Sunday School for Atheists


professional daydreamer
It's unlikely that the teen mainstream will ever get all about God. :lol:

I would like to think that a discerning person would want to know why they believe in something, or not.

I was once a blind believer, but I studied the bible, the history of christianity, etc. Today I'm not a believer. I didn't make that decision based on someone telling me that's just the way it's always been, or because it's "faith". That decision came from understanding.


But what would be cool is what you, mAlice, suggested last night - a religion study group that explores the beliefs of all religions and their evolution in society.

Some colleges have Comparative Religions courses which does exactly that.

I took one many hundreds of years ago when I was in college the first time. It was a very interesting class. Probably the most interesting that I've taken (along with Political Science).

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
Parents are forcing other people to teach their children morals and values?


Why do you think the theme for elementary school is "Being Polite"? Shouldn't the kids know how to say "Please" and "Thank you" BEFORE starting school? Children should have a basic understanding of good morals/values/manners, etc, prior to school. When parents don't geach their children these things, they are expecting the babysitters/teachers/after-school mentors to take the reins.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why do you think the theme for elementary school is "Being Polite"? Shouldn't the kids know how to say "Please" and "Thank you" BEFORE starting school? Children should have a basic understanding of good morals/values/manners, etc, prior to school. When parents don't geach their children these things, they are expecting the babysitters/teachers/after-school mentors to take the reins.

My impression is that's just reinforcement, not some teacher being forced to teach kids manners.

And the answer is no, kindergartners aren't unfailingly polite all the time without having to be reminded on occasion. Or maybe it was just my uncouth kids.


Well-Known Member
Lately I've been staying out of these types of pointless discussions, but I must ask you:

What did WE do to deserve this framework, country and freedom that folks in other countries apparently do not deserve?

We are just as stupid and corrupt a nation as any other, yet we got the awesome Constitution and representative government, while Iraqis got a dictator who fed them into the woodchipper and raped their daughters for sport. Africans get tribal wars and famine. What did the Jews do to earn the Holocaust from God?

Do you really believe that we, as Americans, are somehow entitled to this bounty that people of other countries do not receive? That Lindsay Lohan and John Allen Muhammad somehow deserve this largesse, yet starving AIDS-ridden children in third-world countries do not?

Actually, you're kind of helping me get to my point.

No, "we" didn't do a damned thing. It was done for through others' sacrifices and wisdoms in the past (the religious reference for Christians would be Jesus on the cross).

I don't think we deserve it any more than any of the others. But, we've been blessed (to drive the metaphor home) with this.


Well-Known Member
We also need to give our children the tools to stand their ground and know what they're talking about when a believer challenges them.
They spend a lot of years trying to figure out who they are, what they stand for, where they're going.

Knowledge is power.
Why not let the believer teach them?

As Vrai has said, not believing is easy - I don't believe. There, done. But, believing is where knowledge can come in.

What I mean is, neither side has any better handle on the origins of the universe, or the meaning behind it, or where we're going. Both sides are merely a matter of faith - in man's theory, or in repeated ancient stories. Nobody's got proof, they're both just faith. They learn man's theories in school, why not let them learn and evaluate the stories?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I agree, however it's an opinion that needs to be substantiated. We also need to give our children the tools to stand their ground and know what they're talking about when a believer challenges them.

Or when a non believer challenges them.

So what do you believe when you believe in nothing?


Well-Known Member
well nothing is groovy about nothing (I guess).

fortunatly for us, that isn't what atheists believe =)
I know you're not an atheist, more an agnostic, but....

What is it that atheists believe? What I mean is, this class talks about teaching kids morals and values; what morals and values are there when you have no soul?


professional daydreamer
What is it that atheists believe? What I mean is, this class talks about teaching kids morals and values; what morals and values are there when you have no soul?

If that's what you think, then you obviously need something to believe in to keep you in line.


New Member
I know you're not an atheist, more an agnostic, but....

What is it that atheists believe? What I mean is, this class talks about teaching kids morals and values; what morals and values are there when you have no soul?

they believe in everything you and I do except a supreme being.

thats it.