factors involved. In this case, we "Old" folks know what we felt was important to us as teenagers AND we know what in the end was not as important as we thought it was. SMC only knows part of the former and none of the later, so you can't really have a serious debate. This is why it's better to direct your kids than to "relate" to them.


New Member
This is so funny. I am not a robot folks. More mother never said anything that relates to SMOB. She has not programmed me or anything. I am not ur avg. teenager. I have been reading current events since the day I knew how to read. I hope that you guys will find more teens like me. We all aren't ignorant kids who are full of apathy. For the sake of this debate I have the MCPS SMOB home page. It descrbies the beautiful voting process they go through and what he can and can not vote on. wonder MCPS is so good.


New Member
The school system says that a SMOB isn't "smart" enough to vote. The same system that has been educated him/her since they were 5 and yet say they aren't smart? That sure tells you how THEY think about their own school system.