swine flu or ????


Thats how them b*tch's R
7 yr old daughter woke up this morning with a fever of about 102. I have been giving her Motrin every 5 hrs, thats when the fever seems to go back up. Once it was 103 right after her nap. She's been stuffy and coughing some. Question is, with all the swine flu talk do I go ahead and call the Dr. in the morning? Go to the E.R.? Opinions? Thanks.

Giddy up!

New Member
7 yr old daughter woke up this morning with a fever of about 102. I have been giving her Motrin every 5 hrs, thats when the fever seems to go back up. Once it was 103 right after her nap. She's been stuffy and coughing some. Question is, with all the swine flu talk do I go ahead and call the Dr. in the morning? Go to the E.R.? Opinions? Thanks.

I am going threw the same thing over here...I responded to your post on the other thread. My whole family has it now...started out with the 8 yr old daughter this morning and now my son and husband also are in bed with it!


New Member
same thing here with grandkids. daughter in law to 4 month old to doctors the other day, said it was just a cold. she has the 16 month old at hospital righ now but we haven't heard anything yet. my son said he was weezing really bad and you could hear a lot of rumbling in his chest. waiting for phone call to see what is wrong.


Thats how them b*tch's R
It's so hard when little ones are sick. I feel helpless. Hope everyone feels better soon. I just need to figure out if I wait it out or go ahead and plan on doctor/ER in the morning. I'll have to decide early because I leave to go to work at 7 am.

Giddy up!

New Member
It's so hard when little ones are sick. I feel helpless. Hope everyone feels better soon. I just need to figure out if I wait it out or go ahead and plan on doctor/ER in the morning. I'll have to decide early because I leave to go to work at 7 am.

All mine are still up, I am going from room to room taking temps and putting ice packs on heads....My daughters fever is persistant at 101 even after motrin. It is going to be a long night. She is being a trooper though, I put her in the tub earlier and that helped a bit with the fever and her spirits. She only complains of her tummy aching some and a head ache, no congestion or cold like symptoms besides the sore throat, my husband however has congestion and stuffy nose and sore throat...along with the fever and body aches. Hope your daughter starts feeling well again too! I think ya better plan on being out tomorrow...my daughter was complaining yesterday that she didnt feel right...and bamm..first thing this morning a fever. Hub was feeling a bit blah this morning...and by late afternoon he too was in the bed sick...so is my son who is so hard headed about taking medicine. Ugh I am going to need lots of coffee in the morning! lol


You're a LOON :)
My oldest just had this... so did me and my hubby but we didn't have the fever. I did take her to the doctor but only because she complained of a sore throat and I know strep is going around. It all started with a headache and progressed from there.

This all started last Tuesday and today she still has the cough. The doctor said it was a virus.


Thats how them b*tch's R
Just took her temp. 101.2. Still congested and slight headache. My MIL said she can watch her today. I may send her there and call Dr. from work and see what he says.


Nothing to see here
As long as there is not a sore throat involved, it is not swine flu. Sounds like the nasty bug that has been going around. Hope she gets better soon.


Thats how them b*tch's R
Thanks. I hope she does too. It just sucks because CDC say people may get some of the symptoms, which of course she has 3 of them. I guess it's a judgement call.
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Dream Stealer
Just an FYI note to mommas...Motrin isnt very effective against fevers..it is better for muscle and body aches. Tylenol is really the best for high fevers. It is OK to alternate the motrin and tylenol..that will more often than not break those tough fevers. I know tylenol has recalled several childrens brands..so make sure they are not on the recall list first :) Hope all the little ones get better...sounds like a nasty virus is getting around.


New Member
Alternating between motrin and tylenol every three hours is what finally broke my kids fever when they had the swine flu. Good luck, hope it ends soon!
Has anyone bothered to get Tamiflu once flu symptoms appear? Curious to know if it really makes a difference.


Little ol' Me
Do any of these kids attend Margarent Brent Middle, they have had one reported case of swine flu. I spoke with the mom of kid Thursday evening..


You're a LOON :)
Has anyone bothered to get Tamiflu once flu symptoms appear? Curious to know if it really makes a difference.

I thought that was only reserved for severe cases? I didn't think everyone got it.

I was under the understanding that all people presenting at least the fever and 2 symptoms would be automatically tested for swine. My daughter had more than 2 symptoms and was not tested.
I was under the understanding that all people presenting at least the fever and 2 symptoms would be automatically tested for swine. My daughter had more than 2 symptoms and was not tested.
I remember reading that now that they have confirmed cases, they are no longer testing since they already know its here.


Thats how them b*tch's R
My daughter attends Banneker. She's much better today. Back to aggravating her sister, lol. No more fever (keeping fingers crossed). Thanks for the well wishes. I wish anyone else who has sick children a speedy recovery.