T.O.'S Season Done with Eagles


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...and the Eagles don't?

I would be a little understanding if TO was not putting out, but he is, big time.

Just like they hoped on the field.

Someone in that organization HAD to say "What if TO acts like...TO anyway AND is playing great?


The organization isn't doing any crying, they are taking actions, and suffering the consequences. I heard last night they aren't even going after the portion of this years bounuses that they could legally recoup (over 1 mil).
TO is the one crying and acting like a spoiled child, only apologizing AFTER his sentence has been handed down.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh yeah...

...I get paid millions of dollars every year.

Come on.

I'm guessing you haven;t been on many teams or worked in groups

I've been, we've all been, on teams and in groups our whole lives and yes, we've all been taught, us day to day Joe's, to play nice and get along. The underlying fact is we are all replaceable. But another fact is some of us are more or less replaceable than others based on our talents.

I have, however, never been on an elite team; Space program. Sports team. Working on projects with individuals where we all make huge green.

I have read, time after time, that some astronauts are titanic *******s. That Donald Trump is a piece of ####. That Jack Kent Cooke was a nightmare. And that Terrell Owens is a juevenille, immature, insufferable boob. And that ALL these people focus on one thing; GETTING THE JOB DONE.

Amd we also hear these types of people say, time after time, that no one has to get along or like each other as long as everyone pulls in the same direction come game time, mission time, or hog butchering time.

TO was doing his job AND being the person he was before. This is like some woman marrying Bill Clinton an then getting all upset that he is cheating on her while admitting he is as charming as advertised.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't know how else to say this...

BuddyLee said:
That's like working for a company and some noobie comes along and for a few years straight exclaims to everyone in the company "I'm the greatest f*cker here, bwhahahaha". After two years of that anyone would want to rip that guys head off. Nah, most would rather keep their job, that is more important, this nut will get his eventually. When this company is known for functioning as a team and that there is certainly no 'I' in 'TEAM' this nutty employee will either work with the team or against it. If he works against it he'll get the shaft. Ried knows what he's doing, Gibbs is doing the same exact thing. As if this relates, I would like to quote a wrestler:lol: "The Rock says shut your mouth and know your damn role".

You seem to get it:

I would like to quote a wrestler "The Rock says shut your mouth and know your damn role".

TO was doing EXACTLY what TO does; Virtually unstoppable om the field with an unstoppable mouth off. THAT is his role!

And I'm sure you, like midnight, have cetainly seen 'team' members who had seperate rules.

Now imagine a team full of people who are THOSE kind of people, their whole life! There you have an NFL locker room.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And we KNEW...

Midnightrider said:
The organization isn't doing any crying, they are taking actions, and suffering the consequences. I heard last night they aren't even going after the portion of this years bounuses that they could legally recoup (over 1 mil).
TO is the one crying and acting like a spoiled child, only apologizing AFTER his sentence has been handed down.

...that's what TO would do!

What I am saying is the Eagles already signed on to have a super talent who WOULD be a spoiled child.

Why not get the work out of him???

I do NOT understand this:

Make the decision to get a guy who filled a specific need; one of the very few who can do the job that well. The guy WILL be a child but he WILL put out.

Then, you get him and he plays as well or better than expected, even risks his career to come back from an injury early.

Then he acts like a child when the microphones come on.

The Eagles got at least what they expected in the good stuff and exactly what they expected in the down side.

Then, change your minds???

Jeez. I wish we could say the same about Dion Sanders, Bruce Smith, Jeff George, Trotter and about 3 dozen other guys.

Look at it this way; You gonna take back a bottle of Jack Daniels BECAUSE it gave you a hangover New Years eve?


Shiat Larry, if you love the guy that much hook the brotha up with a job, he is needing one. :lmao:

Certainly you as an employer agree that once someone in your employ pizzes you off bad enough it is YOUR perrogative to send them on their way. Plain and simple, he wore out his welcome.


Pete said:
Shiat Larry, if you love the guy that much hook the brotha up with a job, he is needing one. :lmao:

Certainly you as an employer agree that once someone in your employ pizzes you off bad enough it is YOUR perrogative to send them on their way. Plain and simple, he wore out his welcome.

Thats a shame, he posses soo much talent... where do you think he'll go now??


He will go home and reflect upon what a dumbass he is and watch football on TV. Then next year he will :buttkiss: and someone desperate to win will pick up up off waivers. Or Philly will give him the screw one last time and trade him to Arizona or Houston for a 4th string punter and a reserve guard off their practice squad.

If the owners wanted to really shape these people up they would refuse to sign him and put the mouthy thug out on the street. But that wont happen because all the owners would have to agree and that is collusion and we all know that is illegal.


Pete said:
He will go home and reflect upon what a dumbass he is and watch football on TV. Then next year he will :buttkiss: and someone desperate to win will pick up up off waivers. Or Philly will give him the screw one last time and trade him to Arizona or Houston for a 4th string punter and a reserve guard off their practice squad.

If the owners wanted to really shape these people up they would refuse to sign him and put the mouthy thug out on the street. But that wont happen because all the owners would have to agree and that is collusion and we all know that is illegal.

I thought Houston had a shot at TO but they refused him... as badly as they needed talent they opted not for the TO babysitting show... :shrug:
I think he'll fit in nicely with Dallas :yay:


dems4me said:
I thought Houston had a shot at TO but they refused him... as badly as they needed talent they opted not for the TO babysitting show... :shrug:
I think he'll fit in nicely with Dallas :yay:
Parcells? You are kidding right?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
Shiat Larry, if you love the guy that much hook the brotha up with a job, he is needing one. :lmao:

Certainly you as an employer agree that once someone in your employ pizzes you off bad enough it is YOUR perrogative to send them on their way. Plain and simple, he wore out his welcome.

...for the love of...

Look. If I am making the personel decisions BEFORE TO came on board, I say: 'NO WAY. I seriously disaprove of how you conduct yourself and your behavior has been too consistent and too prolonged to even consider that, somehow, you are going to change for the better. I do not believe that what you bring to the table is worth the rest of what you bring to the table in terms of how we run our team."

If I am in charge and either made the decision to bring him on or just got the job and TO was here when I arrived, I go with on field performance. You make changes at the end of the season.

In the mean time, the Eagles brass has lost any credibility as far as claiming TO doesn't fit how you run your team, especially in this age of free agency.

They have also lost any chance at being able to say "We knew TO brought baggage and we judged that his play made the deal worth it."

They are a better team with him on the field. They should STILL be professional enough to deal with him off of it. "Yes, yes. That's just TO. Ha ha. That's our guy! He like us, just wants to win. Donovan won't take offense because we all KNEW that TO's desire to win doesn't always come out so pretty."

To quote a stolen line; there's no point defusing a bomb after it's gone off.

Now, they simply look like they have poor judgment and are reinforcing that view by thus sudden need to let everyone know that TO is not expendable. If you need to tell people who the boss is, at this point, are you, truly, the boss?

PLAY HIM, idiots. Play him hard.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And another thing...

Certainly you as an employer agree that once someone in your employ pizzes you off bad enough it is YOUR perrogative to send them on their way

Two things I have never done:

1. Fire someone who was doing a good job.

Working for other people over my years and seeing everything from first class ass kissers up close to those who you don't ask a question unless you want to hear the truth has made me as suspicious of those who seem to tote the company line as any loudmouth.

2. I never fired anyone in the middle of the river unless I had another rower handy.

I have no problem firing somebody when it most suits or benefits me. At the end of the day, every day, it's work. It's a job. It is NOT personal.

The Eagles have fired a guy who IS doing very good work and they've fired him in the middle of the river with no replacment and it's all because they can't handle what he is saying because they're taking it personally.

My opinion of the Eagles as an organization has gone from very high to indifferent. I think they're handling this in ways that help the organization not a wit and clearly hurt it.


Larry Gude said:
...for the love of...

Look. If I am making the personel decisions BEFORE TO came on board, I say: 'NO WAY. I seriously disaprove of how you conduct yourself and your behavior has been too consistent and too prolonged to even consider that, somehow, you are going to change for the better. I do not believe that what you bring to the table is worth the rest of what you bring to the table in terms of how we run our team."

If I am in charge and either made the decision to bring him on or just got the job and TO was here when I arrived, I go with on field performance. You make changes at the end of the season.

In the mean time, the Eagles brass has lost any credibility as far as claiming TO doesn't fit how you run your team, especially in this age of free agency.

They have also lost any chance at being able to say "We knew TO brought baggage and we judged that his play made the deal worth it."

They are a better team with him on the field. They should STILL be professional enough to deal with him off of it. "Yes, yes. That's just TO. Ha ha. That's our guy! He like us, just wants to win. Donovan won't take offense because we all KNEW that TO's desire to win doesn't always come out so pretty."

To quote a stolen line; there's no point defusing a bomb after it's gone off.

Now, they simply look like they have poor judgment and are reinforcing that view by thus sudden need to let everyone know that TO is not expendable. If you need to tell people who the boss is, at this point, are you, truly, the boss?

PLAY HIM, idiots. Play him hard.
Larry, they made a mistake. The figured "Yeah he is a loudmouth, causes a little controversey, we can handle it. Afterall it's not like he is going to bust on his own team mates and organization" Well shocker, it is worse than they thought and they cannot handle it so they are acting like a parent and "grounding him" "taking away his fun".

I see what you are saying and I agree to a point. I would treat him like shiat and play him. I would have McNabb throw him 10 over the middle crossing rout passes a quarter. You know the ones right smack dab in the linebacker area, not out where the cornerbacks are. I would put him on special teams and let him be a gunner. Hell I would even put him in as guard on short yardage plays. I would make his life miserable until he BEGGED to be traded or called me "YOUR HIGHNESS" and pleaded for forgiveness. Unfortunately the Eagles are trying to save face.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Come on Pete...

He will go home and reflect upon what a dumbass he is and watch football on TV. Then next year he will and someone desperate to win will pick up up off waivers. Or Philly will give him the screw one last time and trade him to Arizona or Houston for a 4th string punter and a reserve guard off their practice squad.

Where's your head?

Remember Baltimore? He ain't going anywhere he doesn't want to.

He is due $5 mil roster bonus in March, I think. No one will trade Philly a 5th string punter if TO let's it be known he won't play there so, Philly HAS to find someone TO likes in order to get ANYTHING.

Worse case, they'll get stuck cutting him to save the green and TO is a free agent.

As far as reflection, you must be joking. He's 32. He's got money, fame and health and is still the best WR in the league. Notice anything about him in the media lately?

He IS the media lately. If he goes to the can, it's news. He is a massively marketable comodity.


Pete said:
Larry, they made a mistake. The figured "Yeah he is a loudmouth, causes a little controversey, we can handle it. Afterall it's not like he is going to bust on his own team mates and organization" Well shocker, it is worse than they thought and they cannot handle it so they are acting like a parent and "grounding him" "taking away his fun".

I see what you are saying and I agree to a point. I would treat him like shiat and play him. I would have McNabb throw him 10 over the middle crossing rout passes a quarter. You know the ones right smack dab in the linebacker area, not out where the cornerbacks are. I would put him on special teams and let him be a gunner. Hell I would even put him in as guard on short yardage plays. I would make his life miserable until he BEGGED to be traded or called me "YOUR HIGHNESS" and pleaded for forgiveness. Unfortunately the Eagles are trying to save face.

never thought about that solution Pete - laying him out across the middle... :lol: That may just knock some sense into him...

Larry,all in all, I think teamwork is important... there's no I in team and TO has yet to grasp that...:shrug: You just shouldn't go around biting the hand that feeds you... it creates bad moral and a bad example for all the other playesr on the team :shrug:


Larry Gude said:
Where's your head?

Remember Baltimore? He ain't going anywhere he doesn't want to.

He is due $5 mil roster bonus in March, I think. No one will trade Philly a 5th string punter if TO let's it be known he won't play there so, Philly HAS to find someone TO likes in order to get ANYTHING.

Worse case, they'll get stuck cutting him to save the green and TO is a free agent.

As far as reflection, you must be joking. He's 32. He's got money, fame and health and is still the best WR in the league. Notice anything about him in the media lately?

He IS the media lately. If he goes to the can, it's news. He is a massively marketable comodity.
He maybe 32 physically but he is 14 mentally. Don't you think that TO sitting home watching football because "The man" wont let him play and their isn't crap he can do about it isn't cause for him to "reflect"?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No way...

...if you pick up a rattlesnake because he said he wouldn't bite you, and he bites you, that's not a mistake.

Afterall it's not like he is going to bust on his own team mates and organization

He busted on Mariuchi endlessly. He busted on his QB relentlessly. If anything, he is not as BAD now as he was in San Fran. At worst, he is EXACTLY what he was before.

Drafting Heath Shuler was a mistake because, after a best guess, you just don't KNOW.

ANY analysis of TO says:

WARNING: This player is fast, will catch the ball, score, often dominate a game AND bite your ass the first chance he gets. DO NOT touch unless you have anti-venom on hand.

Again, it is just as STUPID to NOT play him as it is to act all "Well, we tried and we're the good guys in this mistake..."


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
TO was doing EXACTLY what TO does; Virtually unstoppable om the field with an unstoppable mouth off. THAT is his role!

And I'm sure you, like midnight, have cetainly seen 'team' members who had seperate rules.

Now imagine a team full of people who are THOSE kind of people, their whole life! There you have an NFL locker room.
I understand.

Let's go on to say that there are certain limitations onto which an individual should act. The team is professional, not elementary. If you don't do your job you're out. TO was doing a part of his job, he did not fulfill the other portion. When you have one team member fighting others verbally and physically and going against the head coach (hey it's all about TO here, screw you other teams/Ried/Donovan/ect.) what is the team to do? Even though this person brings some food to the table are you going to deal with his bad table manners and even after multiple warnings? No, you're never going to invite this person back over to your humble abode. You don't want to be made a fool of in front of all your guests just for the sake of one more loaf of bread.


Larry Gude said:
...if you pick up a rattlesnake because he said he wouldn't bite you, and he bites you, that's not a mistake.

He busted on Mariuchi endlessly. He busted on his QB relentlessly. If anything, he is not as BAD now as he was in San Fran. At worst, he is EXACTLY what he was before.

Drafting Heath Shuler was a mistake because, after a best guess, you just don't KNOW.

ANY analysis of TO says:

WARNING: This player is fast, will catch the ball, score, often dominate a game AND bite your ass the first chance he gets. DO NOT touch unless you have anti-venom on hand.

Again, it is just as STUPID to NOT play him as it is to act all "Well, we tried and we're the good guys in this mistake..."
ok you win

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
He maybe 32 physically but he is 14 mentally. Don't you think that TO sitting home watching football because "The man" wont let him play and their isn't crap he can do about it isn't cause for him to "reflect"?

14??? Where'd all this generosity come from? How about 12 or 10? My 14 year old hasn't acted this dumb since she was 6. Point is, HE can get away with it; she can NOT.

Here's TO, IMHO: "Yeah, I can see why they don't like me saying Donovan ran out of gas in the Super Bowl, but he did, damnit. I was ready. I came back hard to play to win. Donovan playing bad hurts me. I want to WIN and if I gotta call somebody out, well, isn't it worth it? Isn't it the only way?"

Also, TO may not be correct to say the team is better off with Favre but he IS correct to say that Donovan is NOT playing as good as he can or should. In TO's mind, you call the man out. You say you are doing you're job as a super star. You say otehr super stars should do their job to.

TO calls teamates and coaches out. He does it in an immature, un-preffesional, selfish fashion.

And the Eagles KNEW that.