T.O.'S Season Done with Eagles


Set Trippin
No surprise here:

November 7, 2005

Head coach Andy Reid announced Monday afternoon in a statement that wide receiver Terrell Owens has been suspended four games for conduct detrimental to the team and will not return even after that suspension is over. Reid's statement was: "Terrell Owens has been suspended by the team for four games for conduct detrimental to the team.

"He will not return to play for the team even after the conclusion of that suspension. The league has been notified by the player's union that they will be grieving a right to take that action.
The rest of the story.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is horseshit...

...I think the league and the union should tell the Eagles tough luck. You have to keep him.

You took your chances with this guy. He did what he does, what you knew he'd do; great player and horrible teamate.

The guy came back from a 10 week injury in 7 weeks to help out and play great in the Superbowl. He's on pace for a personal record season. And he spends all his time viewing the world from his 12 year old perspective.

On top of all that, McNabb is the moron who recruited him. You WANTED him. You got him.



Nothing to see here
As much as I would like to agree with Larry, I can't. McNabb, Reid and the ownership took a chance on a guy that they thought might finally grow up and it didn't work out. They(ownership) are already out millions, no reason for them to have to eat more of his contract if there is someone stupid enough to take him.

No matter what T.O's numbers are, the Eagles 4-4 record is directly attributable (IMO) to all the turmoil Owens has created since the off-season, pre-season and during this season. I still despise the Eagles but there aren't too many guys in the NFL that I have more respect for than McNabb and Reid. If they can be rid of T.O. via a trade, release or buyout, more power to them.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I wonder which team is going to offer the league minimum first. There is no way any team offers him what he could demand if he wasn't a moron. Maybe the Packers will claim him once he clears waivers and we'll see if he and Farve can turn the Pack around.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I think he would make a fine addition to an arena football team or maybe the CFL. :biggrin:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
rack'm said:
Exactly what did T.O. do to get canned??

A better question would be WHAT didn't he do? You don't put down your quarterback and team publicly without upsetting a lot of people. I'm sure there's also a LOT that went on that never was made public, too.

Owens was suspended Saturday, two days after he said the Eagles showed "a lack of class" for not publicly recognizing his 100th career touchdown catch in a game on Oct. 23. In the same interview with ESPN.com on Thursday, Owens said the Eagles would be better off with Green Bay's Brett Favre at quarterback instead of Donovan McNabb.

Owens also was involved in a fight last week with former Eagles defensive end Hugh Douglas, who remains with the team as its "ambassador." Owens apologized for his comments about the organization in a brief statement Friday, but didn't apologize to McNabb or the team.

Owens won't return this season...


jazz lady said:
A better question would be WHAT didn't he do? You don't put down your quarterback and team publicly without upsetting a lot of people. I'm sure there's also a LOT that went on that never was made public, too.

Thanks.........I will watch football if it's on, but I really don't follow it and I NEVER keep up with the tards that play it.


Well-Known Member
kom526 said:
I wonder which team is going to offer the league minimum first. There is no way any team offers him what he could demand if he wasn't a moron. Maybe the Packers will claim him once he clears waivers and we'll see if he and Farve can turn the Pack around.
that won't be until at least next year, the eagles have decided to "keyshawn" him. Suspend for 4 games (no pay) and not play him the rest of the season. i doubt they want a team in contention to pick him up off waviers to compete against them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I really don't care...

...what they do with him but...

McNabb, Reid and the ownership took a chance on a guy that they thought might finally grow up and it didn't work out.

...I disagree. They took a chance on a guy not who would grow up but a chance on a guy they thought they could stomach.

Donovan recruited this guy personally. Let this be a lesson to all you 'grass is greener' types out there.

Ol' Donovan thought HIS love and affection could make TO see the light. HA!

TO was THE first class punk cry baby of the league. He IS and he always will be. That is the given, the KNOWN fact, then and now.

In TO's defense, he's still doing the job on the field. I don't want to hear anything about 'team' from the Eagles. "Team" went out the window when they got him. "Team" was still out the window last season when TO was berating Donovan on the sidelines. "Team" was still out the window after the Superbowl. "Team" was still gone last summer.

The Eagles just had to have the best looking babe around and then all would be complete. Well, TO is STILL the best looking (he's putting up numbers).
So, Eagles, shut up, apologize to TO for expecting something out of him he won't and/or can't give you and just let him do his thing and quit pretending, for one second, this has anything to do with team.

You sold your soul. You can't just get it back by pretending this is all TO's fault and cutting him loose.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...I disagree. They took a chance on a guy not who would grow up but a chance on a guy they thought they could stomach.

Point taken..You're right as usual, grand poobah.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh, I just think it's funny as hell...

otter said:
Point taken..You're right as usual, grand poobah.

...certainly Reid and McNAbb just KNEW that they could get through to the guy. That the Eagles 'family' was all TO was ever missing. That NOBODY else showed him the love and respect and understanding that lil' TO needed and deserved in order for him to feel part of and commited to a real...team.

I mean, this is the guy that felt it was important for everyone to know that one of Garcia's problems, in addition to not throwing to TO on every play was that Jeff is *gasp* gay.

And that's the thing; if I'm the Eagles, I throw to TO on as many straight plays as the guy can still stand up. Let Shawn Taylor have a look at his rib cage coming over the middle a few times. Let TO find his way through the linebackers as his linemen 'miss' a few blocks. Let him go high on some deep balls with Roy Williams providing help until he's either scored enough to win the damn game or he's reconsidering his attitude. Or both.

Where the hell are the men any more? Just as soon as the kid realizes that he has a choice between getting broke in half on the field or quiting in front of a national audience OR becoming a team guy, problem solved.

It is simply beyond me that you bring on a prima dona and DON'T have the brass knuckles standing buy to make his role in the world PERFECTLY CLEAR.

I would quick out him, reverse him, send him deep and run him across the field until the world comes into better focus.

Gruden too. What's the matter with these guys? Just tell them;

You embarrased and disrespected me and your team and now, on live TV, it's payback. Are you man enough?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Now THERE'S the real story...

otter said:
Think it was MichealIrvin

Old Mike is on a roll with his new interview gig.

First, he gets Keyshawn riled up so he has a 'must see' interview, then, he takes TO, then hands him a hand grenade. TO, being TO, sets it off.

Irvin is taking advantage of how stupid these guys are to further is own career.

For anyone curious, Irvin asked TO if he thought that they, the Eagles, would be better off with Favre at QB. Now, TO is certainly responsible for what he says, but, come on, he ain't very bright and he'd have never brought up Favre as Eagle savior on his own.

Irvin played him.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
Un-signed, of course. Oh well. At least I'm not the Eagle fan.


you just must not be living right, all my unsigned look like this:

T.O.'S Season Done with... 11-08-2005 12:22 PM secret admirerer

Now fess up if it was you!!!! :whistle: