Pete said:
Shiat Larry, if you love the guy that much hook the brotha up with a job, he is needing one.
Certainly you as an employer agree that once someone in your employ pizzes you off bad enough it is YOUR perrogative to send them on their way. Plain and simple, he wore out his welcome.
...for the love of...
Look. If I am making the personel decisions BEFORE TO came on board, I say: 'NO WAY. I seriously disaprove of how you conduct yourself and your behavior has been too consistent and too prolonged to even consider that, somehow, you are going to change for the better. I do not believe that what you bring to the table is worth the rest of what you bring to the table in terms of how we run our team."
If I am in charge and either made the decision to bring him on or just got the job and TO was here when I arrived, I go with on field performance. You make changes at the end of the season.
In the mean time, the Eagles brass has lost any credibility as far as claiming TO doesn't fit how you run your team, especially in this age of free agency.
They have also lost any chance at being able to say "We knew TO brought baggage and we judged that his play made the deal worth it."
They are a better team with him on the field. They should STILL be professional enough to deal with him off of it. "Yes, yes. That's just TO. Ha ha. That's our guy! He like us, just wants to win. Donovan won't take offense because we all KNEW that TO's desire to win doesn't always come out so pretty."
To quote a stolen line; there's no point defusing a bomb after it's gone off.
Now, they simply look like they have poor judgment and are reinforcing that view by thus sudden need to let everyone know that TO is not expendable. If you need to tell people who the boss is, at this point, are you, truly, the boss?
PLAY HIM, idiots. Play him hard.